Water Rocket Safety.
1. Pop bottles blow up unexpectedly.
2. Rockets can launch unexpectedly.
3. Do not catch the rockets as they are returning from orbit. Tell the kids not to chase the rockets.
4. Only adults should place rockets onto launcher
5. Do not pressurize the bottle until everyone is a safe distance back
6. Use a countdown to make sure everyone knows a rocket is about to be launched.
7. Identify a safety person to initiate countdown. The kids get excited and start the launch or countdown themselves
8. Start with low pressures and work up to make sure your rockets will land in a safe area.
9. Set pressure regulator on compressor to your determined maximum pressure.
10. Choose a large enough area to launch in to have safe landings away from buildings, people, and objects.
12. If pressure exceeds 70 PSI have air hoses and launch rope long enough to stay back 30 feet.
13. Have adults pressurize bottles if remote pressurization is not available.
14. Keep head, heart, and hands out from in front of rockets on the launcher to protect health.