of the meeting

of Monday 5 June and Tuesday 6{06-06-2000} June 2000


Monday 5 June 2000

The meeting opened at 3.10 p.m. with Mr. Gargani, Chairman, in the chair.

1.Adoption of draft agenda PE 286.685/REV.

The Chairman said that, because of her commitments in the Committee on Budgets, Mrs. Haug would attend the Committee at 6.00 p.m. rather than at 3.15 p.m. as originally planned.

He accepted Mrs. O'Toole's request that Mr. Evans be allowed to make a brief statement on item 7 of the draft agenda on 6 June and that a full exchange of views on this item be postponed until the Committee's next meeting.

The draft agenda was adopted.

  1. Chairman's announcements

The Chairman said that he had received through informal channels the proposal for a decision on a multi-annual programme on E-CONTENT, which had been adopted by the Commission and outlined to the Committee by Commissioner Liikanen on 25 May. He had examined the proposal and had concluded that this matter fell within the sphere of competence of the Committee. He had written to President Fontaine requesting that the Committee be appointed committee responsible and that the ITRE committee be asked to submit an opinion.

  1. Audiovisual industry: Media-Training and Media-Plus (2001-2005)

***I T06671 - (COD990275 - COM(99)0658 - C5-0059/00)

(CNS990276 - COM(99)0658 – C5-0119/00) PE 286.674

-Rapporteur: Ruth Hieronymi

-Exchange of views

The rapporteur introduced a second exchange of views on her draft report and responded to points raised by Members.

Speakers: Alyssandrakis, Echerer, Fraisse, Graça Moura, Gutierrez Cortines, Junker, Mennea, Sanders-Ten Holte, Stockton, Vander Taelen, Zorba and, for the Commission (DG EAC), Daskalakis.

Decision: The deadline for amendments was set for 12 noon on 8 June.

  1. European Year of Lifelong Learning (1996) : results

(Decision No 2493/95/EC)

T06534 - (COS992163 - COM(99)0447 – C5-0205/99 PE 286.669

-Rapporteur: Cristina Gutierrez-Cortines

-Exchange of views on the basis of a draft report

The rapporteur introduced her draft report and responded to points raised by Members.

Speakers: Fraisse, O'Toole, Sanders-Ten Holte, Wyn.

Decision: The deadline for amendments was set for 12 noon on 28 June.

  1. Education and training: SOCRATES programme and the

socio-economic background of Erasmus students (report)

T06734 - (COS002089 - COM(00)0004 - C5-0146/00) PE 232.489

-Rapporteur: Christopher Heaton-Harris

-Exchange of views on the basis of a draft report

The rapporteur introduced his draft report and responded to points raised by Members.

Speakers: Alyssandrakis, Echerer, Gutierres Cortines, O'Toole, Pack, Sanders-Ten Holte, Van Brempt and, for the Commission (DG EAC), Hildebrand.

Decision: The deadline for amendments was set for 12 noon on 27 June.

  1. Presentation of Peninsula Europe multicultural programme

-Exchange of views

Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, two American artists, presented their project "Peninsula Europe" on the European landscape.

Speakers: Echerer, Mennea.

  1. 2001 budget

-Exchange of views with Mrs Haug, general rapporteur

The Chairman welcomed Mrs. Haug, general rapporteur for budget 2001, to the meeting. Mrs. Haug spoke briefly about general points which should be borne in mind by the Members when the Committee was drafting its opinion on the draft budget for 2001.

Speakers: Echerer, Iivari, Pack, Perry.

8.Coordinators' meeting

There was no business for the coordinators to discuss.

The meeting adjourned at 6.40 p.m.

Tuesday 6 June 2000

The meeting resumed at 9.10 a.m. with Mr. Gargani, Chairman, in the chair.

The Chairman welcomed a visitors' group of Mayors from Sardinia.

  1. Coordinators' proposals

No proposals were made.

10.The committee's priorities for the first half of the parliamentary term PE 286.684

-Exchange of views

The Chairman introduced his working document and responded to points raised by Members.

Speakers: Aparicio Sánchez, Echerer, Fraisse, Graça Moura, Gutierrez Cortines, Martens, Mennea, O'Toole, Pack, Roure, Sanders-Ten Holte, Stockton, Zabell, Zorba.

Decision: The Chairman said that he would prepare a second draft of his working document, taking account of Members' comments, which would be discussed at the next meeting.

11.Opinion on enlargementPE 286.689

-Draftsman: Doris Pack

The draftsman outlined her initial thoughts and said that her opinion would concentrate on four areas: the audio-visual sector; the position of minorities; intellectual property; and culture, youth, and education.

Speakers: Gutierrez Cortines.

Decision: An exchange of views on the basis of a draft opinion would be held at the next meeting.

12. Education, training, young people: mobility of teachers and

students in the Community

***I T06660 - (COD000021 - COM(99)0708 - C5-0052/00)

-Rapporteur: Robert J.E. Evans

-Initial exchange of views without text

The rapporteur outlined his initial thoughts and responded to points raised by Members.

Speakers: Martens, Wyn and, for the Commission (DG EAC) Tsolakis.

Decision: A further exchange of views would be held at the next meeting.

  1. Audiovisual policy: media and digital technology

T06732 - (COS002087 - COM(99)0657 – C5-0144/00) PE 286.681

-Rapporteur: Valter Veltroni

-Exchange of views on the basis of a draft report

The rapporteur introduced his draft report and responded to points raised by Members.

Speakers: Fraisse, Hieronymi, Mauro, Mennea, Tajani, Vander Taelen, Wyn and, for the Commission (DG EAC), Rodondi.

  1. New frontiers in book production: electronic publishing and

printing on demand


-Rapporteur: Barbara O'Toole

-Initial exchange of views without text

The rapporteur outlined her initial thoughts.

Decision: There would be a further exchange of views, with a text, at the meeting on 12-13 July.

  1. Education and training: teaching and learning – towards

the learning society (implementation of the White Paper)

T06733 - (COS002088 - COM(99)0750 – C5-0145/00)

-Rapporteur: Roy Perry

-Initial exchange of views without text

The rapporteur outlined his initial thoughts.

Decision: There would be a further exchange of views, with a text, at the meeting on 12-13 July.

  1. Strategies for the euro campaign until 2002 PE 286.672

T06636 - (COS002019 - COM(00)0057 – C5-0104/00) PE 286.672/AM

- (COS002019 - SEC(00)0184 )

- (COS002019 - INI002019 )

- Draftsman: Ole Andreasen

The rapporteur expressed his views on the amendments tabled to his draft opinion and the Committee then voted.

Decision: The draft opinion, as amended, was adopted with three votes against.

  1. Presentation by the Union of Theatres in Europe Network

Representatives from the Union of Theatres in Europe Network outlined the activities of their organisation.

Speakers: The Chairman, Aparicio Sánchez, Echerer, Fraisse, Hieronymi, Mennea, Pack and, for the UTE Network, Mr. Benoin, Mr. Faivre D'Acier, Mr. Planchon, Mr. Sevège and Mr. Zsàmbéki.

  1. Any other business

There was no other business.

  1. Date of next meeting

This was confirmed as:

Wednesday, 21 June 2000, from 3 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.

Thursday 22 June 2000, from 9 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.

The meeting closed at 12.35 p.m and was followed by a cocktail hosted by the UTE Network.






Til stede
Närvarande / Formandskabet/Vorstand/Προεδρείο/Bureau/Ufficio di Presidenza/Mesa/Puheenjohtajisto/J.L. Presidium: (*)
Gargani (P), Graça Moura (1 VP), Iivari (2VP),
Andreasen (2), Aparicio Sánchez (2) de Veyrac, Fraisse, Heaton-Harris (1), Hieronymi, Manisco, Martens, Mauro (2), Mennea, Okking (2), O'Toole, Pack, Perry, Prets (2), Roure (2), Sanders-Ten Holte, Van Brempt, Veltroni (2), Wyn, Zabell, Zissener.
Membri supplenti/Plaatsvervangers/Membros suplentes/Varajäsenet/Suppleanter:
Alyssandrakis (1), Arvidsson, Echerer, Evans (2), Gutierrez-Cortines, Junker (1), Karas, Stockton, Zorba.
Art. 153.2 / Fiori (1) (remplaçant Sgarbi), Rothley (2) (en remplaçant Gröner), Tajani (2) (remplaçant Sgarbi)
Art. 151,4
Endv. deltog/Weitere Teiln./
Συμμετείχαν επίσης/Also present
Participaron igualmente/
Participaient également/
Hanno partecipato altresi΄/
Andere deelnemers/
Outros participantes/
Muut osallistujat/ Dessutom deltog
(Dagsorden/Tagesordnung Pkt/Ημερήσια Διάταξη Σημεί/Point OJ/Punto OG/Agenda Punt/Ordem do dia-punto/punto orden del dia/
Esityslistan kohta/Föredragningslista punkt):

* (P) = Formand/Vorsitzender/Πρόεδρος/Chairman/Prιsident/Presidente/Voorzitter/Presidente/Puheenjohtaja/Ordfφrande

(VP) = Næstform./Stellv. Vorsitz./Αντιπρόεδρος/Vice-Chairman/Vice-Prιsident/Vicepresidente/Varapuheenjohtaja

Ondervoorz./Vice-Pres./Vicepres/Vice ordförande.

Til stede den/Anwesend am/Παρών στις/Present on/Prιsent le/Presente il/Aanwezig op/Presente em/Presente el/Läsnä/Nδrvarande den.


(2) 6-6-2000

Efter indbydelse fra formanden/Auf Einladung d. Vorsitzenden/Με πρόσκληση του Προέδρου/At the invitation of the Chairman/Por invitación del presidente/Sur l'invitation du président/Su invito del presidente/Op uitnodiging van de voorzitter/A convite do presidente/Puheenjohtajan kutsusta/
På ordförandens inbjudan:
Radet/Rat/Συμβούλιο/Council/Consejo/Conseil/Consiglio/Raad/Conselho/Neuvosto/Rεdet: (*)
Kommissionen: (*)
Daskalakis, Hildebrand, Tsolakis, Rodondi
Cour des comptes:
Andre deltagere/Andere Teilnehmer
Επίσης Παρόντες/Also present
Otros participantes/Autres participants/Altri partecipanti
Andere aanwezigen/Outros participantes
Muut osallistujat/Övriga deltagare / Mrs. Haug, general rapporteur on budget 2000
Gruppernes sekretariat
Sekretariat der Fraktionen
Γραμματεία των Πολ. Ομάδων
Secretariat political groups
Secr. de los grupos politicos
Secr. Groupes politiques
Segr. dei gruppi politici
Secr. van de fracties
Secr. dos grupos politicos
Poliittisten ryhmien sihteeristö
Gruppernas sekretariat / PPE
NI / Donck
Bordez, Laera
Cab. du Président
Cab. du Secrétaire Général
Γενική Διεύθυνση
Dirección general
Direction générale
Direzione generale
Direcção general
Contrôle financier
Service juridique
Generaldirektorat / I
VIII / Olivares
De Munter, Fuchs-Koenig
Γραμματεία επιτροπής
Committee secretariat
Secretaria de la comisión
Secrétariat de la commission
Segretariato della commissione
Secretaria de comissão
Valiokunnan sihteeristö
Utskottssekretariatet / Houben, Neves, Salter, Palumbo
Assist./Βοηθός / Moonen

* (P)= Formand/Pres./Πρόεδρος/Chairman/Prιsident/Voorzitter/Puheenjohtaja/Ordfφrande

(VP)= Næstform./Vize-Pres./Αντιπρόεδρος/Vice-Chairman/Vice-Prιsident/Ondervoorz./Vice-pres/Varapuheenjohtaja/Vice ordfφrande.

(M)= Medlem./Mitglied/Μέλος/Member/Miembro/Membre/Membro/Lid/Membro/Jäsen/Ledamot

(F)=Tjenestemand/Beamter/Υπάλληλος/Official/Funcionario/Fonctionnaire/Funzionario/Ambtenaar/ Functionαrio/Virkamies/Tjδnsteman

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