River Civilizations Board Game:
Project Description
You will be working within a group of two to three to create an original board game. It should reflect the most important things we learned about the four major river civilizations we studied this year: Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China. The game should be designed for two to four players.
Project Requirements
- One poster-board sized game board—must be neat, colorful, and creative, and incorporate details from each of the river civilizations
- Creative name for board game
- Question cards
- Write a minimum of 40 question cards, 10 relating to each civilization.
- Questions should reflect a variety of topics (think GRAPES—Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economics, Social Structure).
- To exceed the standard, questions should include at least 3 per civilization that reflect additional research about something we didn’t learn in class. Your game will teach something new! (These should probably be written as multiple-choice questions.)
- Make sure to include the correct answer somewhere on each card.
- A good question should have only ONE specific answer.
- Directions—Must be neatly written or typed, and taped or glued to the front of the game board
- Dice, game pieces, spinners etc. should be provided if needed
- Daily reflections on your personal contributions to group effort
- Evaluations of yourself and other group members
Self- and Group Evaluation: On the last day of the project, rate yourself and each group member on the criteria below. Use a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = lowest, 5 = highest) and explain your reasons for each rating.
Criteria / SelfRespect—Treated other group members and their property with kindness and respect (words and actions)
Teamwork—Completed a fair share of the group’s work on the project
Focus—Stayed on task each workday
Daily Reflections: Reflect on how YOU, personally, contributed to your group’s progress today. Be specific. What did YOU accomplish today? What are your goals for tomorrow?
Day 1: ______
Day 2: ______
Day 3:______
Grading Rubric
Criteria / Exceeds Standard / Meets Standard / Below Standard / Points Possible/ EarnedGame Board / Game board is neat, colorful, and very creatively incorporates details from all four of the river civilizations in its design / Game board is neat, colorful, and incorporates details from at least three of the river civilizations / Game board is lacking neatness, use of color, and/or details from the river civilizations / _____ / 10
Question Cards / 40 questions are accurate, reflect all of the GRAPES topics, and include at least 3 questions per civilization that show additional research; correct answers are included / 40 questions are accurate and reflect all of the GRAPES topics; correct answers are included / Game includes less than required 40 questions, OR questions are written in a confusing way, OR answers are not included / _____ / 20
Directions / Directions explain the rules of the game clearly, and do not include any “glitches” (they have been tested) / Directions explain the rules of the game clearly / Directions are missing or are confusing for those playing your game / _____ / 5
Evaluations and Daily Reflections / Evaluations show strong evidence of respect, teamwork, focus throughout the project; daily reflections are thoughtful and specific / Evaluations show sufficient evidence of respect, teamwork, focus throughout the project; daily reflections give specific examples / Evaluations show that respect, teamwork, focus were missing throughout the project; daily reflections are lacking specific examples / _____ / 5
TOTAL _____ / 40