Read for at least 10 minutes per day and a minimum of 5 times a week.
Learn weekly spellings and times tables for a test on Monday. / 2. Experience
WALT: To make and taste a Chinese meal
Children can make a Chinese meal with the help of an adult for example, a stir fry. The children can read a recipe and follow the instructions to make the dish. The children taste their dish and discuss what they liked or disliked about the food. What was their favourite ingredient?
Completed on: / Completed on:
3. English
WALT: To write about their weekend
Children write about something interesting that they did at the weekend. Encourage the children to use their best handwriting, capital letters, full-stops, a range of adjectives and conjunctions (and, but, because). / 4. English
WALT: To write a winter acrostic poem
Children can write an acrostic poem using a winter word, eg. SNOWMAN, JANUARY, WINTER etc. The children have to try and use a range of interesting adjectives.
Completed on: / Completed on:
5. Maths
WALT: To practise telling the time
Show the children an analogue clock. Discuss where the different numbers are on the clock face. Encourage the children to practise telling the time. Discuss with the children when various things happen eg. we have our breakfast at 8 o’clock. / 6. Maths
WALT: To recognise different coins
Children can look at items whilst out shopping and discuss which coins would be needed to pay for the items. Encourage the children to say which coins are worth the most and least. For a challenge the children can add up various coins.
Completed on: / Completed on:
7. Science
WALT: To know about a range of materials
Children to look at a range of materials around the house and distinguish the object from the material that it is made from. Children can draw or write about the items. / 8. PSHE
WALT: To be kind to others
Children talk about the importance of kindness and how to be a good friend to others.
Completed on: / Completed on:
9. Art
WALT: To look at a range of paintings from famous artists
Children look at a range of paintings from famous artists and discuss what they like and dislike about the artwork. The children can view the paintings online or by visiting an art gallery. / 10. PE
WALT: To know about different martial arts.
Ask the children to research different martial arts and write about the different types of marital arts. Children could learn a martial art ‘move’ to demonstrate to the class.
Completed on: / Completed on:
Complete and return one piece of homework from the menu above every Thursday. Your books will be returned on Monday.
Any homework marked compulsory must be completed by the date given above.