CIMO Guide, Part IV, Satellite observations - Index 6


Part IV : satellite observations



1.1 Historical perspective

1.2 Spatial and temporal scale

1.3 Complementarity of satellite and ground-based measurements


2.1 Orbits and Earth viewing from space

2.1.1 Satellite and instrument field of views

2.1.2 Orbital period, geostationary orbit, observing cycle, repeat cycle

2.1.3 Orbital precession, sun-synchronous orbits, drifting orbits

2.1.4 Elliptical orbits

2.1.5 Launchers and injection into orbit

2.2 Principles of remote sensing

2.2.1 The electromagnetic spectrum utilised for remote sensing

2.2.2 The basic laws of the interaction between e.m. radiation and matter

2.2.3 Observations in the atmospheric windows Emerging radiation Measurements in VIS+NIR+SWIR Measurements in MWIR and TIR Measurements in MW

2.2.4 Observations in absorption bands The radiative transfer equation Profiles retrieval Limb sounding

2.2.5 Active sensing Radio occultation Radar Lidar

2.3 Space and Ground segments

2.3.1 The Space segment Platform services Navigation and positioning systems Orientation and stabilisation The housekeeping system Data transmission Data relay services

2.3.2 The Ground segment Central station for satellite control and global data acquisition The mission and operations control centres The data processing and archiving centres Data and products distribution User receiving stations Product processing levels


3.1 Instruments basic characteristics

3.1.1 Scanning, swath, observing cycle

3.1.2 Spectral range: radiometers and spectrometers

3.1.3 Spatial resolution (IFOV, pixel, MTF)

3.1.4 Radiometric resolution

3.2 Instrument classification

3.2.1 Moderate-resolution optical imagers

3.2.2 High-resolution optical imagers

3.2.3 Cross-nadir scanning short-wave sounders

3.2.4 Cross-nadir scanning infrared sounders

3.2.5 Microwave radiometers

3.2.6 Limb sounders

3.2.7 Broadband radiometers

3.2.8 Solar irradiance monitors

3.2.9 GNSS radio-occultation sounders

3.2.10 Lightning imagers

3.2.11 Cloud and precipitation radar

3.2.12 Radar scatterometers

3.2.13 Radar altimeters

3.2.14 Imaging radar (SAR)

3.2.15 Lidar-based instruments

3.2.16 Gradiometers/accelerometers

3.2.17 Solar activity monitors

3.2.18 Space environment monitors

3.2.19 Magnetometers and electric field sensors


4.1 Operational meteorological satellites

4.1.1 Meteorological satellites in geostationary or highly elliptical orbit

4.1.2 Meteorological satellites in sun-synchronous orbit

4.2 Specialised atmospheric missions

4.2.1 Precipitation

4.2.2 Radio occultation

4.2.3 Atmospheric radiation

4.2.4 Atmospheric chemistry

4.2.5 Atmospheric dynamics

4.3 Missions to ocean and sea-ice

4.3.1 Ocean topography

4.3.2 Ocean colour

4.3.3 Sea surface wind

4.3.4 Sea surface salinity

4.3.5 Waves

4.4 Land observation missions

4.4.1 Main operational or near-operational missions

4.4.2 The Disaster Monitoring Constellation

4.4.3 All-weather high-resolution monitoring (by SAR)

4.5 Missions to Solid Earth

4.5.1 Space geodesy

4.5.2 Earth’s interior

4.6 Missions to Space weather

4.6.1 Solar activity monitoring

4.6.2 Magnetosphere and ionosphere monitoring Observation of the Magnetosphere Observation of the Ionosphere Space environment observation from operational meteorological satellites


5.1 Introduction

5.1.1 Processing levels

5.1.2 Products quality Atmospheric volumes (relevant to profiles) The horizontal resolution (Dx) The vertical resolution (Dz) The observing cycle (Dt) The accuracy (RMS) The timeliness (d)

5.1.3 Evaluation of satellite product quality

5.2 Basic atmospheric 3D and 2D variables

5.2.1 Atmospheric temperature

5.2.2 Specific humidity

5.2.3 Wind (horizontal)

5.2.4 Wind vector over the surface (horizontal)

5.2.5 Height of the top of the Planetary Boundary Layer

5.2.6 Height of the tropopause

5.2.7 Temperature of the tropopause

5.3 Cloud and Precipitation variables

5.3.1 Cloud top temperature

5.3.2 Cloud top height

5.3.3 Cloud type

5.3.4 Cloud cover

5.3.5 Cloud base height

5.3.6 Cloud optical depth

5.3.7 Cloud liquid water

5.3.8 Cloud drop effective radius

5.3.9 Cloud ice

5.3.10 Cloud ice effective radius

5.3.11 Freezing level height in clouds

5.3.12 Melting layer depth in clouds

5.3.13 Precipitation (liquid or solid)

5.3.14 Precipitation intensity at surface (liquid or solid)

5.3.15 Accumulated precipitation (over 24 hours)

5.3.16 Lightning detection

5.4 Aerosol and Radiation

5.4.1 Aerosol optical depth

5.4.2 Aerosol concentration

5.4.3 Aerosol effective radius

5.4.4 Aerosol type

5.4.5 Volcanic ash

5.4.6 Downward solar irradiance at TOA

5.4.7 Upward spectral radiance at TOA

5.4.8 Upward long-wave irradiance at TOA

5.4.9 Upward short-wave irradiance at TOA

5.4.10 Short-wave cloud reflectance

5.4.11 Downward LW irradiance at Earth’s surface

5.4.12 Downward SW irradiance at Earth’s surface

5.4.13 Earth’s surface albedo

5.4.14 Earth’s surface SW bi-directional reflectance

5.4.15 Upward long-wave irradiance at Earth’s surface

5.4.16 Long-wave Earth surface emissivity

5.4.17 Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)

5.4.18 Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR)

5.5 Ocean and sea-ice

5.5.1 Ocean chlorophyll concentration

5.5.2 Colour Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM)

5.5.3 Ocean suspended sediments concentration

5.5.4 Ocean Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient (DAC)

5.5.5 Oil spill cover

5.5.6 Sea surface temperature

5.5.7 Sea surface salinity

5.5.8 Ocean dynamic topography

5.5.9 Coastal sea level (tide)

5.5.10 Significant wave height

5.5.11 Dominant wave direction

5.5.12 Dominant wave period

5.5.13 Wave directional energy frequency spectrum

5.5.14 Sea-ice cover

5.5.15 Sea-ice thickness

5.5.16 Sea-ice type

5.6 Land surface (including snow)

5.6.1 Land surface temperature

5.6.2 Soil moisture at surface

5.6.3 Soil moisture (in the roots region)

5.6.4 Fraction of vegetated land

5.6.5 Vegetation type

5.6.6 Leaf Area Index (LAI)

5.6.7 Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)

5.6.8 Fire fractional cover

5.6.9 Fire temperature

5.6.10 Fire radiative power

5.6.11 Snow status (wet/dry)

5.6.12 Snow cover

5.6.13 Snow water equivalent

5.6.14 Soil type

5.6.15 Land cover

5.6.16 Land surface topography

5.6.17 Glacier cover

5.6.18 Glacier topography

5.7 Solid Earth

5.7.1 Geoid

5.7.2 Crustal plates positioning

5.7.3 Crustal motion (horizontal and vertical)

5.7.4 Gravity field

5.7.5 Gravity gradients

5.8 Atmospheric chemistry

5.8.1 O3

5.8.2 BrO

5.8.3 C2H2

5.8.4 C2H6

5.8.5 CFC-11

5.8.6 CFC-12

5.8.7 CH2O

5.8.8 CH4

5.8.9 ClO

5.8.10 ClONO2

5.8.11 CO

5.8.12 CO2

5.8.13 COS

5.8.14 H2O

5.8.15 HCl

5.8.16 HDO

5.8.17 HNO3

5.8.18 N2O

5.8.19 N2O5

5.8.20 NO

5.8.21 NO2

5.8.22 OH

5.8.23 PAN

5.8.24 PSC occurrence

5.8.25 SF6

5.8.26 SO2

5.9 Space Weather

5.9.1 Total Electron Content (TEC)

5.9.2 Electron density

5.9.3 Magnetic field

5.9.4 Electric field

5.9.5 Charged particles

5.9.6 Solar activity

Annex to Chapter 5


6.1 Instrument calibration

6.1.1 Introduction

6.1.2 Factors affecting calibration

6.1.3 Pre-flight calibration

6.1.4 On-board calibration

6.1.5 Vicarious calibration

6.1.6 Inter-calibration by simultaneous observations

6.1.7 Bias adjustment of long-term data records

6.1.8 Using calibration information

6.1.9 Traceability of space-based measurement

6.2 Product validation

6.2.1 Factors to be accounted for in validation

6.2.2 Validation strategies

6.2.3 Impact studies


7.1 Frequency protection issues

7.1.1 Overall frequency management

7.1.2 Passive MW radiometry

7.1.3 Active MW sensing

7.1.4 Satellite operation and communication frequencies

7.2 International coordination

7.2.1 The coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS)

7.2.2 The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS)

7.3 Satellite mission planning

7.3.1 Programme lifecycle

7.3.2 Continuity and contingency planning

7.3.3 Long-term evolution




1.1 Historical perspective

On the 1st of April 1960, a new era started for meteorology with the launch of TIROS-1. Weather systems, which had only been depicted until then by synoptic maps and aircraft observations, could be visualized at a glance. Their explosive dynamics became more evident with geostationary imagery from ATS-1 on 6 December 1966. The term “Nowcasting” emerged, as the first application of meteorological satellites.

Though initial satellite data utilisation was nearly exclusively for Nowcasting, commencing with Nimbus-3 (13 April 1969), it was first applied to the field of Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) by using data from experimental instruments to derive vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature and humidity and by deriving cloud-motion winds from geostationary image sequences.

The First Global Atmospheric Research Programme (GARP) Global Experiment (FGGE, 1979-80) was able to assemble, for the first time, a composite system of four geostationary satellites and two near-polar satellites, which delivered global sounding and imaging coverage four times a day and imagery at low and mid latitudes half-hourly. It is important to note that since their early days, in addition to supporting operational applications, meteorological satellites enabled advances to be made in the understanding of atmospheric dynamics and climate.

Driven by the high economic value of earth resource exploration and vegetation cycle monitoring, new satellite programmes emerged with a focus on land surface observation. Landsat-1, launched on 23 July 1972, led the first series of high resolution land observation satellites and coverage from the SPOT series commenced on 22 February 1986 with SPOT-1, providing imagery at a spatial resolution of 10 to 20 metres.

Exploration of the Ocean began with the launch of SeaSat on 27 June 1978, which marked the advent of all-weather microwave sensing, both active and passive. Almost simultaneously, on 24 October 1978, Nimbus-7 pursued microwave passive sensing with the addition of ocean colour monitoring. After the precursor SeaSat altimetry, scatterometry and SAR imagery missions, no active sensing mission was operated until the launch of ERS-1 on 17 July 1991. Retrieval of information on atmospheric radiation and chemistry was initially explored by several Nimbus missions. A milestone for Earth radiation study was ERBS (5 October 1984). For atmospheric chemistry a major milestone was UARS (12 September 1991).

1.2 Spatial and temporal scales

The concept of the Global Observing System was totally revised with the advent of satellites, taking advantage of the complementary nature of ground-based and space-based observations. The space-based component offers the unique opportunity of uninterrupted global coverage, and frequent observing cycle. A striking advantage is the capability of atmospheric vertical sounding over the oceans, alleviating a great limitation of observations for global NWP. Over continental areas, observing networks are biased towards populated areas, whereas the vast majority of land surfaces are relatively un-populated, hence under-sampled; furthermore, some local observations available from the ground (e.g., cloud type) are hard to integrate spatially.

One important difference between satellite and ground measurements is the integration in space and time. Satellite measurements integrate the incoming signal over an Instantaneous Field Of View (IFOV) determined by the need to collect sufficient radiant energy to provide the required Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). Ground measurements are usually point-related, although, depending on the observed variable, the measurement may be representative of a larger or smaller area. In the time dimension, the situation is reversed: satellite measurements are nearly instantaneous, due to the satellite motion or the time available to acquire a picture element (pixel) when scanning an image; ground measurements usually integrate over a certain time interval in order to average instantaneous fluctuations. These differences impact on the complexity of comparing or combining satellite and ground measurements.

1.3 Complementary nature of satellite and ground-based measurements

It is acknowledged that satellites are unable to perform all needed observations with the required measurement quality. For certain geophysical variables no remote sensing principle exists. For others, the required measurement quality is only achievable with ancillary information from accurate ground-based observing systems. In addition, since satellite measurements are often of indirect nature (the primary observed quantity being radiation), ground measurements play a key role for the validation of satellite-derived products.

There are still areas where exclusively ground-based systems can provide measurements of acceptable quality. Even in those cases, satellites can be useful in spatially extending local and sparse ground measurements. In particular, the practice of assimilation enables transferring information across geophysical variables measured by means of different techniques: this means that satellite observations may contribute to the knowledge of geophysical variables even when not directly observed from satellite, provided that there is a strong physical relationship between these variables. Synergistic utilisation of ground-based and space-based observations is fundamental to the WMO Integrated Global Observing Systems (WIGOS).

Note: Detailed descriptions of satellite programmes and instruments are available in the WMO online database of space-based observation capabilities, available from the WMO website: