Winchester Trout Unlimited – Agenda
(May 5, 2015) – NW Works
- 7:00 Call To Order(Dan)
It’s May already: time to release this years’ brookie class of 2016
Continue community engagement: Welcome Harry Reed, visitors and new members.
- 7:10Harry Reed (Isaac Walton stream sampling training Warren County)
Process: (30 – 40 min discussion): Isaac Walton Save our Streams Benthic Macro-invertebrate Sampling of Shenandoah Feeder Streams
Any opportunities for Synergies between sampling approaches? (Bud/Lisa)
- 8:10 Abbreviated Meeting (chapter coordination)
A. Trout in the Classroom(Mark)
- 2016 DGIF Releases
A.This week’s clean-up plan@ 9am on 5/7/16Bring Weed Wakers(Mark)
B.Firming up the plan for the “Big Day”: (Lisa)
- Most schools on Friday 13thand less on the 14th. Volunteers please show up at 9am on both days.
- Many bussesarriving on 13th at @ 9:30am, 10:30 and 11:00am
C.Volunteer assignments (slots vacant since last meeting)(Steve)
- Possible Ideas of working with DGIF to see about getting an Idea of how the fish population is after TIC release and survival rate. (Mark& Bud)
B. Finance: Current State and Needs “Dave’s” Fund?(Bill)
C. Projects: work session on May 21th Saturday. Brief lunch and application for Dave. Talks to have another one with some of Dave’s family present. (Bud)
D. Education(Stan)
- Tri-state Camp The council is giving more money and some chapters are donating $1000 or more for the Tri-State Camp.
- VCTU report back / SE Regional Meeting
E. Fly Casting Clinic Post mortem (try again this fall?)Sept 11th is a date set to do the clinic again. Gene is going to try and get a Saturday date instead but if not he will keep it on Sunday. Also we would like to set a fishing trip to get people more involved and to hope to get people to attend at least 3 clinics to attend the fishing trip. The trip may be in the SNP or Shenandoah river or somewhere fun. (Gene)
F. Bar Fly Planningfor Next Week(Gene)
- Next week: are we planning to do fly tying? Gayland will come out and will tie some flys.,
- Any casting possibilities? Charlie will bring a fly rod with me in case someone wants to cast.
G. Project Healing Waters: (Paul)
- PHW WVa Outing Attendee plans
H. Fish with a Member opportunities: on horizon?May 16th and May 20th are the next dates. Destination is TBA. Let Fred know if you re interested. (Fred)
I. Other Chapter Business(Dan)
- NV TU Chapter on Cedar Creek(Bud)
Other Chapter Meetings?(Gene)
Speakers going forward: June?
Interest in speaking at Isaac Walton?
- (8:30) Drawing for chance to fish at Wayne Seipel’s (Bud)
- (8:35) Free-Running activity/coordination(All)
Continue discussions with Harry Reed
Tie up loose ends with TIC release
PHW Volunteers/Coordinators: discuss exact dates/ times/contacts
Finalize arrangements for SE Regional TU Meeting
- (9:00)Meeting Adjourns