Morning everyone,
Thank you to those of you who were able to attend the parent meeting on Saturday.
This week practice is until 5:30 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday; 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday. Cast and crew members must be at school by 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and Noon on Sunday.
We covered the following topics.
2 Dinners for Cast and Crew – A reminder that anyone who offered to donate food items for either dinner should drop it off at the school office or at the school cafeteria by 4:15 p.m. Dinners plan to be served by 4:45 p.m. so that the cast and crew have time to eat and be prepared for dress rehearsal. The Drama Club will provide chicken nuggets (Wednesday evening) and pizza (Thursday evening). Kim Hissick is coordinating the collection of donations for perishable items and nonperishable items for the dinners for these two evenings. A $5 donation was asked from each cast and crew member. Any questions, please contact Kim directly @ .
Raffle Baskets – A reminder that anyone who offered to donate an item for the raffle baskets, please turn them into the school office by tomorrow. The alternative is to hand anything to me (Maria Archer) on Tuesday at pick up. I will be standing in front of the school from 5-5:30 p.m. If either of these options do not work, please contact Sherri Berhe directly @ . We do really well with the raffled if they are well stocked. Raffle ticket prices for the Audrey (female) basket and the Seymore (male) basket will be $1 a raffle ticket or 6 tickets for $5. The year membership to Central Penn Fitness raffle will be $5 a raffle ticket. All proceeds from these baskets will benefit the drama club.
Concession Stand – A reminder that anyone who offered to donate items for the concession stand should have the item at the school an hour before performance time. All baked goods or “salty snack” will be sold for 50 cents so please pre-pack items accordingly.
Ticket Sales – Tickets are now available for purchase at lunch time at school this week. The cost is $7-adults and $5-students. Let your friends and family know the dates today and get their tickets early! Please contact Mrs. Brooker .
Make up and Hair – Any one interested in helping with hair and make up for the show should contact Mrs. Schofield @
Sunday - Following Sunday’s performance, we will have cake and light refreshments to celebrate a job well done! All cast, crew and family are invited to attend.
Please consider supporting the musical in as many of these opportunities as you are able. This production is totally funded by local businesses through their paid advertisements in our program, your friends and family that come see the show and YOU the parent of each of these talented young individuals. They are doing something they love and we want to continue that tradition here at Swatara Middle with your support!!
Any questions, please feel free to e-mail me or call me @717-579-1211
Thanks everyone!
Maria Archer