How Good is Dalkeith High School?
Thank you to parents/carers who completed the survey last term to gather views on many aspects of the life and work of the school.
We are delighted with the data that has been captured by this survey as it is an indication of the confidence that parents/carers have in us to deliver a caring, inclusive and stimulating learning environment. There are aspects of our work that you would like us to improve as highlighted by this survey. We will turn our attention to this as part of our ongoing school improvement.
Dalkeith High School welcomes feedback and we encourage parents/carers to contact the school directly with any issues that they would like to discuss. We will issue further surveys at Parents’/Carers’ Meeting throughout the session to gather your views on a more formal basis. Surveys will also be made available on the school website.
Dalkeith High School: Determined, Happy, Successful!
Statement / %Agree/Strongly Agree / % Disagree/Strongly Disagree / %
Don’t Know
The school helps my child to be more confident. / 78 / 16 / 6
My child enjoys learning at school. / 85 / 15 / 0
My child’s learning is progressing well. / 85 / 14 / 1
My child is encouraged and stretched to work to the best of their ability. / 76 / 19 / 5
The school keeps me well informed about my child’s progress. / 71 / 27 / 2
My child feels safe at school. / 82 / 11 / 7
My child is treated fairly at school. / 83 / 16 / 1
I feel staff really know my child well as an individual and support them well. / 73 / 20 / 7
My child benefits from school clubs and activities provided outside the classroom. / 51 / 29 / 21
The school asks for my views. / 58 / 32 / 10
The school takes my views into account. / 43 / 36 / 21
The school is well led. / 75 / 17 / 8
Overall, I am happy with the school. / 80 / 18 / 2