Clydesdale Locality
Public Partnership Forum
Minutes of Meeting
Held in the Bridge, Lanark
On Tuesday 24th June 2008
1. Present / Margo Carmichael / Public Health PractitionerRobert Wilson / Friends of Lady Home
Bob Hook / CUIN
Mary Rae / CHIPS
Peter King / Service Development Manger
Kathleen Hogg / Community Representative
Linda Craig / SLCN
Millie Sommerville / Coalburn Community Council
G. Ventura / SHC Lanarkshire
Julie Tosh / SHC Dumfries & Galloway
Michelle Morrison / PAMIS
L. Brown / South Lanarkshire Council
Alan Henderson / HAVOC
Apologies / Ed Archer / RSVP Scotland
Nan Frame / Healthy Valleys
Anne Lindsay / Biggar Community Council
2. Welcome and apologies / The Chair introduced a new member – Millie Sommerville representing Coalburn Community Council, Julie Tosh representing Dumfries and Galloway Scottish Health Council, Michelle Morrison representing PAMIS was welcomed back to the forum.
3. Guest Speaker / Linda Brown – South Lanarkshire Carers Service.
An electronic copy of the presentation was requested. Linda informed the meeting about a number of future developments that included a young carers fund day and a national forum for young carers. The Chair asked about the possibility for a representative from the young carers forum attending CLPPF or new issues from their forum could be presented to the locality PPF.
4. Previous Minutes / The concise minute of key points and actions was agreed. A glossary of terms and abbreviations was recommended. Pages 1-3 were agreed as accurate, proposed by RW and seconded by BH.
5. Minutes Arising / Mixed Wards – PK suggested this should be taken to SLPPF. Roy Watts – Planning Manager is in the best position to respond. IM will take this to the SLPPF meeting on 15th July 2008 and request it is pursued further.
Better Care For Cancer event was described by the Chair as being a positive experience for most of those in attendance. The professionals presented their experience and gave it from their own perspective.
New Horizons – the Communications Group and additional PPF members met on 9th June and after a full discussion; the consensus was recorded. This response was circulated to the group before being delivered to Kate Bell timeously.
Cleanliness – BH will attend another inspection in Stonehouse on 4th July 2008.
6. Finance / Some members are seeking greater clarification about the future support offered to CLPPF. IM and AL had a meeting with Marilyn Aitken to clarify what additional supports other than the £14,584 budget could be offered. There will be continued support from LK, MC and PK without charge. It was also agreed that the CLPPF should advertise for a minute taker for possibly 5-6 hours per week.
Monthly finance statements will be made available to the Chair and Vice Chair. After discussion with , a number of lines of expenditure were identified:
1. Communication Support For Individual Members £ 840 Code 1899
(maximum of 7 members)
2. Minute Taker
3. Travel Expenses Code 3801
4. Marketing and Advertising £5,000 Code 4301
5. Equipment Code 3401
6. Training
7. Conference/Events Code 4049
It was stated that there should be a mapping exercise of events across the calendar year. It was undecided if this should be the remit of the Communications Group or the wider group.
7. Reports / · 8th May Disability Awareness Forum Ravenstruther Hall. This event was described as having “limited” success due to problems with advertising, transport, venue and the weather. The positive outcomes were the networking, health screening and alternative therapies. Lessons learned – are we aiming for numbers or are we targeting rural Clydesdale? The rationale for events should be clear.
· SLPPF – the minute should be distributed to localities.
· Meetings and Facilitation Skills Training – 16th May 2008 was attended by Chairs, Vice Chairs and PHPs from each locality in the South CHP. The event was funded by CLPPF those individuals that attended have recommended that it is rolled out to other members of locality PPFs. An evaluation report will be provided by the facilitators.
· Linda Craig reported the success of the South Lanarkshire Carer’s Network Roadshow in East Kilbride on June 10th 2008. The awareness of the event was improved by the distribution of 5,000 leaflets (3,000 in the shopping centre the previous week), use of “What’s On” on Radio Clyde and the local papers. There were 838 enquiries made on or after the event, 114 referrals made and others were signposted to services or given practical solutions.
· Locality Planning Partnership Health Improvement Group: this group was established to map existing health improvement activity against the Joint Health Improvement Plan and other priorities, identify gaps in existing work and make recommendations for system wide health improvement activity. The enormity of the task was quickly recognised and so it was agreed to focus on two themes which were physical activity and nutrition.
· NHS Lanarkshire patient Focus Public Involvement (PFPI) event in conjunction with the Scottish health Council took place on June 19th 2008. The purpose of this was to identify how the locality PPFs could be developed further and to identify the priorities for the next five year plan. BH and LC stated that the workshops were disappointing as they were rushed and took place in one large room which was very noisy.
AOCB / AL will attend the next Locality Clinical Forum on the 2nd of July.
RW met with the surveyors as part of the accreditation process for Lady Home
AH has been invited to sit on Dr.Keith’s group which is looking into the service user’s concerns about Wishaw General and the location of Mental Health Services in Lanarkshire. AH has registered his concerns with Tom Bryce and Karen Gillan.
LC informed the group that the Carer Co-ordinators have now completed their induction and are taking referrals.
Wishaw – Elizabeth McDonald
Hairmyres – Elaine Harrow
Monklands – Lesley Callan.
Date and Time of Next Meeting / Tuesday 9th September @ 1.30 pm in The Bridge, Lanark