Supplementary Table 1: 21 OCAC study sites and study acronyms

Study site / Study acronym
Australian Ovarian Cancer Study/Australian Cancer Study (Ovarian Cancer) / AUS
Bavarian Ovarian Cancer Cases and Controls / BAV
Belgian Ovarium Cancer Study / BEL
Connecticut Ovarian Cancer Study / CON
Diseases of the Ovary and their Evaluation / DOV
German Ovarian Cancer Study / GER
Hawaii Ovarian Cancer Case-Control Study / HAW
Novel Risk Factors and Potential Early Detection Markers for Ovarian Cancer / HOP
Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken / HSK
Hospital-based Research Program at Aichi Cancer Center / JPN
Mayo Clinic Case-Only Ovarian Cancer Study
Mayo Clinic Ovarian Cancer Case-Control Study / MAC+
MALignant OVArian cancer / MAL
North Carolina Ovarian Cancer Study / NCO
New England Case Control Study / NEC
New Jersey Ovarian Cancer Study / NJO
Polish Ovarian Cancer Case Control Study / POL
Danish Pelvic Mass Study / PVD
Family Registry for Ovarian Cancer AND Genetic Epidemiology of Ovarian Cancer / STA
Tampa Bay Ovarian Cancer Study / TBO
University California Irvine Ovarian Study / UCI
Los Angeles County Case-Control Studies of Ovarian Cancer / USC

Supplementary Table 2: The association between body mass index and overall survival following a diagnosis of invasive ovarian cancer, all subtypes, two-stage pooled analysis, with and without adjustment for residual disease after surgery, 10 studies

Main model / Main Model + adjustment for residual disease
Recent BMI (kg/m2) / Studies(a) / I2 (%) / pHR(b) / 95% CI / I2 (%) / pHR(c) / 95% CI
<18.5 / 9 / 73.7 / 1.56* / 0.88–2.78 / 67.3 / 1.40* / 0.83–2.36
18.5-24.9 (Ref) / 10 / REF# / REF#
25-29.9 / 10 / 53.8 / 1.09* / 0.92–1.28 / 43.7 / 1.03# / 0.89–1.20
30-34.9 / 9 / 0.0 / 1.04# / 0.91–1.19 / 0.0 / 1.05# / 0.92–1.20
≥35 / 9 / 64.5 / 1.33* / 0.95–1.87 / 61.5 / 1.33* / 0.96–1.85
Per 5 kg/m2 (d) / 10 / 52.3 / 1.06* / 0.99–1.14 / 45.2 / 1.05# / 0.98–1.12

(a)Includes studies where information on residual disease was available for >50% of participants (AUS, BAV, BEL, HAW, HSK, JPN, MAC, MAL, MAY, PVD).MAC could not be included in estimates for BMI <18.5; JPN could not be included in estimates for BMI 30-34.9 and ≥35.

(b)Pooled HR combined study site-specific estimates adjusting for age at diagnosis (continuous), stage (local/regional/distant/unknown), grade (well-/moderately-/poorly plus undifferentiated/unknown), and ethnicity if <95% of participants at a site shared a common ethnicity, further adjusted for the interaction of age, stage, grade, and/or race with time as appropriate at each site.

(c)Pooled HR calculated as above, with additional adjustment for residual disease (any / no / unknown macroscopic residual disease).

(d)Excludes participants with BMI <18.5kg/m2.

*Significant heterogeneity noted (P value for heterogeneity <0.05)

Supplementary Table 3: The association between body mass index and overall survival following a diagnosis of invasive ovarian cancer, all subtypes, two-stage pooled analysis, with and without adjustment for smoking status, 17 studies

Main model / Main Model + adjustment for smoking
Recent BMI (kg/m2) / Studies(a) / I2 (%) / pHR(b) / 95% CI / I2 (%) / pHR(c) / 95% CI
<18.5 / 17 / 0.0 / 1.19# / 1.00–1.41 / 0.0 / 1.18# / 1.00–1.40
18.5-24.9 (Ref) / REF# / REF#
25-29.9 / 17 / 47.2 / 1.05* / 0.96–1.15 / 48.2 / 1.06* / 0.96–1.16
30-34.9 / 16 / 26.8 / 1.09# / 0.99–1.21 / 26.2 / 1.09# / 0.98–1.20
≥35 / 16 / 8.7 / 1.10# / 0.99–1.22 / 7.4 / 1.11# / 1.00–1.23
Per 5 kg/m2 (d) / 17 / 18.6 / 1.03# / 1.00–1.06 / 14.2 / 1.03# / 1.00–1.06

(a)Includes studies where information on smoking was available for >50% of participants (AUS, CON, DOV, GER, HAW, HOP, JPN, MAL, MAY, NCO, NEC, NJO, POL, STA, TBO, UCI, USC).JPN could not be included in estimates for BMI 30-34.9 and ≥35.

(b)Pooled HR combined study site-specific estimates adjusting for age at diagnosis (continuous), stage (local/regional/distant/unknown), grade (well-/moderately-/poorly plus undifferentiated/unknown), and ethnicity if <95% of participants at a site shared a common ethnicity, further adjusted for the interaction of age, stage, grade, and/or race with time as appropriate at each site.

(c)Pooled HR calculated as above, with additional adjustment for smoking status (current / never / ex / unknown smoking status).

(d)Excludes participants with BMI <18.5kg/m2.

*Significant heterogeneity noted (P value for heterogeneity <0.05)