The Chrysalids
By John Wyndham
Chapter one—A Dream and the Definition (pages 5-14)
a.)germinate: to begin to develop
b.)dungarees: heavy cotton pants or overalls usually made of blue denim
c.)cleft: a fissure or crack
d.)precepts: orders or rules meant to guide one’s conduct
e.)rote: fixed routine; repetition of forms or phrases often without attention to meaning
f.)cold-poulticed: a poultice is usually a soft mixture made with herbs and organic material, usually heated, spread on a cloth and applied to a sore or an injury; here it is a cold mixture
- List the main characters introduced to the reader in the first chapter. Provide a brief description of each character.
- Why did Mary caution David not to tell his dream to anyone? (page 5)
- Briefly describe David’s Dream. How is it different from the narrator’s world? How does it help establish the setting of the book?
- Who was Sophie, and what was her secret?
- Why did Sophie’s mother try to keep this deformity a secret?
- What connection between education and experience does David make? Why does it upset him? Refer to pages 10-14.
- What special ability do we learn that David has, and what are the circumstances under which the reader learns this? Why does this fact allow David to especially appreciate his promise?
Chapter two—Watch Thou For the Mutant (pages 15-23)
a.)Nicholson’s Repentances: repentance means a turning from the evil life of disobedience to God to the path His will ordains; sorrow for one’s sins together with dedication of oneself to the abandonment of unworthy purposes and values. Here, it is a fictitious reference to some person who had written a book of repentances. The have become a source book of sin to warn the people of Labrador and guide their morality.
b.)mutant: an individual or animal in which there is a significant or basic physical alteration, hence a freak
c.)leeward: the side away from the wind; a sheltered place
d.)midden: a refuse heap
e.)wattle: framework of flexible twigs interlaced, used for roofs, walls and fences
f.)wraith: a ghost, spectre, apparition
g.)deviation: marked departure from accepted norms of behaviour or physical appearance
h.)meticulousness: excessive carefulness in small details
i.)gable-end: triangular part of the end of a building formed by the sides of the roof sloping from the ridge-pole down to the eaves
- What is the name of David’s community? Who built it? What position does his family hold because of this?
- Describe Elias Strorm.
- Describe the impressions you get of David’s father and the home life of David.
- What is the big sign that hangs facing the main door to David’s house? Explain why this is an example of foreshadowing.
- How was David’s father “a man of local consequence”? (page 17)
- What are the two books that are left to form the society? What kind of society have they created? How does the characterization of David’s grandfather demonstrate the author’s point about this kind of living?
- What is an offence?
- What is a blasphemy?
- What is a deviation?
- What was the procedure in the Waknuk district regarding ‘offences”?
- Explain why it is significant that the people’s fear in society comes more from Nicholson’s Repentances than from the Bible. Remember that Nicholson’s Repentances was written after the Old People disappeared.
- What are the differences between the livable areas, the Fringes, and the Badlands? Considering the effects of radiation, explain the existence of these three states.
- Who were the Fringe people? What problems did the Fringe people impose on the people of Waknuk?
- How were the children frightened into obedience?
- What evidence is there in Waknuk of an earlier civilization?
- Who were the Old People and what were they like? What can you extrapolate (guess) about what happened to the Old People, and how is this relevant to our society now?
Chapter Three—Purification—A Dream (pages 24-28)
a.)the norm: a standard; average; model
b.)implacable: cannot be pacified; relentless, merciless, grim
- What casual remark does David make in his home that alarms his family? What is their reaction, and why is it so extreme?
- What further impressions do we get of David’s father?
- Again, we are given a pointed reference to the Old People, and their way of life. What information are we given about the Old People?
- What is the terrible, but prophetic dream that David has the night after his remark? Explain the symbolism and meaning of the dream. Also, explain how this dream is foreboding (a warning in advance; usually of something evil.)
Chapter Four—The Group (Pages 29-41)
a.)rick: a large stack, as of hay, in the open air
b.)dissemble: to feign; pretend; disguise
c.)helve: handle of an axe, hatchet
d.)spinney: a small wood with undergrowth; thicket
e.)demise: discontinuance or cessation of activity or operation
f.)sub judice: still before the judge or court; not yet decided
g.)peroration: concluding part of a speech
h.)ethics: moral principles or practice; dealing with moral duty of man
i.)rectitude: uprightness; virtue, goodness, morality
j.)pedant: a person who makes a display of his learning
k.)attested pedigrees: certified documents signed by witnesses to show as genuine the ancestral line or lineage of a person
l.)trenchant: sharp, mentally alert, keen
- Describe Uncle Alex’s appearance and character.
- Who is Rosalind? What does Uncle Axel find out about David and Rosalind? What is his reaction?
- What did Uncle Axel make David promise?
- Why did Axel insist upon the promise and treat the situation so seriously?
- Why was David so shocked by the appearance of the captured Fringes leader?
- What was Mr. Strorm’s reaction to the Fringes leader?
- What can you speculate about the prisoner’s identity?
- What does the reader learn about the location of the story?
- Describe the situation with the Dakers’ cat.
- What was Angus Morton’s opinion of Joseph Strorm?
- What was Joseph’s opinion of Angus?
- What was the most recent cause of their antagonism towards each other?
- Why did Joseph disapprove of the horses?
- What action did he take to show his disapproval?
- What prevented him from doing more than talk?
- Outline David’s conception of the world as given in this chapter?
- What book had survived from the age of barbarism?
- What book had survived from the age preceding barbarism?
- What is “Tribulation”? What Christian story does it resemble?
- What connection is made between Tribulation and the climate of Labrador? What do you think had happened?
- What was the goal of the Waknuk people?
- Who was to decide the course towards that goal?
Chapter Five—Discovery Flight (pages 42-52)
a.)solonaceae: a type of family of plants
b.)abasement: the lowering in dignity or esteem; degrading of oneself or another
- What is the mark or measure of a good season among the Waknuk farmers?
- What satisfaction did Joseph Strorm find in the fact that Angus Morton’s field was condemned?
- What discovery was made by Alan Erwin? Explain what happened.
- How was the discovery to affect the Wenders?
- Why didn’t the Wenders have Sophie’s extra toe cut off when she was a baby?
- Why does Mrs. Wender refer to David’s father as, “That awful father!”? (page 47)
- What does the Wender family decide to do and why? What does David want to do?
- For what reason did Mr. And Mrs. Wender decline to take David with them?
- What does David do as his last act to help Sophie?
- Contrast the differences in which the inspector and David’s father react to David when he returns. What is their common goal?
- What is the penalty for not reporting a human deviation?
- “I couldn’t help it, Sophie. I couldn’t help it.” What do David’s words tell us?
Chapter Six—A Geography Lesson From Uncle Axel (Pages 53-65)
a.)“abetting a concealment”: here, encouraging one in the practice of hiding a deviation
b.)succulents: having fleshy and juicy tissues
c.)saprophytes: a plant living on dead or decaying organic matter
- What reaction did David get from Rosalind and the others when he explained his feeling s about Sophie’s deviation?
- Why did they find it difficult to accept his point of view?
- Describe the two dreams David has in this chapter.
- Why does he dream again of the “great city by the sea” after all these years?
- According to the inspector, why does the Devil send Deviations to us?
- How does the inspector relieve David’s guilty conscience? Is this consistent with the inspector’s position? Is it consistent with his character?
- Why does David ask Axel what the world outside was like?
- Why is Axel reluctant to talk about it?
- Why did Uncle Axel not want David to run away to the Fringes?
- Why, according to Uncle Axel, did Marther’s report of the lands to the south get Marther into trouble?
- What was the result of Marther’s report?
- According to Axel, what are some of the deviations that exist in the lands to the south?
- Axel denies the existence of any cities to the south because, “We’d have heard of it by this time if there were”. In what way is this answer contradictory?
- How many people were able to communicate with David the way he and Rosalind could?
- What major piece of advice does Uncle Axel give to David?
- In what way was Axel attempting to “educate” David?
Chapter Seven—A Baby and a “False Image” (Pages 66-74)
- Who is Petra?
- Why was Petra’s birth not announced immediately?
- What earlier incidents in the novel account for the inspector’s intentional delays in approving the child of Mrs. Strorm?
- What were the inspector’s intentional delays?
- What request did Harriet make of Mrs. Strorm (Emily) and what was Mrs. Strorm’s reaction?
- What did Aunt Harriet pray for?
- Examine Joseph Strorm’s “sermon”. (Pages 72-73) Look at all the negative words and expressions. To whom are these applied?
- Does Mrs. Strorm indicate that she might be capable of compassion?
- How many mutant babies has David’s mother actually had, detected and undetected? What is ironic about this?
- What happens to Aunt Harriet?
Chapter Eight—A Rusted Mirror—Axel Has Doubts (Pages75-82)
a.)poker-work texts: known as pyrography; the art or process of marking wood or leather with hot instruments; hence, here, the various moral sayings or texts that David has seen on the walls of his house. In Chapter 2, David describes them.
b.)fruition: state of bearing fruit; hence, realization, as of one’s hopes or plans
c.)funking: shrinking back through fear; panic
- Account for David’s increasing fear.
- Why does David pray to God every night, and what does he ask God to do? How might David’s prayer be considered ironic by us?
- What comforting news does Axel give to David?
- For what reasons does Axel doubt the accepted view of “Tribulation”?
- What does Axel mean when he refers to “Tribulation” as “a rust mirror”?
- Why, according to Axel, were the accepted patterns of the Old People not necessarily the best?
- What alternative does Axel offer to an imitation of the Old People?
- How is Axel’s theory in opposition to the society in which he lives?
- Why would these thoughts be considered “dangerous”?
- In what two ways did “the group” gain confidence?
- What in Uncle Axel’s opinion makes a man a man?
- What are the names of the nine telepaths (ESP Group), including the missing one?
- How is Michael always at the top of his class, and how are the others able to learn from his school classes?
- Approximately how old is David at the end of this chapter? Provide proof.
- What interesting development arouses our interest at the conclusion of this chapter?
Chapter Nine—Old Jacob’s Views and a Problem (Page 83-90)
a.)echelon: an arrangement of troops, etc. with its units each somewhat to the left or the right of the one in the rear, like a series of steps
b.)stoking: to arrange (as grain) in mounds
c.)scapegoat: a person or thing bearing the blame for others
- What indications are there in this chapter that David is almost a grown man?
- Who is the “new member” in the “group”?
- How do the others find out?
- How is she different from the other members?
- What danger to David and Rosalind did the incident with Petra present?
- Why was Petra in greater danger than the other members of the group?
- Why did the group postpone telling Petra of her “special talent”?
- What did David mean when he said that “[the] stupidest norm was happier,” than he was? Why did he feel this way?
- What is different now in David’s repetitive dream?
- Why does the author introduce Old Jacob’s views at this point in the story?
- Briefly summarize Jacob’s views.
- What warning does Axel give David?
- What event does David discover will happen? Why is this event so dangerous for David and the telepaths?
Chapter Ten—Love, Marriage, Murder, Suicide (Pages 91-103)
a.)abnegation: denial and rejection
b.)dilemma: a choice between equally unsatisfactory alternatives
- Why is the Chrysalid group upset at Anne’s decision to marry? Is Anne’s choice a bad one? Explain. What arguments does the group use against her decision? Is their argument a form of discrimination? Explain.
- What simile does Michael use to describe marriage to a norm?
- What is the fear that Uncle Axel and David have?
- What is Uncle Axel’s suggestion?
- What happens to Alan Ervin? Who does Anne suspect?
- What are the obstacles to David’s and Rosalind’s possible marriage?
- What becomes of Anne?
- How does Rachel save the group from discovery after Alan’s death?
- What feeling is the Chrysalid group left with after Anne’s death? (page 102-103)
- What does Michael realize about the members of the group which could be important to their safety later in the novel?
Chapter Eleven—The Education of Petra (Pages 104-121)
a.)propitious: favourable, promising
b.)abeyance: a condition of suspended activity
c.)orthodoxy: sound and correct opinion or doctrine; approved or conventional ideas
d.)amorphous slodge: shapeless blotch
e.)retroussé: turned up, as a turned up nose
f.)telepathy: the passing of one person’s thoughts to another person without speech or signs
g.)tribunal: a court of justice
h.)proprietorial: arising from or showing awareness of ownership
i.)overt: open; not secret
- What are the circumstances of Petra’s second distress signal?
- What is the dangerous result of Petra’s continued distress?
- Why is it dangerous?
- Who is Jerome Skinner, and why is he a significant character?
- What strategy does the group have in case this should happen again?
- What is important about the “others” that Petra can telepathically communicate with, both in terms of Petra’s ability and the telepaths’ social status?
- Why does Uncle Axel tell his story about Grouth?
- How did Uncle Axel find out about Petra?
- How did Uncle Axel figure out that Alan knew about the telepaths?
- Who killed Alan and why?
- What grave strategies do the group decide upon when Uncle Axel warns them of the inquiries being made about them?
- By this time, what is the relationship between David and Rosalind? How doe their families’ feelings for each other affect this relationship?
Chapter Twelve—The Flight to the Fringes (pages 122-138)
a.)imminent: threatening to occur immediately; impending
b.)spoor: the track or trail of a wild animal
c.)retrospective: looking backward; hence at past events
d.)“hobble the horses”: tie or fasten together the legs of a horse to prevent straying or to control
- What event caused the panic at the beginning of chapter twelve?
- Who was the most prepared to meet this crisis? Give reasons for your answer.
- How did Rosalind’s mother react to Rosalind’s departure? What does David wonder about his own mother?
- Why is it appropriate that David, Rosalind, and Petra make their escape on the great horses?
- What strategy are the thought-shape young adults using to let Rosalind, David, and Petra get away?
- Explain the two very upsetting crises of this chapter.
- Why does Rosalind get so upset as David wakes up? How do David and the others reassure her?
- Why is Waknuk society so badly upset about the Chrysalid group?
- Why are the people of Waknuk so eager to catch the telepaths, more eager than they would be for other fleeing mutants?
- Quote the statement made on page 134 which contradicts the philosophy of the society of Waknuk.
- Petra makes contact with a lady from far away. What are the clues that tell us where she is from? Give at least four examples. What do David and the others learn about this place and how is this relevant to David’s dreams?
- What “mutation” is there in the Waknuk alphabet?
- Who else has had a very faint contact with someone from Sealand?
- What makes Rosalind, David, and Petra press on hurriedly?
- There is a major turning point in this chapter. Refer to Uncle Axel’s advice on page 57 to explain this.
Chapter Thirteen—Message from Sealand (Pages 139-`48)