MINUTES (approved September 25, 2013)
A meeting of the Heritage Toronto Board was held on Wednesday August 28, 2013 at St. Lawrence Hall,
157 King St. E., 3rd Floor
PRESENT: Alexandria Pike, Chair John Belyea (to 6:30 pm) Jeffrey Clayman
Ross Fair Patrick Forster Tyler Greenleaf
Andrew Himel Andrew Jeanrie Deborah Lechter
Donald Loucks Kate Marshall Marta O'Brien
Allan Penning Kevin Plummer Councillor Sarah Doucette
Councillor Adam Vaughan
REGRETS: Paul Litt Barbara McPhail Tanzeel Merchant
Peter Ortved Brent Pearlman Elizabeth Philbert
Mark Warrack Darren Wasylucha Councillor Gary Crawford Councillor Mike Layton
ALSO PRESENT: Karen Carter, Executive Director
Karen Czaniecki, Administrator
Gary Miedema, Chief Historian and Associate Director
Stacey Fowler, Director of Marketing
Alexandria Pike, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:15 pm
No conflict of interest was declared for the meeting on August 28, 2013
John Belyea moved, seconded by Marta O'Brien that the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Heritage Toronto on June 26, 2013, be adopted as circulated.
1.1 Chair's Report
Alexandria Pike commented on the tremendous tour season this year. She also noted the work currently underway for the October Heritage Toronto Awards/William Kilbourn Memorial Lecture event.
Ms Pike welcomed Stacey Fowler as our newest member of staff. Ms Fowler has joined us as the Director of Marketing. Ms Carter informed the Board of Ms Fowler's impressive work experience and past volunteer work with Heritage Toronto.
2.1 Financial Statements to July 31, 2013
John Belyea, Chair, Audit and Finance Committee presented the 2013 financial statements to July 31, 2013 to the Board for review and discussion. Mr. Belyea reviewed the statements in detail offering explanations where there was a variance from the budget year to date.
The financial statements were received for information.
3.1 Mid Season Strategic Plan Report
Jeff Clayman, Chair, Strategic Plan work group, reviewed the Mid Season Strategic Plan report with the Board. Mr. Clayman set the context of the review. In early 2012 the Board set a three year strategic plan at their retreat. In June that year the Board approved the Target Operating Model (HT12-18) which put three pillars in place to execute the plan. The Strategic Plan work group held meetings in August with each committee for the mid season report. Mr. Clayman discussed the results with the Board, the focus for the balance of the year and priorities for 2014. Mr. Clayman thanked Alexandria Pike and Barbara McPhail for their participation on the work group.
The report was received for discussion and information.
4.1 Approval of 2013 Heritage Toronto Awards Recipients
Patrick Forster, Chair, Programming Committee requested that the Board move In Camera to discuss the Heritage Toronto Awards recommendations in confidence.
Kevin Plummer moved, seconded by Kate Marshall that the Heritage Toronto Board move In Camera (closed) to discuss the 2013 Heritage Toronto Awards recipients as those discussions may contain personal information about identifiable individuals.
The Board came out of the In Camera session to approve the motion.
Kevin Plummer declared a conflict of interest for one of the awards categories due to a professional association and declined to vote.
Allan Penning moved, seconded by Andrew Jeanrie that the Heritage Toronto Board accept the recommendations of the Awards Juries as presented by the Programming Committee for the 2013 Heritage Toronto Awards and that the names of all finalists be kept confidential until their announcement on October 15th.
1 abstain)
Mr. Forster thanked the jury chairs for their hard work.
4.2 Minutes from Programming Committee Meeting on August 14, 2013
Mr. Forster presented the minutes from the Programming Committee meeting on August 14th, also commenting on the extremely successful tour season this year. A few walks need Board reps and a list was passed around.
Kevin Plummer, Chair of the Heritage Toronto Awards and William Kilbourn Memorial Lecture work group, gave a brief update on the plans for the event. He emphasized the need to sell tickets for the event this year. As a result Board members are expected to sell 5 tickets and will be sent promotional material electronically shortly. Post cards are also being printed. Mr. Plummer announced that we have a new media sponsor, Rogers TV and wine sponsor, Casa-Dea Estates Winery.
Mr. Plummer also informed the Board that the Committee has started to send invitations to potential speakers for next year and beyond.
The minutes were received for discussion and information.
5.1 Minutes from Marketing/Communications Meeting on August 15, 2013
Kate Marshall, Chair of Marketing and Communications Committee presented the minutes from the meeting on August 15th. Ms Marshall said that the heritage display in the lobby of St. Lawrence Hall has been a success. For the last week of August the Heritage Toronto display will be taken to each of the civic centres by the summer student.
The Committee is now focussing their work on the awards event. Ms Marshall reviewed the marketing and outreach for the event. Board members were asked to promote the event and to that end will be forwarded digital assets (eg. general and student focussed posters) that can be forwarded electronically to colleagues and friends. Board members will also be mailed post cards.
Stacey Fowler informed the Board of specific target audiences who are being approached. Influencers (ie. significant bloggers) have also been approached to spread the word.
The minutes were received for information and discussion.
6.1 Update on Upcoming Plaques and Markers Presentations
Ross Fair, Chair, Plaques and Markers Committee, presented a listing of the six plaque presentations which took place from April to the end of July. The presentations took place throughout the City and attracted different audiences. Dr. Fair spoke about two upcoming plaque presentations: a commemorative plaque for Spruce Court and legacy plaque for Lester B. Pearson.
The report was received for information and discussion.
7.1 Update from Fund Development Committee
Allan Penning, Chair, Fund Development Committee gave a verbal update on fund raising activities and informed the Board of the current pledged sponsorship for the Heritage Toronto Awards and Kilbourn Memorial Lecture event. Mr. Penning asked the Board to facilitate conversations with corporate contacts to open doors for Karen Carter to call them. New sponsors at a lower level can and have become significant supporters in future years.
This verbal report was received for information and discussion.
8.1 Notes from Membership Committee meeting, August 13, 2013
Deborah Lechter, Chair, Membership Committee presented the notes from the meeting on August 13th.
Ms Lechter said that membership was up by 11% from this time last year, as of the end of July. It was decided that the tickets for Board members to attend the Heritage Toronto Awards and William Kilbourn memorial lecture event would be $15 (1/2 price) instead of the 2 for 1 offer last year.
The members’ only tour planned for the fall has been delayed. The Board discussed numerous potential members’ only event ideas. It was agreed that a members' only event should be held before the end of the year.
The notes were received for information and discussion.
No other business was reported.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm
Alexandria Pike, Chair