Customer Information: Continued
Federal Acquisition Service
Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List
Contract Number: GS-10F-0202X
Contract Period: April 25, 2011 through April 24, 2016
Schedule for - Professional Engineering Services (PES)
Federal Supply Group: 871 Class: R425
Contractor: Fratello, Inc.
111 Tyler Court
Stephens City, VA 22655-2371
CAGE Code: 67B07
Business Size: Small, Woman Owned Business
Telephone (Office): (540) 869-0695
Telephone (Cell): (757) 869-4504
FAX Number: (866) 323-2830
Web Site:
Contract Admin.: Jeanette Fratello, David Fratello
E-mail: ,
1. Table of Awarded Special Item Number(s):
871-3 System Design, Engineering and Integration
871-4 Test and Evaluation in the Mechanical Engineering discipline
Hourly Labor Rate schedule and function description provided on page 3
2. Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number: 12-4443024
3. Notification regarding registration in Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database: Fratello Inc. is CCR registered under the above listed DUNS number.
4. Tax Identification Number: 20-8818225
5. Order Size: Minimum = $100.00, Maximum = $1,000,000.00
6. Geographic Coverage (delivery Area): U.S. Domestic only
7. Discount from list prices or statement of net price: Government net prices (discounts already deducted).
8. Prompt payment terms: Net 30 days
9a. Notification that Government purchase cards are accepted up to the micro-purchase threshold: Yes
9b. Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micro-purchase threshold: will not accept over $3,000
10. Foreign items (list items by country of origin): None
11a. Time of Delivery (Contractor insert number of days): Specified on the Task Order
11b. Expedited Delivery. The Contractor will insert the sentence “Items available for expedited delivery are noted in this price list.” under this heading. The Contractor may use a symbol of its choosing to highlight items in its price list that have expedited delivery: Contact Contractor
11c. Overnight and 2-day delivery. The Contractor will indicate whether overnight and 2-day delivery are available. Also, the Contractor will indicate that the schedule customer may contact the Contractor for rates for overnight and 2-day delivery: Contact Contractor
11d. Urgent Requirements. The Contractor will note in its price list the “Urgent Requirements” clause of its contract and advise agencies that they can also contact the Contractor’s representative to effect a faster delivery: Contact Contractor
12. F.O.B Points(s): Destination
13a. Ordering Address(es): Same as Contractor
13b. Ordering procedures: For supplies and services, the ordering procedures, information on Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA’s), and a sample BPA can be found at the GSA/FSS Schedule homepage (
14. Payment address: Fratello Inc., 111 Tyler Ct., Stephens City VA 22655
(540) 869-0695
15. Warranty provision.: Contractor’s standard commercial warranty.
16. Terms and conditions of Government purchase card acceptance (any thresholds above the micro-purchase level): Contact Contractor
17a. Environmental attributes, e.g., recycled content, energy efficiency, and/or reduced pollutants: N/A
17b. If applicable, indicate that Section 508 compliance information is available on Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) supplies and services and show where full details can be found (e.g. contactor’s website or other location.) The EIT standards can be found at:
18. Job Title, required education, and functional responsibility description, and Labor Rate Chart from the GSA Schedule:
Job Title: Mechanical / Astronautical / Aeronautical Engineer Level 2Minimum/General Experience: 5 years experience working within the engineering discipline
Functional Responsibility: Capacity to lead an engineering team through one or more phases of a moderately complex integrated logistics program. Translates operational logistics requirements into high level and detailed engineering designs. Implements design using appropriate engineering skills to fabricate and test component designs. Designs and develops test and operational support equipment. Supports test analysis. Recommends engineering changes as necessary to meet performance specifications.
Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical, Astronautics, Aeronautics or other engineering discipline directly related to the assigned work tasks. Ten years experience in the field may serve as a substitute for the degree requirement.
Labor Rate Schedule / Contract Year
CY11 / CY12 / CY13 / CY14 / CY15
4/25/12 / 4/26/12
4/25/13 / 4/26/13
4/25/14 / 4/26/14
4/25/15 / 4/26/15
Mechanical/ Astronautical/ Aeronautical Engineer Level 2 / $121.64 / $125.58 / $129.65 / $133.85 / $138.19
Fratello Inc. understands and accepts that the SCA is applicable to this contract as it applies to the entire Professional Engineering Services Schedule and all services provided. The Service Contract Act (SCA) is applicable to this contract as it applies to the entire Schedule and all services provided. While no specific labor categories have been identified as being subject to SCA due to exemptions for professional employees (FAR 22.1101, 22.1102 and 29 CRF 541.300), this contract still maintains the provisions and protections for SCA eligible labor categories. If and / or when the contractor adds SCA labor categories / employees to the contract through the modification process, the contractor must inform the Contracting Officer and establish a SCA matrix identifying the GSA labor category titles, the occupational code, SCA labor category titles and the applicable WD number. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of the contract.
Fratello Inc.’s engineering expertise includes over 35 years experience in the unmanned air vehicle arena – including large (Global Hawk) and small (hand-launched, short range) vehicles. Most of that experience has been associated with research and development and field and flight test activity. Fratello Inc. has particular expertise with unmanned air vehicle design, avionics, telemetry and instrumentation, RF and FTS systems, and all aspects of flight test and operations. Contract experience has been with NASA and private DoD contractors.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Contact for Orders or Information:
David Fratello, President 757-869-4504
Fratello Inc.
111 Tyler Ct.
Stephens City, VA 22655
Contract Number GS-10F-0202X Page 2