Chairman Stephen Chiacchia called a meeting of the Prudential Committee to order at 7:00p.m.
Three Rivers Fire District
Meeting of the Prudential Committee
February 8, 2017
Stephen Chiacchia; Prudential Committee Chairman
Richard Pobieglo; Prudential Committee Clerk
Scott Majka; Water Superintendent
Scott Turner; Fire Chief
Lorinda Baker; District Treasurer
Sherrie Bellefleur; District Recording Secretary
David Basler; District Clerk
Three Rivers Fire District
Meeting of the Prudential Committee
February 8, 2017
Absent from tonight’s meeting isRaymond Domey; Prudential Committee
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Approval of Minutes
The Committee reviewed and approved the minutes from the February 4, 2017 meeting.
This meeting was an employee review that went very well.
MOTION (POBIEGLO, CHIACCHIA): To approve the February 4, 2017 minutes. 2-0-0
Public Comment #1
Pat Matthieu, a town resident and in attendance at tonight’s meeting stood to ask if our district had to continue paying the Prudential Committee member Raymond Domey. He has been absent from approximately four Prudential Committee meetings. Chairman Chiacchia answered Mrs. Matthieu saying that we do have to continue paying Mr. Domey. Mr. Domey is an elected official therefore we need to continue to pay him. There is nothing in our bylaws stating that the elected officials are required to be in attendance at the meetings. That may change in the future but currently there is nothing we can do.
Matthew Lemieux asked if Mr. Domey has even been in contact with the other committee members. He has not been in any contact at all. Mr. Domey does receive the agenda and the meeting minutes.
Committee Reports
Report of the Treasurer
Review of January 2017 Financial Statements:
Treasurer Lorinda Baker has presented the Prudential Committee with the District Financial Statements of January 2017.
Water Department:
- Receipts: $9,200 Expenses: $23,000 Net: -$13,900
- Paid Workers Compensation Insurance and State fine from the Meters Account.
- Fiscal YTD -$46,000
- Water collections from February 2nd through 6th were $25,904 (new bills sent in January and collections started coming at the end of the month).
Fire Department:
- Nothing unusual to report
- Full time benefits will be significantly over budget but savings in legal and district expense would more than offset.
Note: January reports do not have any medical insurance because MIAA bill went to the fire station with the address change. Invoice has been paid (due 2/15/2017) so there will be two payments in February 2017.
The fire department is operating at a surplus and the water department is losing money still. Chiacchia reminds all that the district has been operating under an order of conditions from the DEP. We are making repairs that should have been made already and we are still spending money. Eventually this will fall behind us and we can then build our reserves back up. We need to build our reserves for future major expenditures. We have two water tanks that do not last forever. We have a pump station that was built in the 60’s that was great for us in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s but now it’s 50 years later. Reserves must be built back up and we are going to start working on that according to Chairman Chiacchia.
MOTION (POBIEGLO; CHIACCHIA): To accept the report of the Treasurer. 2-0-0
MOTION (POBIEGLO; CHIACCHIA): To accept and approve the Treasurers Warrant. 2-0-0
Report of the Fire Chief
Calls and Activity for the month of January 2017:
Fire Chief Scott Turnerdistributed his “Report of the Fire Chief” for the month of January 2017.
- 8
Fire Prevention & Inspections:
- 1-26 F inspections (pre-sale smoke & CO)
Training Hours:
- Fire Department: CPR & First Responder Annual recertification – 3hr.
- Massachusetts Fire Academy: Chief Turner, Commanding and Controlling the Mayday- 6.5hrs and Nightclub Fire Safety- 8hrs.
Meetings and seminars:
- Chief Turner attended Western MA Chiefs and Local Mutual Aid Chiefs.
Public Events:
Update on discarding of old equipment and vehicles:
The old rescue truck has sold along with the green pickup truck. The green truck is pending pickup. The license plates need to be canceled. There is a slight hold up with getting a title for the rescue truck. There is a title application but not the actual title.
Update on Annual Budget for the new year:
Chief Turner is approximately 90% finished with his budget for the new year. All of the items are in line, the dollar amounts just need to be added in.
MOTION (POBIEGLO; CHIACCHIA): To accept the report of the Fire Chief. 2-0-0
Michael Matthieu reached his retirement age of 65 and is required to retire from active duty with the Fire Department unless he obtains a waiver. The waiver has to go to the state legislature to be approved by the Massachusetts General Court and signed by the Governor. Three Rivers Prudential Committee along with Michael Matthieu did put in a request and Todd Smola; Massachusetts State Representative worked on this request. Chairman Chiacchia announced receiving notification that the request has passed. Michael Matthieu can work one extra year. Congratulations to Michael Matthieu!
Report of the Water Superintendent
Chairman Chiacchia has asked Water Superintendent Scott Majka to please put his Report of the Water Superintendent in writing.
Report the current condition of water distribution system, compliance with ACOP:
Superintendent Scott Majka is meeting with Chris McClure on Wednesday 2/ 15/17. Now that the ACOP is signed this now requires meeting deadlines.
Report on required semi-annual water samples to Mass. DEP and response to DEP Notice of Noncompliance (NON) dated January 26, 2017:
The Water Superintendent did not take or turn in water samples when due so the District received a warning letter from DEP regarding this fact. After receiving the letter Scott took the samples with the help of John Sasur and turned them into the Lab for testing.
Report on Replacing chemical holding tank and well #1:
In order to keep the PH up for the samples that needed to be taken Scott had to order another delivery of chemical. There is a minimum delivery of 500 gallons. The current tank that is in the basement is a 500-gallon tank. The new tank will have heatbands that are not flexible therefore will not fit in the designated area in the basement. Scott with Chris McClure is looking into the garage. The pump station does not have heat, which requires the new tank to have heat bands to keep the chemicals at the required temperature. The chemical will freeze at 54 degrees. NAOH; Sodium Hydroxide is the name of the chemical.
There is a checklist from the DEP with a time limit on various tasks that must be met. Scott will go over this list of deadlines with Chris McClure.
Report on commercial meter readings for 4th quarter:
The commercial readings are taking place. These readings are being worked on and any broken meters are being replaced upon getting entry inside. A short discussion took place about the increases for water that Three Rivers incurred and possibly increasing water being sold to the Town of Thorndike. Scott feels if Three Rivers increases the rate we charge Thorndike we may lose their business completely to the Town of Palmer. There is an agreement between Three Rivers Water and Thorndike and Scott will provide a copy of this to the Prudential Committee. Three Rivers still has the lowest water rates in the Villages.
Status of meter replacement schedule:
Pathfinder Regional Vocational School meter has been changed out. K-Mart needs to be changed but arrangements need to be made due to this meter is tied to the fire system also. A plumber will be needed for this change. The apartments Scott needs to still get inside to change them. Scott is developing a meter replacement plan.
Update on Annual Budget for new year:
Scott is working on the new year budget. He will share what he has to date with the Chairman Chiacchia.
MOTION (POBIEGLO; CHIACCHIA): To accept the report of the Water Superintendent. 2-0-0
New/Old Business
Richard Pobieglo received a call from Teletrac; the GPS company, stating that money is still owed to them. The devices were sent back in November 2016. Pobieglo confirmed with Teletrac from a receipt that the devices were sent back to them. Teletrac confirmed everything then is all set and no money is in fact owed.
Reimbursing Donald Reim follow up will take place. The reimbursement was voted on but was not issued after this as the accountant had questions as to whether it’s proper. The Prudential Committee wants to continue the process to reimburse Donald Reim for monies that he was required by the former Prudential Committee Chairman Raymond Domey to give back. Donald Reim was hired for a 3-year term he should be paid for his full 3-year term. The money he paid back will be reimbursed to him.
Public Comment #2
Lorinda Baker wanted to mention the Palmer Town Meeting that was held this past Monday evening on 2/6/17.
Several people voiced their feelings on merging all the fire departments together. A formal letter may be sent out to the districts.
This subject has been talked about for the last 30 years. The town does not have a say in this. Each fire district would have the chance to vote on this and the chances of all of three separate fire departments voting yes to this are slim to none.
Chairman Chiacchia feels this may happen one day, maybe 25 years from now but it will be slow. The districts will start working together more and more until one day we will operate as one.
MOTION (POBIEGLO; CHIACCHIA): To adjourn from the Open Meeting at 7:36 p.m. Approved 2-0-0
Three Rivers Fire District
Meeting of the Prudential Committee
February 8, 2017
Submitted by:
Sherrie Bellefleur, District Recording Secretary
Approved as to Form and Content:
Stephen Chiacchia, Chairman
Three Rivers Fire District
Meeting of the Prudential Committee
February 8, 2017