Chairman Warren Stolp called the regular meeting of the Town of Nashwauk to order on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 7 PM in the Cloverdale Hall. Members present: Warren Stolp, Jeffrey Ekholm, Robert Coughlin, Amber Goss and Karine Woodman. Members absent: none.
A motion was made by Ekholm and seconded by Stolp to approve the treasurer’s report as read. Total receipts: $26,115.61. Total disbursements: $38,794.52. Total ending balance for the month: $835,731.42 Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Stolp and seconded by Ekholm to approve the clerk’s minutes of the last regular meeting, road meeting, the Board of Appeals and Equalization meeting and the 4-22-15 special meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Stolp and seconded by Coughlin to approve and pay all claims presented to the board for payment. Motion carried unanimously.
- Carissa McIlwain was absent therefore no update was givenon the Greenway Recreation Board.
- Brian Ekholm gave an update on the Town Hall Committee. Township will not be able to take out a loan for 20 years, the max is 10 years. Fryberger and the bank suggested 2 payments per year with a interest rate of 2.74%.
A discussion was held regarding services for hire from Fryberger. Mia Thibodeau sent an email with service fee of $3,000.00 to produce a certificate of indebtedness. The bank still needs plans to proceeed. Brian also discussed the updates on the plans and his discussion with Saccoman.
*Motion by Coughlin, seconded by Ekholm to hire Fryberger for $3,000.00. Motion carried unanimously.
- A discussion was held regarding the propane prices. Rick got prices from Edwards Oil. There is no fee for changing tanks. Still need to find out about pricing if the new town hall is built. Tabled until next meeting.
- No other old business was brought forward for discussion.
- A discussion was held regarding the second invoice from CRD, LLC. The second part was to be reimbursed by a IRRRB program but that program is no longer active.
*Motion by Ekholm, seconded by Stolp to approve the second invoice, which includes mileage from Community Resource Development, LLC. Motion carried unanimously.
- A discussion was held regarding an invoice from Iron Range Tire. The invoice was more thant he original approved amount due to tubes being added to work. In the future, proposals will be required from Iron Range Tire.
*Motion by Stolp, seconded by Coughlin to pay the Iron Range outstanding invoice for $1,795.00. Motion carried unanimously.
- A discussion was held regarding Rick Hipsag’s wage increase. His anniversary date is May 7th.
*Motion by Stolp, seconded by Ekholm to increase Rick Hipsag’s wage by $1.00 per hour. Motion carried unanimously.
- A discussion was held regarding the purchase of a brush saw. Hipsag got a quote from Omars for $356.95.
*Motion by Ekholm, seconded by Stolp to approve the purchase of a brush saw from Omars for $356.95. Motion carried unanimously.
- A discussion was held regarding the purchase of culverts. Some culverts need to be changed out. Little Sweden culvert was tabled until the next meeting.
*Motion by Ekholm, seconded by Coughlin to purchase culverts up to $3,000.00 from L&L Rental. Motion carried unanimously.
- A discussion was held regarding the hiring of summer workers. Reviewed application. Stolp sustained. They would work 4 days a week.
*Motion by Ekholm, seconded by Coughlin to hire Sarah Stolp, Damon Meza, Aaron Carroll and Meg Justison. Motion carried unanimously.
- A discussion was held regarding the pay for the summer workers. Stolp sustained.
*Motion by Coughlin, seconded by Ekholm to pay $9.50 per hour for all summer workers. Motion carried unanimously.
- A discussion was held regarding the purchase of gravel from Schwartz at $11.85/yard.
*Motion by Ekholm, seconded by Stolp to approve the purchase of 2000 yards at $11.85/yd from Schwartz. Motion carried unanimously.
- Correspondence
- RAMS meeting minutes & April newsletter
- ICTA meeting minutes
- Greenway Joint Recreation Board meeting minutes
- MN Revenue Iron Ore Assessment meeting 5/21/15 in Eveleth at 10:00am
- Letter from Arnold Yuhala regarding comments from Board of Appeals meeting
- Thank yous:
- Home Visitor Program
- Itasca County Agricultural Association
- MN Power Great Northern Transmission Line update open house info
With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Stolp and seconded by Coughlin to adjourn at 7:50 PM. Motion carried unanimously.
The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, June9, 2015 at 7:00PM in the Cloverdale Hall.
Clerk Chairman