Midland Zone Individual & Team Show Jumping

Team of Four Flat Ride A 2713N

Stawell Pony Club,

49 Bulgana Rd Stawell Vic 3380

Sunday 24th August 2014.

The “Riverside” & “Tom’s Whisker’s” Perpetual Trophy
Awarded to the best performed PA or PB grade horse on the day

Midland Secretary Midland Zone Representative

Linda Gerring: 71 St Arnaud Rd. Maryborough. 3465. Mrs. Kaye Blanchard

Phone: 03 54604542. Mobile: 0447 007 326 Phone: 0427 433 779

Catering: Canteen facilities – Breakfast available.

Entry Fee: Entry fees must accompany entry form

Flat Team $ 40.00 per team

Show Jumping Teams $ 10.00 per rider

Individual Show Jumping $ 8.00 per event per rider

Entries Close with payment: Friday 15th August 2014. Late Entries will NOT be accepted.

Send entries and fees to: Midland Event Secretary

Linda Gerring

71 St Arnaud Rd. Maryborough. 3465.

Cheques made payable to: Midland Zone

Direct Deposit: Must be deposited & verified by Zone Treasurer by event closing date

Draw: Will be emailed to club contacts and posted on the

Midland Zone Website the Thursday evening prior to the event.


Camping: Camping sites are available at no charge. No Power or showers available.

Yards: No horse yards are available

Rules: As per current PCAV Rules.

Membership Cards: Must be handed in at the start of the day and be current and up to date.

Note: It is the responsibility of the riders/parents and club DC’s to ensuring gradings are correct and recorded on the riders cards. Please ensure this is done to make the card checkers job easier on the day.

Condition of Entry: Hors Concur entries may be accepted at the discretion of K. Blanchard (Zone Rep)

Gear Check: Gear Checking Rules - as per current PCAV Rules.

All competitors MUST present themselves for a Gear Check at least 20 minutes

prior to the commencement of each event.

Presentations: Will not take place until all equipment is packed up.

All riders are to present in full Pony Club uniform.

Disclaimer: Competitors enter and ride at their own risk. Midland Zone Inc.,

Stawell Pony Club and the Organising Committee accept no responsibility for any accidents, damage or illness to horses, riders, owners, spectators, any other

persons or property whatsoever.

The Organising Committee reserves the right to alter the program if deemed necessary.

No Dogs Allowed

Midland Zone of P.C.A.V.

Pony Club Individual & Team Show Jumping

Team of Four Flat Ride Shield.

Riders may compete in BOTH Section A and B.

Riders can ride more than one horse on the day.

Section A: Team of Four – Zone Shield Flat Ride Competition

Team of Four Team Ride

The team of 4 ride has been emailed to all clubs and is available on the Midland Zone Website

No height restriction for horses. If more than one team please give teams names or letters.

Teams to supply own back numbers 1-4.


Sashes awarded to sixth place.

Entry Fee: $60.00 per team.

Team Ride attached below

Section B: – Zone Shield Show Jumping Competition: Team of Three to Five.

Grades: A,B,C,D,E,F

Jumping Events: Individual & Team event

Event 1 AM7

Event 2 COMPETITION OVER TWO (2) ROUNDS ARTICLE 273, .1.2, 2.1, 3.2, 4.1 for all grades.

Event descriptions below

The “Riverside” and “Tom’s Whiskers” Perpetual Trophy

This trophy has been donated in memory of “Riverside” and “Tom’s Whiskers”.

Two great horses that were both tragically killed in July 2005.

Both horses were ridden by Jess Mills who represented the Midland Zone with

great success. This event was their last competition in 2005.

The trophy will be awarded to the Best Performed PA or PB Show Jumping horse

on the day. An individual trophy will be presented to the winner along with the

engraved Perpetual Trophy which will be retained by the Midland Zone.

Show Jumping Events:

Contact Show Jumping Coordinator Clinton Hedger 0402 773 814

Grade / No of
Obstacles / Minimum
Height / Maximum
Height / Maximum
Height / Maximum
Spread / Speed
A / 9 to 12 / 1.00 / 1.10 / 1.25 / 1.35 / 350
B / 9 to 12 / 0.90 / 1.00 / 1.15 / 1.20 / 350
C / 9 to 12 / 0.75 / 0.85 / 1.00 / 1.05 / 325
D / 8 to 10 / 0.60 / 0.70 / 0.85 / 0.85 / 250
E / 8 to 10 / 0.45 / 0.55 / 0.70 / 0.70 / 250
F / 6 to 10 / 0.35 / 0.45 / 0.55 / 0.55 / 250

Event 1: AM7

·  A competition judged under Table A, not against the clock with a time allowed in the first round.

·  A competitor with a clear round must remain in the arena for a jump-off against the clock. The judge rings the bell to indicate that he/she is ready for the competitor to start the jump-off of the competition.

·  A competitor who fails to pass through the start of the jump-off within 30 seconds of the bell incurs elimination.

·  In the case of equality of faults in the jump -off, time will decide theplacing’s. In the case of equality of faults and time, equal placing’s will be awarded.

·  If the number of competitors who reach the jump -off is insufficient to fill all placing’s, the additional placing’s will be decided on faults from the first round, with equal placing’s being awarded as necessary.

·  In all Competitions when the placings are determined against the clock, in the event of equality of penalties and time for first place, a jump -off may take place, over a shortened course over obstacles which may be increased in height and/or in spread, (providing that maximum heights and widths for each grade are adhered to) depending on the Program. If no provision for a jump-off is laid down in the Program, it is considered that the Competition will be run with no jump-off.

·  Nevertheless, if in a jump-off against the clock which is judged to a hundredth of a second, two or more Competitors obtain exactly the same time, a second jump-off may not take place. The Competitors are then placed equal.

Event 2: COMPETITION OVER TWO (2) ROUNDS ARTICLE 273, .1.2, 2.1, 3.2, 4.1 for all grades.

1. This Competition comprises, with the same speed, two courses, identical or different, either in track or in number of obstacles or in the dimensions of the obstacles. EachAthletemust participate with the sameHorse.Athletes, who have been eliminated orwho have retired during the firstround, may not take part in the second round and may not be placed.

2. All the Athletes have to take part in the first round.The following go forward to the second round according to the conditions of the schedule:

2.1 either all Athletes; or

3. The manner of judging thisCompetitionmust be specified in the schedule in accordance with one of the following formulas formulae:

3.3.2 First Round - Not against the clock

Second Round - Against the clock Reverse order of penalties and possibly time in the 1st round

No jump-off

4. Placing

4.1.Athletes will be placed according to the Penalties and time in the jump-off. The remaining Athletes will be placed according to aggregate Penalties over both rounds and the time incurred in the first round


Clubs will be assigned jobs on a ratio per riders entered and it is the clubs responsibility to have helpers assigned to these jobs.

Jobs to be filled include

·  Gear Check Flat Ride

·  Gear Check Show Jumping

·  Handing out and collecting back numbers

·  Card Checkers

·  Flat ride pencillor

·  Show Jumping Pencillor x 2

·  Show Jumping gate steward x 2

·  Marshall x 2

·  Scorer & Scorer assistant

·  PA

·  Rail Stewards (Club members are responsible for picking rails for their own club riders)

All spectators (Parents, friends & riders) are expected to help pick up rails and adjust courses in both SJ arenas when needed and to pack up all equipment at the end of the competition.

Midland Zone Team Flat Ride Entry Form


Team Name ______

Rider / Mount

Team Name ______

Team / Rider / Mount

Team Name ______

Team / Rider / Mount

Team Name ______

Team / Rider / Mount

Flat Teams □x $60.00 = $______

Midland Zone Teams Show Jumping Entry Form


Team Name ______

Rider / Mount / Grade

Team Name ______

Rider / Mount / Grade

Team Name ______

Rider / Mount / Grade

Team Name ______

Rider / Mount / Grade

Riders x $15.00 = $______
Midland Zone Individual Show Jumping Entry Form

PONY CLUB ......

Riders who are not in a club Team can ride in a Composite Team. Riders need to pay their $15.00 with their entry and this will be reimbursed if not placed into a team.

SJ Grade / Rider / Mount / Event One
$8.00 entry / Event Two $8.00 entry / Composite Team
15.00 / Total Fee
Club Entries in full
Flat Team / $
SJ Team Riders / $
Individual SJ Riders / $
Total / $




TOTAL: $______

A whip may be used. Spurs not allowed. To be ridden in a snaffle. 60m x 30m arena
Test from 1997
Test / Judges Marks
10 points / Remarks
1 / A
C / Enter at working trot sitting
1-2-3-4 left to right
Halt. Salute
Proceed in team at walk
Track right
2 / B
MXK / Working trot rising around arena to M
Change rein
3 / B
HXF / Working Trot around arena to C
Change Rein
4 / F
E / Working Trot
Between A and K form Pairs (Outside riders drop back)
Turn Right
5 / X / 1st pair circle left 30m
2nd pair circle right 30m
6 / X / 1st pair canter circle left 30m
2nd pair canter right 30m
7 / X
B / Working trot rising
1st pair turn left
2nd pair turn right
Around the arena to E
8 / E
M / Both pairs turn to B
E & B form single file
1-2-3-4 front to back
Turn left
9 / H
HK / Working trot Rising
Form section back riders come up on the inside
10 / A
X / Turn up center line
11 / X
G / Walk
Wheel to right or left and return to the center and leave arena at A in team of 4
12 / Accuracy of figures and team formation
13 / Fluency of the performance and evenness of tempo.