Review Lifespan Development
Examination I
Carolyn R. Fallahi, Ph. D.
1) Research Methods
Be able to do the problems that you had for homework, e.g. Ho and Ha, Independent and dependent variables, control variables, correlation,
Probability statistics, etc.
Ethics in research, esp remember Zimbardo’s famous prison study &
Milgram’s obedience studies. How do you handle deception? What must researchers do to ensure that the research is ethical?
Know the different types of research designs.
2) Prenatal diagnostic tests & Prenatal development (book readings)
Make sure that you review these parts of the chapter thoroughly.
3) Teratogens
Review all of the substances that a mom could be exposed to & the possible effects on her baby.
4) The birth stages (book readings)
5) What factors have been found to be the best predictors of longevity and good health?
6) The nature-nurture controversy
Know the diathesis stress model and the liability threshold model for the development of a psychiatric disorder.
Understand the techniques used for determining the effects of nature and nurture, e.g. family studies.
7) Brain Plasticity
Understand the basic principles of brain plasticity.
Know the Brandi Binder story.
What are the principles of growth in the human body, e.g. cephalocaudal
Principle, proximodistal principle, etc (in the Brain powerppt)..
Understand critical or sensitive periods for the eye, hearing, and language. Know the Genie story as an example.
Know Hemispheric specialization, e.g. right versus left hemisphere.
8) Why do we age?
Know the theories of aging.
Understand the research on Centenarians.
Review all of the studies showing the predictors of psychological longevity.
9) Review the BBC movie, The Ghost in our Genes. There will be several questions on the exam from that movie presentation.
10) Cognitive Development
Piaget’s theories
Know all of the vocabulary and the stages of cognitive development