Minutes of the International and Information Library Group Annual General Meeting
Held on Wednesday 10th May 2017, 18.15-18.30 at CILIP, 7 Ridgmount Street, London WC1E 7AE
Present: Ian Stringer, Aidan Baker, Alice Tyler, Anna Jablkowska, Gill Swales, John Lake, Nicola Beer, Phil Segall, Stevie Russell, Hazel Dakers, Maria Cotera and 14 others.
Apologies: Kathleen Ladizesky, Susan Appleby and 6 others
2. Minutes of the meeting held Wednesday 9th March 2016
These were previously circulated. There were no matters arising. Acceptance of minutes: John Lake, seconded: Aidan Baker.
3. Annual report
Ian Stringer presented the annual report.
After last year’s difficulties we are doing better with our four new committee members beginning to make a difference. Last year we said goodbye to Ruth Lyle, Shane Goodbolt and to Doug Knock, both as previous Chair and subsequently as a committee member.
Once again we produced Focus in the new system of 3 online and one hard copy. The bumper issue came out just before year end. Many thanks to John and the team for their excellent work. Now it’s over to Phil Segall to continue the good work.
Anthony Thompson Award. Avis Holder from Trinidad and Tobago had a successful tour visiting library centres all over the UK Thanks to Anna, Nicola, and Ruth for looking after her and thanks to Government Information Group and CILIP’s Member Network for their assistance. Some of us were joined by GIG for a last meal for Avis. She enjoyed the UK so much that she came back to do a course in Sheffield.
This year, for the first time a new Alan Hopkinson award has been funded. We hope to make this an annual award for an ILIG member or a CILIP member overseas to attend the IFLA conference. Alan was a long standing member of ILIG committee, and at the request of his family all bequests after his death were given to ILIG for this purpose. We are grateful to Marion, his wife, for assisting us in how this money should be awarded.
We also made our first ILIG bursary for a person to attend the CILIP conference
Kathleen Ladizesky in Aberystwyth has continued to be treasurer despite being unable to attend meetings. Many thanks to her for all her hard work. I am hopeful that this year will see us get a new treasurer
John Lake was our rep at the CILIP conference in his home town of Brighton. We were much more proactive than the year before and had a quiz and ILIG goodies on display. The quiz winner received a free years subscription to ILIG. Sylwia has taken on most of the work for the coming year and we have done a different quiz and are looking at different goodies
John Lake is revising the publicity leaflet.
We took a gamble last year in having a copyright course with paid speakers, some of the best people in their field. This paid off and we had a full house, a good course and a surplus for the group. Thus, inspired we are doing a similar course this year on Marketing. Once again Anna Jablkowska is doing all the hard work
Sadly our recent committee member Ruth Lyle had heart problems and has had to stand down . We are grateful to Susan Appleby for taking it on.
Jamie Finch, has very kindly agreed to take on the monthly newsletter.
Nicola Beer has taken over the task of looking after our website. I have to say a special thank you to Alice for all the work she put into this previously. Doug Knock has kept our social media sites humming along, Phil Segall, has taken this task forward.
Phil, Alice and Anna have continued to keep the informals ticking over and we have some already booked for the coming year We encourage joint meetings with other groups, and some have been done with the Yorkshire group.
Ian Stringer led a party of librarians around the libraries of Berlin in conjunction with Jon Baines tours. This was successful so we are organising one to Prague this Autumn.
John Lake and Anna Jablkowska have kept the CILIP and ILIG presence by their involvement Eurolis. John has ensured that English books are included in the Eurotool box collection, and provided a speaker for their conference.
We are making more use of the VLE and looking at expanding as becomes appropriate, with thanks to Sylwia Grabowska, John Lake and Jamie Finch for taking this on. However we also recently discovered that this was being updated, so we will need to restart on this again.
4. The committee
To note that, in line with CILIP Group Regulations, the appointed officers for the ILIG Group Committee for 2017 are:
Chair: Ian Stringer Vice Chair: John Lake
Honorary Secretary: Anna Jablkowska
Honorary Treasurer: Kathleen Ladizesky
5. Treasurers report
In the absence of Kathleen, Anna read out the report.
Once again it has been necessary for ILIG to use some of the interest earning capitol held in CCLA, mainly as this year there was an Anthony Thompson Award.
CILIP capitation of £1,500 was presented fairly late this year and we were not able to place any in the CCLA account to generate income. Reserves in CCLA now stand at £6,245.
Electronic circulation of Focus cuts down on the large losses on the journal of previous years. However, ILIG still needs to contribute a large sum of money for the annual bumper hard copy.
A successful income generating seminar on Copyright in 2016 generated £1,620.
Overall the financial state of ILIG can be said to be sound as long as such seminars are held annually.
Once again we are most grateful to Bose Dada and others in the Finance Department of CILIP for their continued help with problems.
Hazel Dakers was alarmed at the deficit, and suggested two ½ day courses held on the same day may be more profitable.
Maria Cotera commented that it was good to see that ILIG were able to provide more awards than in the past.
Acceptance of the Treasurers report Aidan Baker, seconded Nicola Beer.
6. 00 AOB
No other business was raised.
After the meeting Dawn Finch (President of CILIP, 2016) gave an interesting talk on Fake news.