5” Rootmaker Trees
All species are not available at all times. Please call to check availability. There is a minimum order of 4 trees and you must order in multiples of 4. We can ship trees March-April and September-November. Shipping will be based on zip code. All 5” Rootmaker trees are $12.99 each plus shipping & handling.
Species Listing
Acer x freemanii ‘Jeffersred’ – Autumn Blaze Maple
Asimina triloba – Common Paw Paw
Betula nigra – River Birch
Carpinus caroliniana – American Hornbeam/Blue Beech
Carya illinoiensis – Native Pecan
Carya ovata – Shagbark Hickory
Celtis occidentalis – Common Hackberry
Cercis canadensis – Eastern Redbud
Cornus florida – Flowering Dogwood
Cornus kousa – Kousa Dogwood
Diospyros virginiana – Common Persimmon
Ginkgo biloba – Ginkgo/Maidenhair tree
Gymnocladus dioicus – Kentucky Coffeetree
Juniperus virginiana – Eastern Red Cedar
Magnolia virginiana ‘Jim Wilson’ – Moonglow Sweetbay Magnolia
Nyssa sylvatica – Black Tupelo
Ostrya virginiana – American Hophornbeam
Pinus strobus – Eastern White Pine
Quercus alba – White Oak
Quercus bicolor – Swamp White Oak
Quercus imbricaria – Shingle Oak
Quercus macrocarpa – Burr Oak
Quercus montana – Chestnut Oak
Quercus muehlenbergii – Chinkapin Oak
Quercus palustris – Pin Oak
Quercus rubra – Red Oak
Quercus velutina – Black Oak
Sassafrass albidum – Common Sassafrass
Taxodium distichum – Bald Cypress
Ulmus Parvifolia ‘Zettler’ – Heritage Lacebark Elm
What are Rootmaker Trees?
We have decided to grow our trees in Rootmaker bags so we can produce a high quality product to offer to our customers. With Rootmaker trees, you end up with a very fibrous root system, no girdling roots and very few circling roots. We start out collecting our seed the previous year, stratify it in the cold, germinate it in the spring, and transplant into small rootmaker cells. When ready, the cells are shifted into 5” Rootmaker bags, and many stay in the bag all year, but some go out into the field into a larger rootmaker bag to grow into a larger sized tree. The roots of the tree grow out through the bag and can draw in water and nutrients, and when they grow large enough, they are pruned off by constriction. That causes the root to re-branch and become more fibrous. The 5” bags prune roots by constriction and air as they are grown in cinder blocks.
When you transplant a tree that is balled and burlapped, you are only getting about 30% of the root system. When you transplant a Rootmaker tree, you get about 70% of the root system (and it’s a good one too!). That means your tree will establish much quicker, grow faster, and won’t cause you problems down the road. Trees that are grown in smooth plastic pots, will always have circling roots and the tree will almost always never establish and thrive. It might take a few years, but they almost always die (depending on species). Always remember that the Rootmaker bag must be removed prior to planting at it’s final location.
How Do I Order a 5” Rootmaker Tree?
You can order by coming in to Boehm’s, Call us by phone, Fax, or E-mail your order.
Boehm’s Garden Center
708 Macomb Rd.
Rushville, IL 62681
(217) 322-6644
Fax: (217) 322-2144
Trees are subject to availability, please check with us before ordering.