
PantryTrak was originally designed for pantries that took appointments. The system is completely usable for those agencies that do not take appointments but because of the basic set-up, the system will automatically create an Open Reservation when a client record is opened through Quick Add. Cleaning up these Open Reservations will ensure that each member agency has the most accurate records possible.

Locating the Open Reservations

From the home page, find the Reservation Log on the left side of the screen (as seen above). This box contains all of the service events for your site.

Click on the ORANGE date that you wish to clean up.

Reservation list

·  After clicking on the date, you will be taken to the Reservation List.

·  The system will open a grid of all the client records from that service date.

o  The list will be color coordinated :

§  GREEN – The Client has been marked as SERVED.

§  WHITE – There is an open reservation for this client.

·  For the Open Reservations, click on the ORANGE Reservation #.

o  This will open that client record.

To Close the Open Reservations:

·  In the section entitled “Service Visit Status” - select “Cancelled Internal”(circled in RED above).

·  Click the Close Window Box.

·  Reload the Reservation List.

o  That client record should now be RED.

·  Continue with this process until all records are either GREEN or RED.

Clean-Up Tips

·  Try to clean-up after each distribution – this helps ensure accuracy of your records.

·  Every time you open a client file from Quick Add, it creates an Open Reservation.

·  If you have non-food giveaways, make sure to click “Served” and “Not Required”.

·  Open Reservations do not contribute to your reporting numbers but may cause confusion.

·  PantryTrak allows for editing!