February 17, 2005
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PO BOX 233
PUTNEY, VT 05346
Selectboard Minutes
Thursday, February 17, 2005
1. The Putney Selectboard convened the meeting at 1:00 p.m. at Town Hall.
Members Present: Regina A. Rockefeller, Lyssa Papazian (by conference call); John K. Nopper
Others Present: Mark Youngstrom, Tom Goddard, Dennis Wilson
2. Water System
-There was general discussion of the water system and addressing Tom Goddard’s concerns. Mark Youngstrom noted that he met with Northeast Water adviser Don Hanks to discuss some of the issues. Tom Goddard noted that he was getting more comfortable with operation of the system. They are now 1 step closer to getting up to speed.
-On classification, Mark Youngstrom clarified that a class 3 license was not really intended for this application but wasn’t changed in last revision. He said there are three options: 1) Given the intent of the law, let the Class 2 license stand until it is revised. 2) Jim Lovering of Landmark who holds a class 3 license could be named operator (only on paper and temporarily until revisions are made to regulations). 3) Robby, Tom or Dennis gets a class 3 license (only 1 is needed). He said that the state doesn’t have any serious concerns at the moment. There was some more discussion and questions from Tom Goddard.
-Mark Youngstrom went over the sampling requirements and emergency procedures.
-Regarding February 9 letter from SCI, Mark Youngstrom prepared a draft letter for Selectboard to send stating its position re: liquidated damages. It has a summary paragraph that references general conditions and assumptions of fact that the reply is based on. Essentially, reply letter concludes that completion date is still Dec. 24, 2004 (not substantial completion but everything), and date of substantial completion can be moved up to when the library first hooked on – Jan. 8, 2005. Letter acknowledges that SCIi can have a three week spring clean up window with no additional damages. Liquidated damages would be assessed from Dec 24 – Jan. 8 and they need a request from SCI for a change order extending the completion date to allow for the spring clean up period to be determined mutually but not to extend past June 1, 2005. There was discussion of the proposed reply. The punch list prepared by Scott Matthews would need to be completed in three week windows as well or else more damages would be assessed. Liquidated damages (15 days @ $800/day = $12,000) end up being very similar to actual cost ($10,670) of having Otter Creek manage the project beyond completion date.
-Dennis Wilson wanted to make sure that the culvert on Sand Hill Road be on the punch list. Regina Rockefeller asked whether Ray Fortier’s area where 2 cuts had to be made was on the list. Mark Youngstrom will check on both.
John Nopper moved and Lyssa Papazian seconded that Selectboard write, sign and send to SCI the reply letter as drafted by Mark Youngstrom and that Selectboard directs Mark Youngstrom to send a change order for Selectboard signature. All were in favor.
Mark Youngstrom left the meeting at 1:43 p.m.
3. Executive Session
John Nopper moved and Lyssa Papazian seconded motion to enter executive session to discuss a personnel matter. All were in favor. Board entered executive session at 1:45 pm and invited Tom Goddard and Dennis Wilson to join them.
Board came out of executive session at 1:59 p.m. with no action taken.
Board recessed until 5:30 p.m.
4. The Putney Selectboard re-convened at 5:30 at the Town Hall.
Members Present: Regina A. Rockefeller, Lyssa Papazian (arrived at 5:50); John K. Nopper
Others Present: Dominic Cloud
5. Town Manager search & interim assistance
-Board discussed with Dominic Cloud of VLCT John Nopper’s idea of having Regina Rockefeller assume the administrative assistant duties while still being a Selectboard member. John Nopper had consulted town attorney and found out that Selectboard member cannot be Town Manager by statute but could be assistant to Selectboard as long as the member was not chair. He proposed to re-organize early and assume the chair with Lyssa Papazian as vice-chair and Regina Rockefeller as secretary. Then, Selectboard could set compensation for assistant position as long as Regina Rockefeller recuses herself from discussion. Dominic Cloud thought it would be a good way to go considering how familiar Regina Rockefeller is with the office and business of town.
-Dominic Cloud described the services VLCT would provide in performing a town manager search for Putney. He said that VLCT charged $75 an hour and billed separately for the advertising. He said it would not go above $6000 and likely wouldn’t go above $5000. There was general discussion about the job description, duties and salary range. He also asked about forming a search committee in town. Selectboard agreed that they would like to hire VLCT to do the search and asked Dominic Cloud to provide a draft contract.
6. Re-organization
-Regina Rockefeller resigned as Chair and nominated John Nopper as Chair. Lyssa Papazian seconded. All were in favor.
-John Nopper nominated Lyssa Papazian as Vice-Chair. Regina Rockefeller seconded. All were in favor.
-Lyssa Papazian nominated Regina Rockefeller as Secretary. John Nopper seconded. All were in favor.
-Interim Assistance
Regina Rockefeller recused herself from discussion. John Nopper moved and Lyssa Papazian seconded offering the full time position of Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard for a temporary period of 3-6 months during the Town Manager Search to Regina Rockefeller at $1000 per week with no benefits but with a two week unpaid leave in March. All (2) were in favor.
Regina Rockefeller accepted the position and compensation and indicated that she would not be a candidate for the Town Manager position but would stay on the Selectboard as Secretary.
The Putney Selectboard recessed at 6:50 p.m. to relocate to Putney Central School for Fire Station Forum.
2. The Putney Selectboard re-convened the meeting and convened the town forum at 7:05 p.m. at the Putney Central School
Members Present: Regina A. Rockefeller, Lyssa Papazian; John K. Nopper
Others Present: John Caldwell (moderator), Robert Stromberg, Brad King, Paul LeVasseur, Tom Jamison, Eva Mondon, Dale Temple, John Leader, Marcia Leader, Susan Snow, Ray Snow, Anita M. Coomes, Sharon Short, Gregory Short, Eyvonne Martin, Frank Harlow, Peter May, Thomas Goddard, Ellis Derrig, Jr., Chris Fellows, Edward Martin, Larry Hyde, Eve McDermitt (?), Bill Harlow, Holly Ellis, Marc Fellows, Mark P. Blair, Thera Hindmarsh, Bob Hindmarsh, Margot Torrey, Arthur Westing, Carol Westing, Jacquie Walker, Bob Treat, Mary Lou Treat, Elizabeth Stead, Craig Stead, Ron Rittle, Susan Tarolli, Angel Vernon, Greg Wilson (?), Mary Jones.
3. -John Nopper welcomed people and introduced the forum. He made the announcement that board re-organized early with John Nopper as chair, Lyssa Papazian as Vice-chair and Regina Rockefeller as secretary and that Regina Rockefeller would be administrative assistant to Selectboard for period during Town Manager search and be paid for the work an amount determined by John Nopper and Lyssa Papazian.
-Robert Stromberg, Chair of the Fire Department Planning Committee gave information about the fire station evaluation, committee report and recommendation, and about the plans for the new station.
- Regina Rockefeller discussed the costs of the new station.
-John Nopper discussed the Selectboard’s financing proposal – a five-way partnership of the town and four private schools.
There was discussion and questions.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.