Math 220: Differential Equations, Fall 2017
Time: MWF 3:00-3:50
Location: BSB 140
Instructor: Michael Greenblatt
Office: 528 SEO
Phone: 413-3741
Course Website:
Office Hours: WF 2:00-2:50 or by request.
Your TA will also have office hours.
Required Textbook: “Fundamentals of Differential Equations”, 9th edition, by Nagle, Saff and Snider. Your homework problems are all from the textbook. Make sure you have access to the ninth edition as the problems change between editions.
Homework: On the course website above, there are homework problems corresponding to each lecture. The problems for a given week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) are due on Wednesday of the following week, in class. Two randomly selected problems will be graded by the grader. Your lowest two homework scores will be dropped. See the course website for further information. Late homework is normally not accepted except in exceptional circumstances, and permission must be granted in advance.
Exams: There will be a final exam at the end of the semester, as well as two in-class midterm exams, on October 6 and November 10. Make-up exams will be allowed only in case of (documented) emergency and must be arranged in advance.
Quizzes: Starting in the second week, once a week on a randomly selected day there will be a quiz on the material of the previous few lectures. I will give either in class or email to the class some guidance of what material will be on a given quiz. There will not be a quiz the first week or in the weeks of the midterms. Your lowest two quiz scores will be dropped.
Attendance: You are required to attend at least 75 percent of lectures and 75 percent of your discussions. If either goes below 75 percent, your grade drops by a full letter grade, and if either goes below 50 percent you get an automatic F in the class. Attendance is taken using quiz attendance as well as attendance sheets to be passed out on random days.
Grading: The homework is 10 percent of your grade, the quizzes 10 percent, each midterm exam is 20 percent, and the final exam is 40 percent of your grade. The cutoffs for each grade are determined in advance and are available on the course website. Consequently, there will be no curve.
Further Information: The course website contains more details on the various aspects of this class.