Toronto 2012 mini Karmiel Dance Festival Competition -Agreement and Regulation Formcontinued

Toronto Is Real Dance Festival 2012

Mini Karmiel Dance Festival Competition

Agreement and Regulation Form

  1. Regulations For ParticipatingChoreographers
  1. Each Choreographer will present one dance only.
  1. Each Choreographer will present an originalwork that has not been publically introduced or performed, in any manner, except within the limited group of dancers

who will be performing in the competition.

  1. The dancestyles include: circle; couples; line; and block (gush).
  1. Follow the steps below to complete your registration: your desired song or music piece which, to your knowledge, has never been choreographed before;

note: successfully registering your selected piece will validateyour selection confirming that it is not linked to any existing dance in the dance registry database of the Association of Folk Dance Instructors and Choreographers inIsrael and Abroad; register, open your internet browser and connect to the following URL link:

note: your confirmed registration for this competition is free. All but first place winner can re register their dance after the end of the competition at the set fee.

c. a log-on window will appear toenter the following:


password: 1234

select enter

d.when logged on an information window will appear and you will be required to fill it out. You should research your piece prior to filling this section out. Obtain the following details:

  1. name of song or piece
  2. performer
  3. composer
  4. lyrics by (if applicable)

note: see appendix for a detailed illustration of this web page section.

select search;

e.if your registration has been rejected select a new piece and repeat the above steps. Continue to select new pieces until you receive registration confirmation of

a valid piece.

f.once confirmation has been validated by the system, email your selection to Victor Gabbay, database coordinator, at ;

g. If you're having problems registering your song, email Victor Gabbay with all your song details and he will register it for you

Victor will be compiling a confidential list of the Choreographers’ names for the competition.


  1. Registration is limited to one song or musical piece only. Choreographers’ who register more than one selection will be automatically disqualified from the competition.
  2. The top three place dances will remain permanently in the dance registry database of the “Association of Folk Dance Instructors and Choreographers inIsrael and Abroad”.
  1. The dance registry is the sole official registry that is used by all Choreographers in Israel and abroad. The dance registry prevents duplication of choreography to the same song or piece of music.
  1. The dance that wins first place in the competition will be taught at the Toronto Is Real Dance Festival 2012.
  2. A distinct registry account will be openedexclusively for the Toronto Is Real Dance Festival 2012– mini Karmiel Dance Festival Competition.
  1. At the close of the 2012 Festival, the winning dance will become an integral part of the Toronto Is Real Dance Festival repertoire and the top 3 winning Choreographerswill receive prizes. All remaining dances will be erased from the roster at the end of the 2012 festival.


  1. Videos and musical recordings must be sent to Victor Gabbay via email @ .
  1. The dance must be forwarded as anMPEG4 or AVI (compatible with windows media player) video file.
  1. The music for the dance should be recorded in a format compatible withWindows XP or Windows 7 such as MP3 or WAV files.

4.All video materials, along with this signed agreement form, must be received by Victor Gabbayas early as possible and not later than April 30th, 2012.



  1. The 1st group of judges – none of whom will judge in the 2ndphase – will comprise of at least 3 judges from the world of professional dance and/or music industry.
  1. 10 best finalists (dances)from all submissions will be selected to enter the final phase of the competition.


  1. No less than five judges will be assigned to the panel. These judges will comprise

of business professionals from diverse disciplines.

  1. Prior to the start of the competition, a lottery will be held to determine the order
    in which the dance performances will be presented.
  1. The Choreographer will not participate in the performance, nor wear clothing or use any signs or inconspicuous marks that might indicate any association with the dance, nor sit with or near the performing group assigned to his/her work, untilafter the competition, performances and voting.
  1. The 5-judge panel votes will count for 50% of the total vote and the remaining 50% will bevoted by the audience attending the Toronto Is Real Dance Festival 2012.
  2. All participants will be presented with a participation certificate and gift. The top

3 place winners will receive special prizes.

  1. In the event of any conflictsbetween any parties, it will be settled and decided upon immediately, verbally, without any obligation to justify and withoutthe
    possibility of appeal, by the Toronto Is Real Dance Festival committee.
  1. The choreography submitted by the Choreographer shall be the joint property of theChoreographer and the Toronto Is Real Dance Festival. Toronto Is Real Dance Festival shall have and enjoy all rights, title and interest thereto as joint owner to use, copy, advertise and sell the choreography.
  1. The Toronto Is Real Dance Festival committee shall have the right to make changes to any article or section herein at any time, without prior notice to any party and without the agreement of the participants, with the sole provision that these changes are made prior to commencement of the competition.

Choreographerhereby states that Choreographer has read the regulations and agrees to all the terms stipulated herein for participation in the Toronto Is Real Dance Festival’s mini Karmiel Dance Festival Competition and by signing below hereby causes the execution of this agreement.





