R Intro. 44

Introduction to R

The R installation file for Windows can be downloaded from http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/. Select the “Download R 2.*.* for Windows” link. You can simply execute the file on your computer to install (all the installation defaults are o.k. to use).

Basics of R

The R Console window is where commands are typed.

The Console can be used like a calculator. Below are some examples:

> 2+2

[1] 4

> qchisq(0.95,1)

[1] 3.841459

> pnorm(1.96)

[1] 0.9750021

> (2-3)/6

[1] -0.1666667

> 2^2

[1] 4

> sin(pi/2)

[1] 1

> cos(pi/2)

[1] 6.123032e-17

> log(1)

[1] 0

Results from these calculations can be stored in an object. The <- is used to make the assignment and is read as “gets”.

> save<-2+2

> save

[1] 4

The objects are stored in R’s database. When you close R you will be asked if you would like to save or delete them. This is kind of like the SAS WORK library, but R gives you the choice to save them.

To see a listing of the objects, you can do either of the following:

> ls()

[1] "save"

> objects()

[1] "save"

To delete an object, use rm() and insert the object name in the parentheses.


R does various calculations using functions. For example, the qchisq() and the pnorm() commands used earlier are functions. Writing your own function is fairly simple. For example, suppose you want to write a function to calculate the standard deviation. Below is an example where 5 observations are saved to an object using the concatenate or combine function. A function called sd2 is written to find the standard deviation simply by using the square root of the variance. The sd2 object is now stored in the R database.

> x<-c(1,2,3,4,5)

> sd2<-function(numbers) {



> sd2(x)

[1] 1.581139

Note that there already is a function in R to calculate the standard deviation. It is sd().

When a function has multiple lines of code in it, the last line corresponds to the returned value. For example,

> x<-c(1,2,3,4,5)

> sd2<-function(numbers) {

cat(“Print the data \n”, numbers)



> save<-sd2(x)

Print the data
1 2 3 4 5

> save

[1] 1.581139

Note that the cat() function is used to print text and the \n character tells R to go to a new line.


To see a listing of all R functions which are “built in”, open the Help by selecting HELP > HTML HELP from the main R menu bar.

Under REFERENCE, select the link called PACKAGES. All built in R functions are stored in a package.

We have been using functions from the BASE and STATS package. By selecting STATS, you can scroll down to find help on the pnorm() function. Note the full syntax for pnorm() is

pnorm(q, mean=0, sd=1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p =


The q value corresponds to the 1.96 that was entered earlier. So

> pnorm(1.96)

[1] 0.9750021

> pnorm(q=1.96)

[1] 0.9750021

> pnorm(q=1.96, mean=0, sd=1)

[1] 0.9750021

produce the same results. The other entries in the function have default values set. For example, R assumes you want to work with the standard normal distribution by assigning mean=0 and sd=1 (standard deviation).

If you know the exact name of the function, simply type help(function name) at the R Console command prompt to bring up its help in a window inside of R. For example,

> help(pnorm)

brings up

Using R functions on vectors

Many R functions are set up to work directly on vectors. For example,

> pnorm(q = c(-1.96,1.96))

[1] 0.02499790 0.97500210

> qt(p = c(0.025, 0.975), df = 9)

[1] -2.262157 2.262157

The qt() function finds the 0.025 and 0.975 quantiles from a t-distribution with 9 degrees of freedom. As another example, suppose I want to find a 95% confidence interval for a population mean:

> x<-c(3.6771004, -3.6250945, 0.8013501,

3.0265685, -9.8599757, -8.6644204,

-2.3809956, 8.9420148, 0.5174142,


> x

[1] 3.6771004 -3.6250945 0.8013501 3.0265685

-9.8599757 -8.6644204

[7] -2.3809956 8.9420148 0.5174142 1.2531389

> mean(x) + qt(p = c(0.025, 0.975), df =

length(x)-1) * sd(x)/sqrt(length(x))

[1] -4.707622 3.445042

> t.test(x = x, mu = 2, conf.level = 0.95)

One Sample t-test

data: x

t = -1.4602, df = 9, p-value = 0.1782

alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 2

95 percent confidence interval:

-4.707622 3.445042

sample estimates:

mean of x


In this case, a random sample of size 10 is taken from a population (actually the distribution was N(2, 52)) and put into an object called x. Notice how the calculations are done automatically even though the qt() function produces a vector with two elements in it. I checked my confidence interval calculation with the results from t.test(), which automatically calculates the confidence interval and does a hypothesis test for a specified mean (mu). Please be careful when intermixing vectors and scalar values when doing calculations like this so that unintended results do not occur.


If you want to use functions that are in other packages, you may need to install and then load the package into R. For example, we will be using the RODBC package later to read in Excel files containing our data. While in the R console, select PACKAGES > INSTALL PACKAGE(S) from the main menu.

A number of locations around the world will come up. Choose one close to you (I usually choose USA(IA), which is at Iowa State U.). Next, the list of packages will appear. Select the RODBC package and select OK.

The package will now be installed onto your computer. This only needs to be done once on your computer. To load the package into your current R session, type library(package = RODBC) at the R Console prompt. This needs to be done only once in an R session. If you close R and reopen, you will need to use the library() function again.


Object names can include periods and underscores. For example, “mod.fit” could be a name of an object and it is often said as “mod dot fit”.


Program editors

Often, you will have a long list of commands that you would like to execute all at once – i.e., a program. Instead of typing all of the code line by line at the R Console prompt, you could type it in Notepad or some other text editor and copy and paste the code into R.

R’s program editor

Starting with R 2.0, a VERY limited program editor was incorporated into R. Select FILE > NEW SCRIPT to create a new program. Below is what the editor looks like with some of the past examples.

To run the current line of code (where the cursor is positioned) or some code highlighted, select EDIT > RUN LINE OR SELECTION.

To run all of the program, select EDIT > RUN ALL. To save your code as a program outside of R, select FILE > SAVE and make sure to use a .R extension on the file name. To open a program, select FILE > OPEN SCRIPT. Note that you can have more than one program open at the same time.

There are MUCH BETTER program editors! Each of these editors described next have color coding of the program code. I recommend using one of these editors.


Tinn-R (http://www.sciviews.org/Tinn-R/index.html) is a free, Windows-based program editor that is a separate software package outside of R. This editor is much more advanced than the R editor. One of its most significant features is syntax highlighting, which means code is colorized to its purpose. For example, comments are green and text within quotes is burgundy. Note that a program needs to be saved with the .R extension for syntax highlighting to appear by default.

Below is a screen capture from this version of Tinn-R version This is not the most up-to-date version, but I like it more than newer versions (reason to be discussed shortly).


·  Tinn-R has a database containing the syntax of many R functions. When you start typing a function name, the editor provides the syntax for help -- similar to how Excel works when typing a function.

·  To send part of the program from Tinn-R to an open R window, highlight the code and select the “Send selection” icon (, 4th from the left on the R toolbar). To send a whole program and see the results displayed, select the “Send all” icon (, 2nd from the left on the R toolbar).

·  After sending code from Tinn to R, the Tinn window will automatically come back to the top. If you want to stop this from occurring, select OPTIONS > RETURN FOCUS AFTER SENDING TO R. This is helpful when you want to see what the output produced in R.

·  Syntax highlighting can be maintained with code that is copied and pasted into a word processing program. After highlighting the desired code to copy, select Edit > Copy formatted (to export) > RTF.

·  Another way to use Tinn-R (or any program editor) and R is to have a second monitor. One can have Tinn open on your primary monitor and R open on your secondary monitor so that you can always see both at the same time. This is how I use R (with WinEdt) in my office! Below is a screen capture of Tinn open on my laptop’s monitor and R open on a second external monitor:

Ó 2011 Christopher R. Bilder

R Intro. 44

Ó 2011 Christopher R. Bilder

R Intro. 44

In order to understand the different versions of Tinn-R, you need to understand first that there are two ways that R can be run: 1) MDI mode and 2) SDI mode. The MDI mode is the default and is what I run in class. “M”ultiple windows are contained within the R GUI (graphical user interface) like the R Console and any graphs. The SDI mode will put the R Console in a “s”ingle window and any plots that are created will be in a separate window outside of the normal R GUI. You can determine the mode you are using in R by selecting EDIT > GUI PREFERENCES and examining the top line of the “Rgui Configuration Editor”. Versions of Tinn-R greater than can only be run using the SDI mode. Below is a screen capture of what version looks like.

If Tinn-R is run first without R opened, R can be started by selecting the “R Control: gui (start/close)” icon (R with an “x” in a red circle) from the R toolbar. Tinn-R will reposition its window and the R window to make both viewable simultaneously. In this situation, Tinn-R opens R in its SDI mode. Below are some additional important comments about Tinn-R

·  Program code in Tinn-R can be run in R by selecting specific icons on Tinn-R's R toolbar. For example, a highlighted portion of code can be transferred to and then run in R by selecting the “R SEND: cursor to end line” icon (arrow tip pointing to the right).

·  If R is minimized or behind the Tinn-R window, the immediate results from running code in R may not be seen due to the Tinn-R window hiding it. In order to see the results in R immediately, select Options > Return focus to editor (after send/control rgui) or the appropriate icon (two circular arrows) on the Misc toolbar.

·  By default, the line containing the cursor is highlighted in yellow. To turn this option off, select Options > Colors (preference) and uncheck the Active line (choice) box.


In the past, I used the WinEdt editor (version 5.5) with R’s RWinEdt package. I switched over to Tinn-R when briefly the RWinEdt package was not available for 64-bit processors. Note that WinEdt is shareware (30-day free trial). Below is a brief description of the installation process.

1)  Download WinEdt from http://www.winedt.com (see Downloads on left menu) and install on your computer.

2)  Assuming R is already installed on your computer, install the “RWinEdt” package within R.

3)  Type library(RWinEdt) at the command prompt to complete the installation. You can ignore any messages about running R in MDI mode unless you want to run R in a language other than English. Note that you may need to be running R as the administrator before doing this step (right click on an R icon and select “Run as administrator”).

4)  You should now see an additional menu heading in R called “R-WinEdt”. Select this and click on the “Set and start R-WinEdt” option. This will automatically start WinEdt with the R add-on!

5)  In the future, you can type library(RWinEdt) at the R Console prompt whenever you want to start WinEdt with R.

In order to transfer code from WinEdt to R, you can highlight it and select the PASTE button.

There are other ways to start WinEdt with its additional R components. In the past, I have done the following:

·  I have used in the past the following link target to start WinEdt.

"C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\WinEdt.exe"
-C="R-WinEdt" -e=r.ini

·  Now, I add the R code line of

options(defaultPackages = c(getOption(


to the “Rprofile.site” file at C:\Program Files\R\R-2.10.1\etc (for R 2.10.1). Whenever R starts, it will automatically run library(RWinEdt) causing WinEdt to open.


This editor is still in its beta testing form, but it offers a nice interface to using R. You can download it from www.rstudio.org, it is free, and runs on multiple types of operating systems. The software package combines a program editor, R Console window, graphics window, working database listing, and other items within one window. Below is a screen capture of it in version 0.92.23.