Applications are invited for Teaching Assistantships (TAships) in the Biology Department at Queen’s University. A TAship is usually for 65 hours in one laboratory slot for a course in one term, but other job descriptions are possible. Your attention is drawn to section 3.2 of the Biology Guide to Graduate Studies . TAs who do not carry out their duties satisfactorily or who are unable to teach effectively in English will lose their TAship and may forfeit their entitlement to a guaranteed minimum stipend.
Appointments will be made according to the guidelines of the Collective Agreement between PSAC and Queen’s University on behalf of Graduate Teaching Assistants and Teaching Fellows at Queen’s University Briefly, preference will be given to applicants in the following order:
Group A – Qualified Biology graduate students with a guaranteed funding package that includes a TAship allocation. This excludes students who are overtime in their programs and thus who are no longer guaranteed a minimum stipend. This also excludes students who receive scholarships valued greater than $17,500.
Group B – Qualified Biology graduate students for whom the TAship will not form part of the funding package. This includes overtime students and students who receive scholarships valued greater than $17,500.
Group C – Qualified Queen’s graduate students who have previously held a TAship in Biology.
Group D – Qualified Queen’s graduate students who are not in Groups A, B or C.
Group E – Other applicants.
Applicants in Groups A and B must complete this form. Applicants in Groups C, D and E must complete this form AND submit a curriculum vitae and a copy of their transcripts, setting out their academic accomplishments and relevant experience.
All applications must be returned to Joanne Surette in the Biology Graduate Office, Room 3109b or by mail to Joanne Surette, Biology Department, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6
Appointment of TAs will be determined by a committee formed of the Coordinator of Graduate Studies and the Chair of Undergraduate Studies or their delegates and will take into consideration applicant preferences, the job requirements in specific courses and the qualifications and experience of the applicants. For 300 and 400 level courses the course coordinator may be asked to join the selection committee.
Bill Nelson, ChairDan Lefebvre, Coordinator
Undergraduate StudiesGraduate Studies
Link to TA postings:
Please fill in ALL the required information
STUDENT #:______
Please circle your PREFERENCE GROUP:A. B. C. D. E.
Please circle your PROGRAM OF STUDY:MSc ORPhD
SUPERVISOR(s) Name(s):______
Select only ONE of the options below:
1. I would like 2TAships in the fall and 1 TAship in the winter
2. I would like 1TAship in the fall and 2 TAships in the winter
3. I would like 1 TAship in the fall, 1 TAship in the winter and 1 TAship in the summer (if available)
4. I would like 3 TAships in the Fall;
5. I would like 3 TAships in the Winter
6. Other configuration
FALL SelectionWINTER SelectionSUMMER Selection
1. ______1. ______1. ______
2. ______2. ______2. ______
3. ______3. ______3. ______
4. ______4. ______4. ______
5. ______5. ______5. ______
If you apply for either a fall or a winter slot and you can definitely NOT TA in the other term, please inform us in writing on this form.
This section is to inform your supervisor about your request for TAships.
I concur with my student's wishes for TAing.
Supervisor's SignatureStudent's Signature
Submit the completed application to Joanne Surette or, Biology Graduate Office, Room 3109b, BioSciences Complex