Winter 2013
Lesson 3: God’s Ways Are Not Man’s Ways
Exodus 4:18–6:9
Introduction:At this point in our study, Moses has reluctantly accepted God’s calling and begun his return to Egypt. In this week’s lesson, he is faced with circumstances designed to strengthen his trust in God. Read the assigned passage daily, and ask the Holy Spirit to increase your understanding and draw you closer to God in the same way that Moses did when he was faced with accomplishing God’s purposes in God’s way.
Day One: Read Exodus 4:18–6:9, focusing on Exodus 4:18–26; God’s Law Requires Obedience
1.What part of last week’s lesson or lecture challenged you, deepened your appreciation of Moses, or encouraged you to give greater thanks to God?
2.FromExodus 4:18–20, why do you think Moses asked Jethro’s permission to go to Egypt?
a.What additional information did God give Moses regarding his return to Egypt?
3.From verses 21–23, what did God tell Moses that Pharaoh would do, and why?
a.How does Exodus 9:16 help you understand God’s purposes in dealing with Pharaoh?
b.What attribute of God is evident as He hardens Pharaoh’s heart?
c.In verse 22, what did God instruct Moses to tell Pharaoh?Why is that significant?
4.From verses 24–26, why did God move against Moses to put him to death?
a.In your own words, briefly explain the significance of circumcision.(See Genesis 17:10–14, Deuteronomy 10:12–22 and 30:6, Jeremiah 4:1–4, and Romans 2:25–29.
Day Two:Read Exodus 4:18–6:9, focusing on Exodus 4:27–31;Moses Introduces Himself as Deliverer
1.Why do you think God sent Aaron to meet Moses in the wilderness?
2.Describe the events in verses 29–30.How does this connect to Exodus 4:14–17.
3.How did the people respond?
a.How had the attitude of the people changedsince Exodus 2:14? (See also Acts 7:25–27.)
4.How does this passage encourage you through seeing the personal nature of God’s care for His people?
Day Three:Read Exodus 4:18–6:9, focusing on Exodus 5:1–14;Pharaoh’s Hardening Response
1.How did Pharaoh respond to Moses and Aaron?
a.Based on what God told Moses, do you think Pharaoh’s response was what Moses expected? Cite Scripture to support your answer.
2.According to verses 3–5, what request did Moses and Aaron make of Pharaoh, and what was his response?
3.From verses6–9, what did Pharaoh instruct the taskmasters and foremen to do, and why?
Day Four:Read Exodus 4:18–6:9, focusing on Exodus 5:15–23;Israel’s Despondent Response
1.How did the foremen of the sons of Israel describe their relationship to Pharaoh? What was their complaint to him?
2.What was Pharaoh’s reason for his treatment of the foremen?
3.Of what did the foremen accuse Moses and Aaron in verses 20–21, and who did they call upon to judge them?
4.How did Moses respond to the allegations of the foremen?
a.How do you first respond when an accusation is made against you?
b.What counsel does Scripture provide for how to respond in those situations? Provide at least two references to support your answer.
Day FiveRead Exodus 4:18–6:9, focusing on Exodus 5:22–6:9;God Affirms His Character and His Care
1.How doesMoseschallenge God in 5:22–23?
2.What was God’s response to Moses?
a.How does God’s response focus on His character?
b.How does understanding God’s character affect how you view your present circumstances?
Study Note: Exodus 6:3 compares two of God’s names—“El Shaddai” and “Yahweh”—both of which were known before the flood and used by the patriarchs. The special significance of the name Yahweh (Lord),will be more fully understood as God reveals Himself in bringing His covenant with Israel to fruition.
3.From verses 6–8, list the promises that God as Yahweh wouldpersonally accomplish.
4.In verses 2–8, why do you think God repeated the phrase, “I am the Lord” (Yahweh), when He spoke to Moses?
5.How did the people respond when Moses recited the Lord’s promises to them?
6.Why do you think God allowed Moses to be rejected by both enemy and friendwhen he followed God’s instructions?
7.As we observe Moses growing in his knowledge of God and trust in His care, how can you, too, grow in those areasweek? Be specific.
Sanders/PetersJanuary 23, 2013