Good morning this is Breanna and Maddisonwith your morning announcements. Today is Wednesday, May10th and today is national clean up your room day!

Today is a very special day as it is Austin & Braydon Ortiz’s and Bailey Allery’s birthdays. Happy birthday guys!

For lunch today we will have chicken patty and macaroni and cheese. For breakfast tomorrow cold cereal and for lunch build your own burrito.

Congratulations to Comet Baseball for their win last night over Dunseith!

During the HS lunch today there will be a student council meeting in the HS lab.

The Rolette Ambulance will be holding a Pediatric First Aid and CPR class on May 20th for any students age 12-18 interested in babysitting. The class will be held from 9am-4pm with a 1 hr lunch break. Pick up a permission form and signup in the school office by Wednesday, May 17th.

LIBRARY BOOKS: All library books are due on Friday May 12th. Please make sure that all of your fines are paid before the end of the school year.

BOOK FAIR: The library will be hosting a book fair from May 12-18. The book fair will be open from 7:30-8:30 a.m. and from 3:30-5:30 p.m. The book fair will also be open before and after the vocal concert on Thursday May 18th.

The Varsity and Junior High Track and Field Team competed in the CNDC meet in Rugby yesterday. We had 20 place finishers, a New Meet Record, some new school records and many personal bests.

Varsity Division

High Jump: 3rd place, Cole Slaubaugh, 5' 8"

400 M Dash: 7th place, Justin Yoder 60.25

Long Jump: 4th place, Justin Yoder, 18' 4" NEW SCHOOL RECORD; 6th place, Cody Yoder, 17'11"

Triple Jump: 5th place, Cody Yoder, 36' 11.5" NEW SCHOOL RECORD

Jr High Division

100 M Dash: 2nd place, Tyrel Yoder, 12.55

200 M Dash: 2nd place, Tyrel Yoder, 27.09

110 M Hurdles; 1st place, Tyrel Yoder, 21.43

200 M Hurdles: 1st place, Tyrel Yoder, 29.28 New Meet Record, New School Record

Varsity Division

100 M Hurdles: 6th place, Emma Arstein, 18.98

Long Jump: 5th place, Emma Arstein, 14' 10"

Triple Jump: 4th place, Emma Arstein, 31' 4"

Shot Put: 5th place, Maria Leonard, 28' 10"

Javelin: 4th place, Maria Leonard, 99' 10" ; 7th place, Emma Arstein, 78' 4"

Jr High Division

100 M Dash: 3rd place, Sierra Tofte, 14.77

High Jump: 2nd place, SierraTofte, 4'3"; 3rd place, Emily Yoder, 3'11"

Shot Put: 8th place, Sierra Heinz, 28'0"

Discus: 5th place, Sierra Heinz, 64' 5.5"

GREAT JOBS to all the Athletes on a Job Well Done. Keep Up the Great Work.

Today is our final extended day! We will head to the elementary end when the bell rings at 3:10.

Tonight is the informational meeting for anyone interested in performing in the musical “My Fair Lady” in Rugby. The meeting is at 7pm tonight in the band room at Rugby high school.

I pledge allegiance

To the flag

Of the united states of America

And to the Republic

For which it stands

Once Nation under God


With Liberty and Justice for all.

Have a wonderful day!