st timothy parish norwood, walpole, westwood Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time august 9, 2009
Sunday, August 9
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday, August 10
Feast of Saint Lawrence
Tuesday, August 11
Memorial of Saint Clare
Friday, August 14
Memorial of Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe
Saturday, August 15
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
Sunday, August 16
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, August 9: 9am-12pm, Blood Pressure Clinic
Wed., August 12: 9:45am, Exercise Program
Thurs., August 13: 9:45am, Exercise Program
Thurs., August 13: 7:45pm,New Jerusalem Prayer
Sunday, August 16, 1pm Baptisms
Liturgical Minister Schedule
August 15/16
4:30 Lectors: Kathy Drummey, Daniel Bolivar
4:30 Servers: Chris DeMeo, Belle DeVingo,
Craig Riley
8:00 Lectors: Andrea Ruesch-Goldberg,
Lee Lesinski
8:00 Servers: Rachael & Allison Straehle,
Rachel Graham
9:30 Lectors: Chris Morrison, Ken Kreinsen
9:30 Servers: Greg Campion, Jesse Kreinsen,
Brian Richardson
11:00 Lectors: Sarah Barrett, Neil Gomes
11:00 Servers: Libby and Maggie James,
Mary Erickson
Eucharistic Team #3
Saturday, August 8
9:00 Boulos Akel
4:30 Natalie Gutowski
Sunday, August 9
8:00 Ippolito Mottola Birthday Memorial
9:30 Manuel & Helena Alves Memorial
11:00 Lorenzo Mira and his Parents
Monday, August 10
9:00 Bob Briody Memorial
Tuesday, August 11
9:00 Leo Joseph Will Birthday Memorial
Wednesday, August 12
9:00 Jean Regan Month’s Mind
Thursday, August 13
9:00 Mark Fitzpatrick Birthday Memorial
Friday, August 14
9:00 Leo McDonough Anniversary
Saturday, August 15
9:00 Leo Wilson
4:30 Vitto & Elaine Gobbi 4th Anniversary
Sunday, August 16
8:00 John Machado Memorial
9:30 Rosa Soares Memorial
11:00 Biaggi, Antoinette, and Barbara
Germano Anniversary
This week’s special envelope collection is for
Catholic Relief Services.
CRS supports emergency relief, human development, and peace initiatives in 99 countries around the world, where nearly half the population lives on less than $2.00 a day. The collection funds the ministries of five Catholic Church organizations: Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc., Migration and Refugee Services, Social Development and World Peace, and the Holy Father’s Relief Fund.
For more information, please visit:
St. Timothy’sReligious Education News
Religious Education
Grades K-6
Please consider sharing your love and faith with our parish’s young people. We are in need of catechists for Grades 3, 4, and 5. Classes are held weekday afternoons or Sunday mornings. Please call Judy Miley or send an email, if interested.
Youth Formation Ministry
(Grades 7-10)
REGISTRATION for 2009/ 2010
The deadline to register for next year’s YFM Program has come and gone. Please return your completed registration form if you have not done so already. Also, kindly remind your neighbors and friends that we are still awaiting YFM registration forms. It helps us in determining how many teachers, classrooms and books we will need for the upcoming year. Only registered families will receive further information in late August with class information and starting dates.
Our Tuesday evening youth group continues to meet each week at 7pm in St. Andrew’s Hall on the second floor of St. Catherine’s Convent. All high school students are welcome to join us. Doors open at 6pm. This meeting has been a great success with 20 to 25 students attending weekly. We are always looking for new high school members.Service Project - ISAIAH 54
After many months of waiting for the Isaiah 54 House in Dedham to open, it is finally happening, with the students of the YFM Program being called upon to assist in some painting, minor repair, and landscaping. On Monday, August 24, and Thursday, August 27, I will be looking for several students who can assist with this project as a community service project. Contact Frank in the youth office at 781-769-2522 for more information. I also need a handful of students to assist with a Parish project on Wednesday morning, August 12 from 9 AM to Noon. You don’t want to miss out on this service project, I think I see a pizza lunch in your future.
for August and September
Our book discussion group met recently to discuss The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. We discussed the lost art of letter writing, how modern society leads us to an ever more “efficient” way of communicating, with phones, e-mails, instant messaging, and many other innovations. The need to take time to enter into quality communication with others is so important. Discussion also centered around the ability for the society in that era to respond to the neighbors and friends, a lesson we can well relate to and re-learn in these economic times. The group rated the book an 8.6 on our ratings scale. Thanks to all who participated.
Our next meeting will be on August 31 at 7:30pm when we will discuss The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Satterfield. The following month we will meet on September 28 to discuss Unaccustomed Earth, a collection of short stories by Jhumpa Lahiri. Books are available at a discounted price in the Church office. Please join us!
Pine Street Inn
On Monday, August 24th, we will be serving supper at the Pine Street Inn. If you can help prepare or serve this meal, please call Jayne at 508-668-4977.
St. Timothy sends $500 to the Pine Street Inn each month. Please help to support this ministry. Donations to pay for these meals may be sent to:
Campagna, 86 Countryside Ln., Norwood, MA 02062. Please make your checks payable to:
St. Timothy Christian Service Fund.
Thank you to all those who have made generous donations in the past.
The date for our Annual Parish Picnic is:
Sunday, September 27th!
With some new activities in the planning stages, make sure you sign up when the sheets are upstairs in our gathering space! It’s such a wonderful way to mingle with fellow parishioners, have a burger or hotdog and all the fixings! So, please check out more information in the near future and definitely Save the Date!
Events Elsewhere
Join us for LIFT, an exciting monthly worship event which includes vibrant praise and worship music, dynamic, challenging speakers and Eucharistic Adoration. LIFT is for all ages, from young adults to adults, to teens, to entire families. Be with us on Tuesday, August 11th as we celebrate 3 years of ministry and welcome Chris Faddis as our guest speaker. The evening runs from 7-9pm at Fontbonne Academy, 930 Brook Road, Milton, MA. Directions and a downloadable flyer, along with more information about LIFT, can be found on our website at
Fatima Day at the Shrine in Holliston will take place on Thurs., August 13th. The Xaverian Missionaries will hold the traditional Fatima Day celebrations in honor of Our Lady with a sing-along at 6:30pm; Mass at 7pm. The main celebrant and homilist will be Fr. George C. Hines, Pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in Wrentham, MA. There will be a candlelight procession and outdoor Rosary at 8pm. Refreshments will be served after services.
Internationally acclaimed Irish tenor and founding member of “The Irish Tenors”, Anthony Kearns, will be performing at the Parish of St. Mary, 130 South Street in Wrentham, MA on Friday, August 21, 2009 at 7:30pm upstairs in the Church. Tickets are for general seating and are available now via email at or by phone at 508-384-0799. Tickets can also be purchased at the St. Mary Rectory on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 8:30am and 2pm. They are $40 each. “Meet and Greet” tickets may also be purchased for $60 each. These tickets include a “meet and greet” refreshment reception with Anthony Kearns.
On September 26, Bethany House Ministries will hold an auction at St. Thomas Parish in Millis. We are looking for donations of an eclectic ensemble of treasures such as jewelry, antiques, vintage books, furniture, china, kitchenware, household items, tools, collectables, and bric-a-brac. All proceeds from the auction will help to support Bethany House Ministries, a non-profit charitable organization. If you can help, please contact either Sr. Kathleen or Ruth at 508-376-9923 or email us at . All donations can be dropped off at our Bethany House Hope Chest at 1134 Main Street in Millis. Pick ups can be arranged by calling either Gary or Vy at 508-376-0824.
August 9, 2009
From the Pastor’s Desk
Dear friends—
Just a reminder that this weekend we will be hosting a missionary priest who will be speaking to us about the needs of the Church in his native land. Like most priests—I’m sure that it is not easy for him to ask for help—to beg for assistance. But in so many parts of the world the needs are great and the options few. Any help that you are able to give will be greatly appreciated and put to good use. Baskets for this collection are available as you leave Mass today or, if you are not prepared to help today, you can always put your donation in next week’s collection in an envelope marked “Missions” and we will get your donation to Fr. James for his work.
Next Saturday, August 15th, is the Feast of the Assumption. Because this holyday falls on a Saturday, the obligation to attend Mass is lifted for this year. We will have our usual 9am Mass on the 15th and that Mass will be the Mass for the feast day.
As I mentioned to some people last weekend, we are trying to improve the quality of the sound at Mass. You will note that we have installed new speakers on the pillars of the church and we’ve changed over some of the microphones.
Perfect sound is often hard to achieve. Things like the weather can affect the quality of the sound; where you are sitting in church (some areas have “dead spots”); as well as the different sound of different people’s voices. Concert venues have sound technicians at performances constantly adjusting the sound quality.
Obviously, it is not possible to have a technician at every church service but we are trying to improve the sound as much as possible. I’m very interested in your feedback. So far the people I have heard from think the system is vastly improved. What we have installed in the church thus far is temporary and we will continue to “tweak” the system based on the feedback we receive from you. Let me know your thoughts. Even if we achieve perfect sound, I’m not sure if it will improve the quality of my homilies or my jokes.
Fr. Culloty
August 9, 2009
CHURCH NAME: St. Timothy Parish
CHURCH CITY: Norwood, Walpole, Westwood
FILENAME: 03-0842.37b
PHONE NUMBER: 1-781-769-2522
FAX NUMBER: 1-781-769-9362
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