DATE: December 1, 2008 Mary Grace Bright, Chair Mary Grace Bright

Jill Camnitz

Michael Dixon

Benjie Forrest

Jennifer Little

Ralph Love, Sr.

Barbara Owens

Billy Peaden

TIME:7:30 P.M.Roy Peaden Marcy Romary

Dick Tolmie Mary Williams

PLACE:Pitt County Office Building

Chair Barbara Owens called the Board of Education to order in Regular Session at

7:30 P.M.

Chair Owens called Judge Gwyn Hilburn forward who issued the Oath of Office to the three new Board members – Ms. Jennifer Little, Ms. Mary Williams, and Mr. Benjie Forrest, after which they took their seats at the Board table. Each introduced family members and friends who were present for the Swearing-In Ceremony.

Mr. Dick Tolmie led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

In-House Counsel Rob Sonnenberg opened the floor for nominations of the Chairperson. Ms. Jill Camnitz nominated Ms. Mary Grace Bright. The motion received a second from Ms. Marcy Romary. Mr. Michael Dixon made a motion to close the nominations and accept Ms. Bright by acclamation. The Board unanimously approved the motion.

Chair Mary Grace Bright opened the floor for nominations for Vice-Chair. Mr. Billy Peaden nominated Mr. Dick Tolmie and Dr. Ralph Love made a motion to close the nominations and accept Mr. Dick Tolmie as Vice-Chair by acclamation. Motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Mary Grace Bright stated her appreciation to the Board members for their faith in her and said it would be a pleasure to serve as Chair. She then recognized the outgoing Chair, Ms. Barbara Owens, by presenting her with a gavel mounted on a recognition plaque. Ms. Bright stated that Ms. Owens had taken her role as Chair very seriously and thanked her for her tremendous leadership. She also thanked her for her friendship as a fellow Board member.

Chair Mary Grace Bright offered the Agenda for consideration. Superintendent Reep asked to

add to the Agenda under Old Business item C – Budget Update. Mr. Michael Dixon, second

by Mr. Dick Tolmie, made motion for approval. Motion carried unanimously.

The Spotlight on Teaching and Learning featured Survival Math by Ms. Heather House, an

Algebra Teacher at C. M. Eppes Middle School. Principal Charlie Langley introduced Ms.

House and commented on her outstanding success in getting her students to achieve to

their full potential. Ms. House wrote a book, Outthink, Outsmart, Outlearn, of which she

implements its principals in her classroom. She uses cooperative learning, hands-on

projections, and includes a point system by which students can gain or lose points in carrying

out daily tasks. Ms. Lauren Bowers, teacher of lower level learners, also uses this system and

her students are also advancing in their math abilities. Board Member Marcy Romary stated

her daughter has Ms. House as a teacher and thanked her for the successful practices of

teaching she uses and actually made the class fun as the students learned.

Under Consent Items, Dr. Ralph Love motioned, second by Mr. Billy Peaden,

that the November 17, 2008 minutes and December Personnel Report be approved.

Motion carried unanimously.

Under Old Business, Associate Superintendent of Operations Aaron Beaulieu brought to

the Board’s attention information relative to the square footage of all Pitt County Schools

and the year of original construction and additions. He also shared the schools’ sewer

disposal provider or on site systems and year accessed. Mr. Beaulieu stated these were

foundation steps for long-range planning and then introduced Mr. Jack Deese, of J. D. A.

Engineers, and Mr. Jimmy Hite, of Hite Associates, to present a Performing Structural

Evaluation and Report on Third Street School and Chicod K-8 School. Mr. Hite presented to

the Board floor plan layouts of both schools and the years of construction for the original site

and each addition. He stated Third Street School was used to house 125 Pre-K students and

office space for the Federal Programs Personnel. Mr. Hite commented that Third Street

School, originally built in 1929, is considered a Local Landmark for Pitt County, and the City

of Greenville had strict ordinances which had to be followed in any renovation of this building.

He stated the structural components of the building were made of wood – structural walls,

structural roof and stair cases. The ceiling is covered with glazed terra cotta tile, and it would

be very expensive to reroof in keeping with the building’s original theme. Mr. Hite stated there

was deterioration in the walls and floor from water damage that had leaked through as well

as no insulation in the walls to prevent energy conservation. Mr. Hite stated once this building

was touched for renovation, all plumbing, electrical, fire, and accessibility codes would have

to be brought up to current standards. He stated walls would have to be moved and disability requirements would have to be met. Heating and air conditioning requirements with control

of humidity would be adapted. Fire walls and/or sprinkling systems would be installed.

Dr. Love asked regarding using a different type of material for a new roof. Mr. Hite stated

metal or shingles could be used at a much cheaper rate, but because of the building being

a Local Landmark, he doubted that the City of Greenville would approve using anything but

the terra cotta tiles to bring back the building’s original “look”.

Mr. Billy Peaden asked what would be the price to replace the building totally as discussed?

Mr. Hite responded that essentially there would be a shell left to work with and structurally

this would be changed as coding in classroom size was different now than when the building

was originally built. He stated about one-fourth of the building cost was in the structure with

the other three-fourths in plumbing, electrical needs, walls, floors, etc. He gave an estimate

of $100/square foot as a total cost - $75/square foot keeping the present structure in place.

Mr. Peaden asked about tearing the building down and selling the property. It was stated

that developers would place high value on this property as a Local Landmark.

Ms. Mary Williams asked could money be donated for renovation as this was a historical site,

but Mr. Hite did not know.

Ms. Jill Camnitz asked would a developer have to meet the same standards in construction

as a school, and Mr. Hite said yes.

Mr. Dick Tolmie stated that a developer might use the space as already structured and not

have to move walls to meet current codes as would have to be done for meeting current

classroom size. He also brought up the question of building a 300-student size school.

Mr. Roy Peaden stated this issue needed to be deferred to the Facilities Committee for

discussion with follow-up to be presented to the Board.

There is approximately fifteen acres of land at the Third Street School site which also

houses a storage warehouse of books, old records, nutrition supplies, etc.

Mr. Beaulieu explained to the Board members that this information was given as a

background in evaluating and moving toward long-range planning. The Growth

Management Committee will also discuss the information included as they propose

long-range details.

Mr. Beaulieu raised the question of cost of renovation outweighing the value of the project.

He hopes recommendations will be made in early 2009 regarding utility cost, custodial cost,

etc. for these schools in evaluation of what direction to take in making the long-range plans.

Mr. Hite then discussed with the Board similar finds at Chicod K-8 School. He stated there

is significant deterioration of the exterior walls at Chicod as it has a flat roof in the original

building, built in 1929, with no overhang to serve as protection from rain and leakage into

the walls of the building. With Chicod having wood interior structural walls and floors

touching the exposed exterior walls, water damage and humidity build up have caused mold

and mildew to form on walls, ceilings, etc. Mr. Hite also stated that the construction in the

basement boiler room using steel re-enforcement had swelled from the humidity and popped

off the concrete covering it. Again, the electrical, fire, plumbing, accessibility, insulation, and

heating and air conditioning codes would have to be brought up to current requirements

which would be major costs in renovating the school.

Mr. Billy Peaden stated inspections of the schools are done regularly and meet codes as

stated by the City of Greenville and Pitt County. Mr. Terry Smith of Facility Services explained

that the codes for inspections were legal and in place when the buildings were built, but if

renovations or changes are made to the buildings, the codes would have to be brought up to

current specifications which have changed greatly since the original buildings and additions

were built.

Ms. Jennifer Little asked approximately how long a time period would these renovations take,

and what would happen to the students during the process? Decisions would be made

regarding details such as this when the long-range plans are presented.

Ms. Mary Grace Bright asked were there still students using the second floor of the building,

and Mr. Beaulieu stated yes.

Ms. Jill Camnitz asked wasn’t Chicod discussed in the earlier long-range planning done

several years ago? Mr. Beaulieu stated yes, and the first phase was completed in 2004 adding

needed classrooms. He stated the old structures have issues, which have to be addressed

across the district, and would be included in Phase 2 for Chicod of the long-range plans.

Again, Mr. Hite brought up the fact that the cost of renovation may be more than the building

would be worth which needed to be discussed by the Board.

Chair Bright discussed with the Board the Second Reading of Policy 5.403 Pitt County

Schools AED Policy. There being no further discussion, Chair Bright moved, second by Mr.

Dick Tolmie, that the Board approve the Second Reading of Policy 5.403 Pitt County

Schools AED Policy. The motion carried unanimously.

Assistant Superintendent of Finance Michael Cowin gave the Board an update on the budget

shortfall and information received from the Department of Public Instruction. Mr. Cowin

stated there would be a total reduction in school allotments of $382,371 and a total

reduction in non-school allotments of $529,664. There will be swapping of State and Local

Salary funding to make up part of the reductions; reductions in facility services, transpor-

tion and technology funding; and director budget cuts which will make up the $912,035

total reduction Pitt County Schools has to submit to DPI detailing the allotment

categories from which the reversion is to be taken. Attached is a breakdown of the State

Budget Reversion Overview.

Mr. Benjie Forrest questioned swapping positions and time lapses when there was not a

teacher in place, i.e. some one relocated and it was a couple of months before a replace-

ment was found. Mr. Cowin stated there was still a substitute who had to be paid, and he

had diligently squeezed budgets so there would be no impact on instructional and non-

instructional positions for the remainder of this fiscal year, the Exceptional Children’s

Program, or “special” State allotment categories such as remediation, LEP and AG.

Ms. Jill Camnitz questioned the central office director cut? Mr. Cowin explained that

the different program directors and each school principal had been asked to search for ways

to have a 20% reduction in funding of their choice without cutting positions from their

schools. He also stated the copier allotment had remained at 100% as worksheets and

other copies were vital to each school in our system.

Ms. Jennifer Little asked that the public be made aware of the approximately $39/student

cost for a child to attend public schools.

Superintendent Reep welcomed the new Board members and congratulated the new

Officers. She gave special thanks to Ms. Barbara Owens, past Chair, and all the time

she had given to the students and staff of Pitt County on behalf of the Board as Chair.

Dr. Reep also thanked Arts Director Jane Austen Behan and Education Foundation

Director Frances Young for their hard work and time evidenced in the planning and set up

of the Margaret L. Blount Memorial Art Competition/Reception held earlier this evening.

After listening to several of the students’ comments regarding their work of art, Dr. Reep

stated they were gifted students and their motivation was witnessed by all who listened to

them speak or saw their art pieces. Dr. Reep also remembered the family of an eighth grade

Pactolus student, Francisco Santiago, who was involved in a fatal accident. He has two

brothers in Pitt County Schools

Many Board members welcomed the three new Board members and stated they looked

forward to working together to help the students of Pitt County.

Each of the three new Board members stated they looked forward to getting to know each

other better and working together as a Board for the students of Pitt County.

Chair Bright thanked each Board member for their support in naming her Chair of the Board

and stated she looked forward to serving the Board and working together to accomplish what

needed to be done for the children of Pitt County. She also recognized County Commissioners

Tom Johnson, Sr. and Ephraigm Smith.

Mr. Dick Tolmie commented on Ms. Behan’s good work with the Arts Program, and also

mentioned the value of the Boys and Girls Club and other after school programs for many

youth of Pitt County. He stated the importance to public education from the support of the

Eddie and Allison Smith Foundation and others in Pitt County who helped reduce

education gaps and improved the performance in measurements for students of Pitt County.

Mr. Roy Peaden also mentioned remembering the family and co-workers of Mr. Joe Braxton,

who had been an employee of Falkland Elementary School. He also discussed the travel

time for athletics and taking students away from instructional time. Dr. Reep mentioned

the meeting in Chapel Hill tomorrow with the NC Athletic Association to appeal the change

of conference.

Dr. Ralph Love thanked all involved with the Facilities Report, and reminded the County

Commissioners of the money needed to complete these projects. He asked for coaching

positions to be publicized and again asked for enforcement of the uniform policy in all schools.

Chair Bright stated Ayden-Grifton High School was going to the Final Four for the State

Championship in Raleigh.

Ms. Barbara Owens motioned, second by Mr. Dick Tolmie, that the Board adjourn the meeting.

Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,


Ms. Mary Grace Bright, Chair


Dr. Beverly B. Reep, Superintendent