Math Curse Comic Strip Project
Who: 8th grade math students
What it Means: The idea of this project is for students to create a storybook or comic strip for younger students to assist them in understanding mathematics in real world situations. A good storybook/comic strip should be colorfully illustrated and legible.
What Must Be Done: Students will have to create a storybook or comic strip this is at least 20 frames/squares long. It must be colorfully illustrated, legible, and present how they see math in everyday life after reading the book, The Math Curse, in class. This book or comic strip does not have to be made out of anything expensive, but it must look professional (It can be done on white computer paper or construction paper.).
Requirements for Project:
______20 frames’ ideas approved by Ms. Schroeder, Rubric signed (11/24/14)
______20 pages/frames, illustrated, legible, appropriate topic, professional-looking
______Storybook/Comic strip due (12/12/14)
Assigned: November 17, 2014
Ideas Due: November 24, 2014
Project Due: December 12, 2014
While it seems like there is a lot of time to complete this project, please do not procrastinate! Use your time wisely, ask questions!! You will be given November 25th, December 10th, and December 11th to work on and/or putting the finishing touches on your project (THIS IS YOUR TIME TO ASK QUESTIONS!).
*Feel free to check out this website to help you create your Storybook/Comic Strip Project.
Math Storybook/Comic Strip Project
Needs Improvement / Satisfactory / Competent / Exemplary0-5 points / 6-9 points / 10-13 points / 14-15 points
Guidelines / Book/Comic strip meets none of the guidelines as well as not being turned in in a timely manner. / Book meets some of the guidelines as well as being turned in in a timely manner. / Book meets most of the guidelines as well as being turned in in a timely manner. / Book has 20 frames and meets the guidelines as well as being turned in in a timely manner.
Appearance / Book is not neat and presents the material poorly. / Book has some order to it, and uses few techniques to present information. / Book is neat and orderly, implementing good techniques to present information. / Book is neat and orderly, implementing creative techniques to present information.
Information / Information not accurate. / Information provided is somewhat accurate. / Information provided is mostly accurate. / Information provided is both detailed and accurate.
Student Acknowledgement:
By signing this document, I am aware that I am responsible for completing this assignment in an orderly fashion and turning it in either on or before December 12th, 2014. I do hereby claim all work I submit as my own or have properly identified other people’s ideas. I also hereby acknowledge that I have examined this rubric and understand the point-values assigned for each portion.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
I understand the assignment my student will have to complete and can contact Ms. Schroeder at 910-865-4070if there are any problems that arise.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______