West Virgina Council of School Nurses
Meeting Minutes
Present: Sharon Clark, Chairperson; Melinda Gibson, Diana Baker, Rebecca King, Delberta Riffe, Elaine Rinehart, Susie Poindexter, Debbie Derico, Beth Jordan
I.The Council meeting was called to order by Sharon Clark. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read by the secretary. Motion to accept by D. Baker, Susie
Poindexter seconded. The motion passed.
A. Procedures for Consideration for Inclusion in Manual
1. Long-term Medication Admin./ Emergency Medication Admin.as
amended. Motion to accept by M.Gibson, seconded by D.
Riffe. The motion passed.
2. Peritoneal Dialysis- Motion to place in Supplemental Manual with
revision, made by E. Rinehart, seconded by D. Riffe. The motion
3. Pressure Dressings for burns- S. Poindexter is continuing to seek
4. Spirometry- Add physical description of machine to informational
sheet. Continue to review at next meeting.
5. Pulse Oxymetry- lengthy discussion result: E. Rinehart
will write statement re. use with vent as ordered by
information. Will be an informational sheet.
6.Intranasal/Buccal Versed- recommended against
use in schools. Motion made to accept recommendation by
D.Riffe, seconded by B. Jordan . The motion passed.
7. Continuous Glucose Monitoring-recommended as
informational sheet. Motion made to accept as amended, by D. Riffe,
seconded by D. Derrico. The motion passed.
8. Enteral Administration of Medication(nasogastric and button
gastrostomy)-will review procedures as amended by
D.Derrico for inclusion in Manual at next meeting.
9. Combination Immunizations-comprehensive list provided;
will use as reference page.
B. Review/Revisions of Basic and Specialized Health Care Policy and
Procedure Manual for West Virginia Public Schools
(continued from last meeting)
- Section 8: Diastat Intervention Guide and Communication Log
recommended to be included as part of seizure intervention guide.
Will be re-reviewed next meeting.
2 Move Phrenic Nerve Stimulator Procedure to Respiratory Section.
3. Section 9:Anaphylactic Reaction- amended to include Twinject, new
Epi- Pen type 2-dose injector ( 2nd dose given manually). E. Rinehart
will rewrite procedure to include this and bring Twinject sample to
next meeting to view as procedure is re-reviewed.
Mechanical ventilator- updated checklists to be inserted; “possible
problems…” needs retyped in more common font.
Revisions for the following procedures will be reviewed at the next
Metered Dose Inhaler Therapy Oral Suctioning
Oxygen Administration Peak Flow Meter
Percussion and/or Postural Drainage Emergency Replacement of
Tracheostomy Tube
- Section 10:
Revisions for the following procedures will be reviewed at the next
Catheterization Self-Catheterization
Sterile Catheterization
- New Business
Question regarding our accepting staff nurse signing physician’s name then
her name on an order without the physician signing it: do we accept it at
- WVDE Update
Court case in MingoCounty regarding non-medical exemption for
immunizations. No settlement yet.
- General Information:
* Rhonda Tabit will be contracted to edit draft of revised Manual after final
review next meeting.
* Think about goals for next year.
Beth Jordan, RN Secretary