Application Instructions for Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Career Preparation

Non-UMKC Graduate Student

(Instructions for current students / graduates from other institutions who reside in states where UMKC is authorized to deliver online education to their residents, or alumni from UMKC graduate degree programs)

Application materials must be received by July 31, 2017 for consideration for the Fall 2017 Cohort.

This Certificate complements the discipline knowledge of doctoral and graduate programs by: (1) focusing on strategies for successful teaching, including incorporating technology into the college classroom, and (2) familiarizing students with the demands of college teaching and the nature of the academic environment in a variety of institutions of higher education. Courses that satisfy program requirements are taken for graduate credit; upon completion, the certificate is officially noted on the student’s UMKC transcript.

Minimum eligibility requirements:

·  All applicants must submit a Letter of Recommendation from their primary graduate advisor or their supervisory committee chairperson.

·  Applicants must have a Faculty Mentor who is willing to allow the PFF candidate to observe during teaching, willing to allow the PFF candidate to conduct an interview related to faculty roles and responsibilities, and willing to observe the PFF candidate during classroom instruction in order to share specific feedback related to teaching performance.

Curriculum requirements:

The Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Career Preparation requires a minimum of 12 credit hours, including 9 hours of required core courses and 3 credit hours of a discipline-specific teaching practicum course. The six required one-credit hour Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Seminar courses are taught in five consecutive terms beginning in each Fall semester. All required core courses are taught completely on-line, with on-campus monthly PFF Seminar sessions that can be attended face-to-face or via distance education technology.

Application instructions for graduate student applicants who are not currently enrolled at UMKC:

·  Access the UMKC Web Application from the UMKC Office of Admissions website. Select “Graduate and Professional” and “Apply to the School of Graduate Studies”. Select the “Online” Application. Create a “new application.” From the drop-down menu of graduate programs, select “College Tch & Career Prep – CT” graduate certificate program. Submit your online application for admission, and send your Official Transcripts to the UMKC Office of Admissions as instructed.

·  Complete the Application Form (see page 2) with the signature of the Faculty member who is willing to serve as your Faculty Mentor during the program. Request a Letter of Recommendation from your primary graduate advisor or supervisory committee chairperson that supports your qualifications for this program. Send the completed Application Form and Letter of Recommendation to the UMKC School of Graduate Studies, Attention: Dr. Candace Schlein, School of Graduate Studies, 300F Administrative Center, 5115 Oak Street, Kansas City, MO 64112. Application materials can also be sent via email to with “PFF Application” entered in the subject line.

·  Direct questions to Dr. Candace Schlein at or 816-235-5754.

Application Form

Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Career Preparation (Preparing Future Faculty)

Non-Current UMKC Graduate Student

(Application for current students / graduates from other institutions who reside in states where UMKC is authorized to deliver online education to their residents, or alumni from UMKC graduate degree programs)

Student Name: Student Number:

Email address: Telephone Number:

UMKC Degree Program/enrollment status: ☐Master’s ☐Ed. Specialist ☐Doctoral

Name of Degree Program: ______

Student’s signature ______Date signed:______

UMKC Faculty Mentor – I have discussed the Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Career Preparation requirements with this applicant and reviewed the applicant’s academic credentials and agree to serve as the applicant’s Faculty Mentor throughout the certificate program.

I understand that some of the activities in which the Faculty Mentor will engage include:

·  Allow the candidate to observe me while engaged in teaching a class session

·  Allow the candidate to interview me related to my teaching process and faculty responsibilities, and

·  Observe the candidate at least once during the candidate’s classroom instruction in order to share specific feedback related to teaching performance.

Printed name of Faculty Mentor:______

Institution: ______Job Title: ______

Email Address: ______Phone: ______

Signature:______Date signed: ______

·  Applicants must submit this form to the School of Graduate Studies, Attention: Dr. Candace Schlein, School of Graduate Studies, 300F Administrative Center, 5115 Oak Street, Kansas City, MO 64112. Application materials can also be sent via email to with “PFF Application” entered in the subject line.

To begin the PFF Seminar course sequence in Fall 2017, this application must be received by July 31, 2017.