This project is worth 100 points. Choose activities that total 100. If you do more than 100 points, you can earn up to 25 extra credit points.

The project is due a week after we finish the novel. Please be sure to write your name on and attach the appropriate label to your project.

Here are your choices:

10 - Create voice mail messages for 4 of the characters.

10- Create email addresses for 4 of the characters.

10- Decide on an alternate title for the book. Why is it appropriate? Is it better than the one the book has now? Why or why not?

10- Write an acrostic poem for the novel.

20- Make your own “scarlet letter” and wear it for a day. Detail

the reasons why you choose this letter and document your trials as

the day progresses, having each of your teachers sign a statement of

verification that you wore the letter.

20-Make a ten line “Rap” describing any aspect of The Scarlet Letter.

Provide the lyrics and present it to the class.

25 - Create a book jacket for this novel. It must have a picture and words. The front should contain a picture, the title of the novel and the author's name. Somewhere there must be a short summary (just enough to motivate people to read the book) and information about the author.

25 – Create an Instagram page for one of the characters (must have at least 10 photos that represent your character)

25 – Create a Twitter page for one of the characters (must have at least 10 posts/responses)

25- Make a mobile representing the events, scenes, or themes of this novel. At least 5 objects must hang from the mobile.

25- Write a letter to a friend telling that person that this is the best book you've ever read. Tell why you think this and try to persuade him or her to read it. (150 words) Use a letter format.

25- Pretend that you are the author and describe the part that was the most fun or the hardest to write. Explain why.

25- Pick out theme songs for: Hester, Roger, Arthur and Pearl. Provide lyrics and a short explanation as to why you chose the song for each character.

25- Interview a character from the book. You must have 8 questions and the character's answers to those questions:



25- Make a Venn diagram (in color) on the ways that you are like and unlike one of the characters in the story. Include at least 8 items.

25- You must give up your favorite pet (whom you love very much) to one of the characters in the book. Which character would you choose and why? Use examples from the book to support the reasons for your choice. (150 word minimum)

50- Make "stand-up" characters of four major characters. The characters must be at least 8 inches tall. Artistic talent is a must for this project!

50 – Create a movie trailer for The Scarlet Letter

50- Make a newspaper page from the novel. Remember to stay within the time period. Use a headline about something major that occurs. Have interviews from characters in the novel (entirely made up, but what they say must be characteristic of that character), pictures, and anything else you might find in a newspaper.

50- Make a character's scrapbook. Put pictures and items that that particular character would have included in his or her own scrapbook. You must include at least 10 total items and/or pictures. It must look like a scrapbook.

50- Make two posters about the book using two or more of the following media: paint, crayons, chalk, ink, or "real" materials.

50- Add a new character and explain what you would have him/her do in the story. (200 word minimum) Must be legible!

50- Make a shadowbox or diorama representing an important scene in the novel.