Functional Area: Cash Management / Import Bank Statement
Use this procedure to import the bank statement from the file that has been downloaded from the bank and saved.
Before performing this transaction, the bank statement will need to be downloaded from the bank and the file will need to be saved.
Menu Path
Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:
- Select AccountingFinancial AccountingBanks IncomingsBank StatementImport to go to the Bank Statement: Various Formats (SWIFT, MultiCash, BAI…) screen.
Helpful Hints
- The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
- On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
- Click after you have made your selection criteria to save this variant. Name your variant something to make it easy to identify and the next time you run this transaction.
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Cash Management / Import Bank Statement
1. / Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Bank Statement: Various Formats (SWIFT, MultiCash, BAI...)
2. / Select to the left of Import data.
3. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Elect. bank statement format / Required / A format that defines the layout of the bank statement to be used for electronic processing in SAP. The most common format in the US is BAI (Bank Administration Institute) format. Other formats are SWIFT for international format, and MULTICASH for other countries.
A format that defines the layout of the bank statement to be used for electronic processing in SAP. The most common format in the US is BAI (Bank Administration Institute) format. Other formats are SWIFT for international format, and the MULTICASH for other countries.
Always use ‘A’ for BAI format.
Statement file / Required / The path name and file name of the file containing the statement data
P:\PersonaI\New Financial System\Cash Management\Fift
Line item file / Optional / The path name and file name for the file containing the line item data. This field can only be entered when you use the MultiCash format. For all other formats, it is not required.
P:\PersonaI\New Financial System\Cash Management\Fift
UC will not be using the MultiCash format.
4. / Perform the following:
If You / Then
Are working with a PC and want to import the file from the disk drive or hard drive / Select to the left of Workstation upload.
Want the program to post immediately (call transaction). If you want to use the transaction for postprocessing the electronic bank statement / Select to the left of Post immediately.
Want to print the bank statement / Select to the left of Print bank statement.
Want to compile a posting log / Select to the left of Print posting log.
Want to print a statistics log / Select to the left of Print statistics.
Want to compile a posting log / Select to the left of Separate list.
5. / Click .
Post Bank Statement/Check Deposit List
6. / Scroll down to view errors.
Post Bank Statement/Check Deposit List (display of Error Log and Statistics)
7. / Review the displayed information.
8. / Click .
Account Statement Posting
9. / Review the displayed information.
10. / Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
11. / You have completed this transaction.
Ver: / 05_CM_FF5_ImportBankStatement_0_CashMgt_03.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/7
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Cash Management / Import Bank Statement
You have imported the bank statement.
Ver: / 05_CM_FF5_ImportBankStatement_0_CashMgt_03.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/7