March 14, 1960
Orem City Council met in regular session, Monday March 14, 1960 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor M. D. Wallace, Chairman; Councilmen Winston Crawford, Alvin Rowley, Harley Gillman and Laird Billings. Earl Wengreen Absent. Also in attendance were City Manager O. V. Farnsworth, Attorney H. Vern Wentz, Engineer L. V. Beckman, Treasurer Victor Christensen, and Recorder Anne Cooper.
Meeting was opened with prayer by Alvin Rowley.
Mayor Wallace informed the Council that the invitational meeting with Utah Power and Light Company in Salt Lake City last week was strictly a power meeting and had nothing to do with water as had been supposed.
After discussion, Harley Gillman made a motion to accept the letter opposing the ½% Sales Tax distribution as now set up, and mailing it to the Utah County Commissioners. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley, and voted as follows:
Alvin RowleyWinston Crawford
Harley GillmanLaird Billings
The vote being tied Mayor Wallace voted "Nay". Motion denied by Majority vote.
Mayor Wallace asked that a Public Hearing be held on the ½% Sales Tax question on April 4, 1960. Council agreed.
Motion was made by Winston Crawford to approve Ordinance No. 199, and Ordinance Revising and Compiling the Ordinances of Orem City. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley, and passed.
Mayor Wallace was excused from the meeting at 8:15 P.M. and Mayor Pro tem Winston Crawford took charge of the meeting.
Attorney Wentz reported that Glen Sagers expressed concern regarding two provisions in Orem City Ordinances regulating the sale of milk. One provision provides that no milk shall be sold in Orem City less than Grade A, the other provision states that no milk shall be delivered in Orem City that has not been pasteurized. Mr. Sagers felt the two provisions were conflicting. However, they actually are not conflicting and do conform to the State Code, Mr. Wentz stated.
A Hearing was set to better inform the public on the Milk question for March 21, 1960. Mrs. Blair presented 3 pamphlets concerning the value of raw milk to the Council to study.
City Engineer L. V. Beckman presented a drawing of plans for remodeling the second floor of the City Hall. The plan includes expanding the Engineering Department to include all of the north side of the floor, and remodeling the west end of the hall and assembly room to make a Judge's room and a court room. Mr. Beckman estimated the cost of remodeling at approximately $1200.00. Mr. Beckman was asked to bring detailed plans to the next council meeting.
The Council discussed the advisability of combining two committees, the Alcohol Studies Committee and the Pornography Committee. The combined committees would include drugs, tobacco, and related problems in their studies. It was decided to invite the committee members in to meet with the Council March 21stto obtain their opinion.
The Mayor was asked to contact Lawrence Palmer. Laird Billings suggested that a School Board member would be an asset to the Committee.
A final decision regarding the "History of Orem" project was set for the meeting of March 21st.
City Manager Farnsworth and Treasurer Victor Christensen were asked to obtain a fair cost for connection and service charges for Lindon residents who wish to use Orem's water and sewer services.
Laird Billings reported that further study is being made on the licensing Ordinance.
In order to expedite business as early as possible minutes of previous meetings were read in the latter part of the meeting.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to accept the minutes of February 1, 1960, as read and corrected. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley, and passed.
Motion was made by Alvin Rowley to accept the minutes of Feb. 15, 1960, as read and corrected. The motion was seconded by Laird Billings and passed.
Motion to adjourn was made by Alvin Rowley.