Mrs. Lish

Play Report:

Styles Of Theatre

In order to receive full credit on your play report, you must read a published play at least 35 pages in length. You can check out plays from the school, or local, library, or purchase them from a local bookstore. Plays are often no more than $10.00 to purchase, if necessary. I recommend starting at the libraries though, and going from there.

Stockton-San Joaquin

County Public Library

20 E. Eaton Ave

Tracy, CA

Ph: 866-805-READ

Report Guidelines

After reading the play in its entirety, you will be writing a report to address the following:

1)  Introduction

  1. Title, Playwright, Year published
  2. Why you chose the play

2)  Historical and Cultural Synopsis of the period in which the play takes place

  1. Historically, what was happening during the time of the plays action
  2. Culturally, what was happening at the time the play what written to make it an important story for the playwright to tell (much of this will be your own opinion on what you think the playwright was influence by, if the plays introduction or plot doesn’t indicate for you)
  3. How do you think that the play relates to today’s society and culture, if at all? Why is it significant to the theatre?

3)  Plot synopsis of the play

4)  Favorite Character Development

  1. Explanation of character’s relationship to the other characters within the play
  2. How does the character change over the course of the play and what causes them to do so
  3. Why did this character appeal to you so much?

5)  Design Concepts and Ideas

  1. If you were to design either the set or costumes of this play, how would you do it? What styles would you use? What year would you place the time in (for instance: costumes being set in the 1960’s for your design theme, or adding technology and TV screens all across the stage to make a statement about technology invading the arts, etc)

6)  Conclusion

a.  Would you recommend this play to be read, or performed, by someone else? Why or why not?

  1. How do you feel that reading this play has contributed to your knowledge and understanding of the theatre?

Format Guidelines

Your play report must be 5 pages long, typed double-spaced, in 12 pt. Arial Font, with 1½ margins on all sides. You have access to the school libraries or computer labs for typing your papers, but if you are finding it difficult to get access to a computer, please see me and I will help hunt down a computer for you to access.

Have fun, enjoy your reading, and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions! I look forward to hearing what you have to say about your chosen works.

Play Review

In order to receive full credit on your play review, you must attend live theatre productions. You may choose a plays or musicals performed by a school, professional theatre company, a touring company, a community theatre, or a college theatre. Students can often get discounted Student Rate tickets or, alternately, if you plan it in advance, you might be able to Usher (help seat the audience members at the beginning of the show) and then see the show for free! This is a great way to go, but it takes advance planning on your part.

To find theatre in or around the Tracy area, you can contact the following:

Pleasanton Playhouse: Pleasanton, CA

Center Stage Community Arts Conservatory: Modesto, Ca

The Bob Hope Theatre: Stockton, Ca

CSU Stanislaus Theatre Department : Stockton, CA

Or the following search engines:

SFGate : this website will allow you to search for theatre shows in the East Bay.

Sacramento Bee : this website will allow you to search for theatre shows in the Tracy/Stockton/Sacramento

Report Guidelines

After seeing the play in its entirety, you will be writing a report to address the following:

7)  Introduction

  1. Title, Playwright, Company performing the show, and Directors Name
  2. Why you chose the play

8)  Plot synopsis of the play

9)  Favorite Character Development

  1. Explanation of character’s relationship to the other characters within the play
  2. How does the character change over the course of the play and what causes them to do so
  3. Why did this character appeal to you so much?

10) The Actors

  1. Did you enjoy their performances? Why or why not?
  2. What impressed you (or didn’t) about their ability to portray their character? Was it realistic, energetic, etc? Or were they simply going through the motions?

1)  Design Concepts of the Production Company

  1. What was the set and costume designs like?
  2. Describe in detail and draw a sketch.
  3. If you were to design the set and costumes of this play, how would you do it?
  4. What styles would you use?
  5. What year would you place the time in (for instance: costumes being set in the 1960’s for your design theme, or adding technology and TV screens all across the stage to make a statement about technology invading the arts, etc)
  6. What are some primary examples of design from the time period of the play (look it up – don’t guess!)
  7. What was the lighting and sound like?
11) Conclusion
a.  Would you recommend this play to be seen, or performed in, by someone else? Why or why not?
  1. How do you feel that reading this play has contributed to your knowledge and understanding of the theatre?