- Biosecurity Act: Administration
- Ruminant feed ban regulations
- Wool risk analysis
- New arrangements between MAF and ERMA New Zealand for containment facilities
- Approving animal ID systems
- Development of pest management strategies for exotic animal diseases
- Two new SOEs doing business
- Biosecurity Act: Administration and enforcement
- MAF’s new BSE surveillance programme
- Honey and propolis from Pitcairn Island
- Risk analysis on the importation of specified poultry products
- Biosecurity Council policy statement on interdepartmental consultation
- Risk analysis
- New Biosecurity Authority begins work
- Perspectives on the SPS agreement
- Draft biosecurity strategy for New Zealand
- Animal health surveillance
- Grazing of livestock on Crater Block
- Recognition of South Africa’s scrapie-free status
- Leptospirosis safeguards during imports of horses
- New direction for biosecurity
- The SPS agreement and New Zealand’s primary industries
- Prepared for exotic diseases of animals
- Protecting New Zealand’s biosecurity: links with other national groups
- New containment laboratory at the National Centre for Disease Investigation
- The new role of the OIE in international trade
- Initiative on biosecurity cooperation with Australia
- Progress towards a biosecurity strategy for New Zealand
- Resumption of importation of bovine semen from the United Kingdom
- Imported animals, embryos and semen information
- Protecting New Zealand’s biosecurity: international linkages
- The new trading rules: major challenges for a domestic industry
- Ruminant protein regulations
- Y2K and exotic animal disease emergency response
- South African origin goats will be released from quarantine
- Fragile ecosystems under threat?
- Biosecurity research strategy
- Bioresearch areas for New Zealand
- Plans to enhance laboratory diagnosis of exotic diseases
- Horse and horse semen import risk analysis
- New policy statement sets out commitment to consult
- MAF Biosecurity Authority policy statement on consultation
- Towards a national biosecurity strategy
- Towards a biosecurity strategy for New Zealand
- Disclosure of information for voluntary disease programmes
- Biosecurity Authority to launch new publication
- Notifiable organisms
- Notifiable organisms affecting animals
- Revised risk analysis on chicken meat imports
- Serious honey bee parasite found in New Zealand
- World organisation for animal health meets
- Varroa decision explained
- Tightening the biosecurity net
- Draft risk analysis policy for consultation
- Process for conducting import risk analyses
- Animal welfare – a growth area
- Dutch elm disease under control
- Painted apple moth update
- Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures
- Risk Group 2 pests
- Biosecurity research areas agreed
- Bovine Tb strategy
- Biosecurity begins away from home
- Tb tests approved
- Appropriate level of protection: the concept
- Varroa update
- Termites down and out in Otorohanga?
- Noxious weeds knocked back
- A new era in animal welfare
- Australians address layer hen standards
- Massey animal welfare centre launched
- On the border: keeping unwanted invaders at bay
- Contaminated machinery refused entry
- K9 capers
- The thin green line: MAF’s Enforcement Unit
- EU prosecutions
- Fumigation operator suspended
- Border Management Group responsibilities
- Sparrow deaths investigated
- Varroa update
- Johne’s disease review completed
- Risk disk: a risk analysis resource on CD
- MAF Biosecurity contracts: how the system works
- Canine brucellosis tests under scrutiny
- Animal Welfare Act sets key advisory committees in law
- Review of consultative forums
- Interceptions of black widow spiders on California grapes
- Bilateral quarantine arrangement for importation of plant propagation material
- Gum leaf skeletoniser kept in check
- International liaison
- Import requirements for bulbs under review
- Enforcement: MAF’s frontline biosecurity ‘police’
- Watershed year for New Zealand biosecurity
- Instant fines from July 2001
- Shipping container survey
- Biosecurity strategy development team up and running
- Argentine ant revisited
- Yellow flower wasp
- Animal welfare and international trade
- Parrot scam
- On-farm surveillance – a key strand in the biosecurity net
- Foot and mouth disease response
- Bovine Tb strategy
- Risk analysis policy
- Biosecurity cooperation with Australia
- New Zealand’s contribution in world animal health body
- Welfare of animals on inter-island transport
- Devil’s tail tearthumb threatens ecosystems
- Australian guava moth
- Pest plant accord
- Biosecurity down under – protecting the marine environment
- Educating people about biosecurity
- Biosecurity campaign: Stand Together – Protect New Zealand
- Southern saltmarsh mosquito
- Improving animal health surveillance
- Argentine ant control trials
- Approved organisations under Animal Welfare Act
- Salmonella link possible between sparrows and humans
- Tomato disease detected
- Plant pest surveillance
- Foot and mouth disease: A farmer’s story
- My first 100 days as biosecurity minister...
- Disease emergency: are we prepared?
- When there is an exotic animal disease outbreak overseas
- Sea container review
- Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (ICPM): an update
- Bovine Tb strategy review
- No sign of gypsy moth
- Fresh cut flowers and foliage review
- NZ hosts trans-Tasman animal welfare meeting
- Expensive produce: $200 instant fines introduced
- Should pig feeding be regulated?
- BSE: an international public health, animal health and trade issue
- Precaution and the management of biosecurity risks
- More resources needed for international plant work
- Import risk analysis for Cordyline and Dracaena
- Painted apple moth response report released
- Sudden oak death – new disease identified in US
- Developing codes of welfare: a consultative process
- Pipfruit industry certification post deregulation
- Californian grapes back on the menu
- Awareness campaign set for lift-off
- Hull fouling
- What happens to the leftovers?
- Access requested for WA honey
- Uncooked pig meat imports suspended
- New bird quarantine facility
- Links between child and animal abuse
- Kiwi vets succeed in new animal welfare exam
- Biosecurity Amendment Bill
- Protect New Zealand, Tiakina Aotearoa - Biosecurity campaign launched
- Hydatids-free status near
- Southern saltmarsh mosquito control/eradication strategy
- Killer fungus threatens native frog species
- Keeping rescue squads in express lane
- Reinforcing New Zealand’s BSE-free status
- Draft slaughter code to balance religious, welfare values
- Animal welfare in Philippines – NZ lends a hand
- No further signs of Australian beetle
- Seeking a smoother ride
- Biosecurity programme – expectations versus reality?
- New disease diagnosed in goats and cattle
- South Island remains varroa free
- Fire ants
- Climate change impact on biosecurity
- Painted apple moth eradication programme
- Australian pest down but not out
- Phytosanitary certificate
- Methyl bromide under spotlight
- Ensuring imported seeds contain no GM material
- Praise for biosecurity frontliners
- Ensuring insects are DOA
- Technical advisory groups
- MmmLC not a significant threat
- Yellow flower (scoliid) wasp response
- Poultry welfare
- Animal welfare on the farm
- Operational research
- Bovine Tb Board of Inquiry
- Marine biosecurity
- What we really know about biosecurity
- Saltmarsh mosquito in Kaipara Harbour
- Role of fungi and bacteria in biosecurity
- Varroa update
- Risk analysis handbook a first
- Independent welfare reviewers
- Animal welfare conference
- Sea container survey
- Treating imported used tyres
- World class service at animal health reference lab
- Hotline service
- Avian influenza
- Argali sheep
- Varroa alert: South Island apiary cleared
- Paper wasp and crazy ant
- Shipping committee meets
- Forest pest trapping programme
- New plant pests
- Air transport standards for animal welfare
- Black Ferns on the ball for biosecurity
- New Zealand risk analysis expert honoured by OIE
- Protect New Zealand week gets rolling
- Biological diversity and biosafety protocol
- Container survey update
- Giant African snails
- Lettuce aphid spreads
- OIE animal welfare mandate
- Increased sheep and goat surveillance for TSEs
- Options for varroa management
- Aussie biosecurity mascot visits
- Human impacts on New Zealand’s environment
- Hydatids-free status a step closer
- Chronic wasting disease surveillance stepped up
- Live animal export assurance changes
- Pecking order and the welfare of chickens
- Pain expert visits
- Tourist pays price for smuggling budwood
- Eucalypt pests cross Tasman
- Sex pheromone trap developed
- Swift Korean response to FMD
- NZ biosecurity impresses Hawaiian visitor
- Surveillance review
- Imports of table grapes resumed
- Regional councils’ biosecurity role
- Anthrax simulation
- Aquatic biodiversity and biosecurity
- Renewed commitment to Tb vector control
- Dutch elm disease can still be eradicated
- International congress on animal use in science
- Parrot disease threatens native species
- No major change to BSE code
- Anthrax simulation a success
- Red suited man in biosecurity bust
- Computer modelling reduces animal use in research
- Asian gypsy moth conference
- Biosecurity measures for transtasman trade streamlined
- Root weevil discovered on imported grapes
- Downy mildew in carnations
- Deep burial for damaged wheat
- Painted apple moth aerial strategy working
- Gum leaf skeletoniser
- Sudden oak death
- Strong links with Massey
- Animal use in life sciences
- OIE animal welfare group
- Pre-shipment car clearances in Japan
- Queensland fruit fly exercise
- Animal abuse and child abuse links
- Exotic ants
- Campaign against invasive species
- Significant year for biosecurity
- Operational planning for Biosecurity Strategy
- Exports of live animals and germplasm
- Quarantine for all imported dogs?
- Protecting animals used in film making
- Salmonella brandenburg vaccine
- International plant pathology conference
- The surveillance paradox
- Pine pitch canker
- Fall webworm found in Auckland
- Waikato biodiversity project
- Biosecurity risk from international yachts
- Animal biosecurity surveillance
- Use of equivalences in animal trade
- Australian quarantine review
- Quarantine clearances for East Timor forces
- Embryo transfer conference
- Requirements for experimental seed imports
- Plum pox ruled out
- Animal disease response capability to be beefed up
- Regional council biocontrol programmes
- Import health standard development reviewed
- HSNO amendment before select committee
- Animal ethics committees
- Border and import permit charges
- UK animal welfare experience
- Top rating Border Patrol
- Moth response update
- South Island focus for varroa protection
- Varroa transitional management programme
- New charges for live animal exports
- Red fire ant response stood down
- Broiler chicken code of welfare introduced
- Animal welfare on Last Samurai set
- Plant pest incursion investigation team
- Welfare of dogs used in teaching
- Standard for wood packaging materials
- Next-generation quarantine x-ray technology
- Regional strategy for persistent tussock pest
- Major changes to container pathway
- Biosecurity strategy launched
- Ballast water convention closer
- Marine biosecurity risk management
- Ruminant protein regulations
- Prioritising import health standards
- What to do if a snake bites you
- Horowhenua onions OK for Australia
- Pest response brings scientific collaboration
- Fungus fright
- Self-help approach to possum control
- New pig disease provisionally confirmed
- Risk analysis for imported sheep and goat genetics
- Varroa control line moved
- Gum leaf skeletoniser management
- Brown rot response exercise
- Post-entry quarantine for plant material
- ANZCCART conference report
- Welfare issues for broilers and layers
- New transitional facility standard for sea containers
- Avian risk analyses
- Science, research and biosecurity
- California Newcastle disease outbreak
- Varroa National Pest Management Strategy
- Dealing with Undaria
- Wildlife disease surveillance
- Import health standard for sea containers
- Exercise Barrier
- Moth response strategies endorsed
- NAWAC gets tick of approval
- Wildlife management congress
- Dutch elm disease
- Reflecting on animal welfare changes
- Asian gypsy moth
- Sea transport of animals
- Protecting Pacific nations from ant invasion
- Biosecurity Strategy implementation
- Carcass disposal workshop
- Vietnam FMD control project
- Australia-New Zealand quarantine discussions
- Avian influenza
- New biosecurity system taking shape
- A New Zealand FMD vaccine bank
- Ants targeted
- Enhancing sea container risk management
- Simplifying risk assessment of air passengers
- Container inspection training pays off
- Southern saltmarsh mosquito
- Plant pest surveillance
- Timely interception of Gypsy moth
- Protecting our waters from invasive weeds
- Domesticated animal surveillance review
- NZ expert invited to Cambodia
- Pig industry to attempt disease eradication
- Pitch canker – biosecurity success story
- Painted apple moth – days numbered
- Powdery mildew on capsicums
- Biosecurity clearances for cruise ships
- Ships’ ballast convention adopted
- Research builds welfare science base
- Welfare of sheep in live shipments debated
- Developing a risk management framework
- Bagpipes, BSE and bullets
- Wireworm in New Zealand ostriches
- Pacific ant prevention plan
- Mathematical modelling to predict pest spread
- Surveillance for forestry pests
- Container checks prove their worth
- Blueberry rust blows in
- GMO testing methods
- Safeguarding the vitality of our lakes
- Foundations laid for new biosecurity agency
- Molecular scientists compare notes
- Why reindeer had to stay at home
- Animal use in research and teaching: latest stats
- Gumleaf skeletoniser
- Marine biosecurity capability enhanced
- Quarantine – Island style
- Citrus canker in Australia
- Auditing offshore treatment facilities
- Log exports to India
- Meeting expectations of the Biosecurity Strategy
- Biosecurity risks for sub-Antarctic islands
- Koi carp in Waikato
- Southern saltmarsh mosquito eradication update
- Undariamanagement programmes to cease
- Shipping company takes initiative
- Welfare aspects of wildlife marking
- Wheat virus detected in Canterbury
- Exotic disease vaccines in spotlight
- Wildlife surveillance research
- New biosecurity structure: who does what?
- Biosecurity New Zealand directors appointed
- Contingency plans for large-scale carcass disposal
- Aerial spraying over urban areas
- Controlling rabbits with biocide
- Bovine Tb strategy
- National Centre for Advanced Bio-Protection Technologies
- Risk from pinewood nematode
- Research into humane traps recognised
- Reflections and themes from Biosecurity Summit
- FMD: The story we hope we never write
- New RNZSPCA Director appointed
- Weedbusters is 1
- Market access for kumara
- Predators Gallop exercise
- Knowing what’s expected in an incursion response
- Let’s talk: Lessons from the PAM programme
- Health monitoring following eradication programme
- Welcome home with a sting in the tail
- Invasive algae may be here to stay
- Exercise Taurus testing national biosecurity system
- Key welfare codes issued
- Use of methyl bromide in New Zealand
- Vessel biofouling research to measure marine biosecurity risk
- MAF role in National Response Centre (NRC)
- 100 of the worst invaders: how do we rate?
- Foot and mouth disease field exercise successful
- Southern saltmarsh mosquito eradication update
- Plans to bring in a new organism? Ask ERMA NZ first
- New organisms: How MAF ensures controls and standards are met
- Operation Waiheke
- Exercise Taurus: Phase one
- Plant quarantine resources boosted
- Australian subterranean termites eradicated
- Marron: Successful inter-agency collaboration
- e-Learning Award
- Keeping watch on aquatic pests
- National invasive ant programme update
- Asian gypsy moth eradicated
- Right story, wrong amphibian
- Fall webworm response update
- New ERMA Chief Executive announced
- Inspectors on animal welfare front lines
- Codes of welfare
- The welfare of animals during Operation Waiheke
- Update for key animal welfare publications
- News from the National Animal Welfare
- Advisory Committee (NAWAC)
- Ruminant protein control programme audits
- Exercise Taurus: Phase II
- Air curtain incinerator trial shows promise
- Carcass burial planning formalised
- Know the enemy
- Dutch elm disease
- Spray programme effective against Florida red scale
- $80 million pest eradicated
- Import standard manages disease risk from imported meal
- Risk of herbicide-resistant seed establishing extremely low
- National invasive ant surveillance
- Didymo containment programme ramped up
- Moth reports show safe, responsible attitude to public health
- Whither, whitefly?
- Nice or nasty plants
- People in Biosecurity
- Biosecurity monitoring: Are there any holes in the net?
- Rare honour for New Zealand animal welfare leader
- Soya meal the culprit in GM maize scare
- Mainland pests threaten Chathams biosecurity
- Managing risk pathways key to marine biosecurity
- (Not) Wanted: Bulbul bullies
- Exotic sea squirt finds under investigation
- A partnership to protect Fiordland’s marine environment
- With enemies like these
- People in Biosecurity
- Weedy gang of four in our sights
- Livestock saleyards – what’s the risk?
- Public participation key to didymo management
- A strategic approach to biosecurity science
- Disease detectives
- RFID technology
- Planning for national centre at Wallaceville continues
- The science behind border protection
- Biological control of pests
- People in Biosecurity
- Education officer appointed
- Avian influenza
- Keeping the South varroa free
- Nationwide surveillance for sea squirt
- Pitch canker simulation an outstanding success
- Pacific Island quarantine awareness programme
- Local initiatives boost ‘Know the Enemy’ campaign
- New era for high-risk site surveillance
- Revamped gypsy moth programme
- Surfing New Zealand’s biosecurity
- Personal responsibility key to stopping didymo
- Pest fish threaten ecosystems
- Fish & Game New Zealand
- Biosecurity opportunities and risks
- Local heroes wanted for 2006 Weedbusters awards
- Border fees under review
- Painful husbandry procedures: code issued
- Risk assessment for Btk products being updated
- PAM spray cleared by
Ruminant Feed Ban Regulations
