Case Study Title / Development of Latrobe Cluster E-Support Planning Protocol
Which PCP Program Logic domain does your case study relate to? / Early Intervention and integrated care
What was the need? / The Latrobe local government area is situated in the centre of Gippsland, Victoria, and encompasses four major towns and several outer lying townships covering over 1400km2, with a population of approximately 74,000 people.
Local community services are spread between the four major towns which poses geographic (and consequently time and financial) constraints for service coordination and case conferencing between health and welfare professionals and their clients.
Consultation with local health services revealed the need to improve communication between services to reduce duplication of processes, enhance timeliness of access to services, and enhance outcomes for people requiring multiple services.
Utilising the regions’ current electronic referral platform (S2S) for the creation of shared e-support plans was identified as an effective way of addressing this need.
To support this system, a protocol was developed to provide a generic framework for interagency support planning.
Agreed referral pathways, tools and communication processes were documented toreduce unnecessary duplication and ensure that assessments and services are coordinated around individual need and build on individual and carer strengths.
The protocol is underpinned by the principles of Service Coordination and person centred practice, and enhanced by the implementation of the Wellness and Re-ablement/Active Service Model
What was the aim of the initiative/action? / The aim of this initiative was to maximise wellbeing outcomes and goal attainment for individuals with complex needs who require multiple service / agency involvement:
- through enhancing communication and service coordination between services,
- by outlining an agreed process for shared e-support planning in Latrobe City municipality.
- ensure that people receive the right assessment and service at the right time,
- minimise the number of times people have to tell their stories,
- reduce waiting times for services by using resources as efficiently as possible, and
- provide a communication tool for services and staff involved in an individuals’ care.
Who was the target group? / People who;
- reside in the Latrobe LGA
- have identified a goal that requires involvement of two or more of the participating services including the service initiating the Plan, and
- who need inter-service/agency coordination and communication to support effective outcomes and
- have a chronic health condition and/ or
- need episodic complex care
What was the setting / Health and Human services in the Latrobe Valley
Who did you work with? / The Key Stakeholders for this project are:
- Latrobe City Council
- HACC Assessment Service
- Home and Community Care Program
- Latrobe Community Health Service
- Primary Intervention Services (allied health)
- Ambulatory Care
- Commonwealth Respite and Carer Programs
- Home Care Packages
- Disability Support Services
- Latrobe Regional Hospital
- Community Rehabilitation Service
- Sub acute Ambulatory Care (SAC)
- Hospital Admission Risk Program (HARP)
- Post Acute Care (PAC)
- Transition Care Program
- Villa Maria
- Home Care Package provider
- Southern Cross Community Care
- Home Care Package provider
- Gippsland Multicultural Service
- Quantum Support Service
How did you do it? / An e-care planning working group was formed with key stakeholders.Regular meetings were facilitated to discuss the following:
- The electronic platform for e-care planning – S2S support plan
- The development of a formal agreement and protocol for the use of e-care planning in the region
- Staff training requirements
- Resourcing and support to assist services to implement the system within their service
In September 2014 the CWGPCP team created online training for the e-care planning system on S2S. These modules mean that e-care planning training is available to participating staff at any time.
Following the trial period, meetings were held to review and revise the protocol so that it reflected the actual practice of the e-care plan system and the expectations of each participating service.
What was achieved?
(Consider whether results were benefits for clients and/or for service providers and/or for the system) / Since the commencement of the use of the e-care systemby clinicians in 2014, 184 e-care plans have been developed between healthcare providers in the Latrobe and Baw Baw region.
Clinicians report that e-care plans have increased (and subsequently improved) effective communication between services which has resulted in flow-on benefits for the person receiving services.
Increased understanding of individuals’ therapeutic goals and service delivery have ensured better follow-up between healthcare visits by other care-plan participants (i.e. clinicians). For the person receiving services, this follow-up serves as areminder and accountability mechanismtoself-manage the health goals they chose and agreed to when the care plan was developed, and thus, better health outcomes in a shorter period of time.
The implementation of e-care plans in Latrobe has provided clinicians with an easy-to-use communication platform that broadens clinician’s capacity to provide a better, coordinated healthcare service, and strengthens the individuals’ experience of person centred care. Increased communication between services has ensured individuals’ with complex conditions do not have to recount or explain their visits between healthcare providers.
E-care planning enables participants to coordinate communication across a large geographical area. Clinicians can provide input at a time and place that is convenient to them, thus improving efficiency and cost to the healthcare service.
What is the status and sustainability? / The revised protocol has been sent to the CEO’s of the participating services to be signed. The signed protocol will be sent to all participating services for further distribution and communication with all workers who use the system.
Signatories to this protocol will work to ensure sustainability of this partnership and coordinated care pathways and processes. Key roles will include supporting the ongoing partnership between services, strategic management, development and oversight of systems and tools, clarification of roles and processes, communication, and resolving any issues that arise between services.
The e-care planning modules on the CWGPCP website will continue to be an available resource for staff who require it.
What was the specific role of the PCP? / CWGPCP facilitated collaboration between the members through coordinating working group meetings and facilitatingdiscussions between participants about the proposed use of the e-care planning system. CWGPCP developed the initial protocol (in collaboration and consultation with partners), developed processes and procedures, provided training to staff groups, and facilitated the review and development of the final protocol document.
What lessons have you learnt? / Services that had a sound understanding of goal directed care planning and completed care plans for the people who access their service appeared better placed to trial the electronic system.
Services that had clear commitment of upper management to support e-care planning protocol development and implementation of the system were more engaged, accepting and cooperative throughout the process. These services also produced more e-care plans during the trial period and reported the greatest benefits for the people accessing their services.
The commitment of services orientated toward aged care fluctuated at times due to the larger scale reforms within this sector, and uncertainty regarding the timelines for implementation of “My Aged Care” and functionality of this system to record care plans.
PCP Contact Person / Liz Meggetto
Position/Title / Executive Officer, CWGPCP
Client Vignette