Sacred Heart Religious EducationProgram

2017-2018 Family Handbook

59 Wilson Street
Hartsdale, New York 10530-2507
(914)946-7242 ext. 4

Rev. Michael Moon, Pastor Christopher Siegfried, Coordinator
Ximena Arinez, Secretary

Sacred Heart Parish Mission Statement

Sacred Heart Parish is a Community of Disciples of the Lord, who invites us all, to gather as one to hear his Word, to give thanks for that Word amid prayer and praise, and to offer a loving hand of comfort and support to all, especially those in need.

Sacred Heart Religious Education Philosophy

To live out our Parish Mission Statement, we, at Sacred Heart Parish, look upon Religious Education as a total parish experience involving not just the child, but also parents, families, catechists, clergy and religious that form our parish community of faith. Beginning with Baptism, God’s freely given gift of the Faith is nurtured and developed through Religious Education in a life-long process. It is begun in the home, “the Domestic Church” – the first meeting place of the child with God. “Parents must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children” (NCDC #212). Home experiences of prayer, meals, forgiveness, love, and sharing prepare the child to gather and celebrate with God’s people the central worship prayer of the Catholic faith, the celebration of the Eucharist.

Sacred Heart’s Religious Education’s curriculum and programs, continuous and developmental, are structured to provide information and experiences that are theologically and psychologically sound and in accord with the students’ abilities and levels of understanding. They are planned in accordance with the Archdiocesan guidelines.

Through our Religious Education Programs, we seek:

  1. To lead the students to develop a deeper and more personal relationship with Jesus.
  1. To lead the students to participate in the Parish Faith Community and its sacramental life.
  2. To help the students to form a moral conscience rooted in Gospel discipleship.
  3. To provide a learning atmosphere of peacemaking as an alternate to violence in all its forms.
  4. To raise student and parent awareness and create opportunities for Gospel service to those in need.
  5. To support parents in their primary faith responsibilities of their children.

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Catechetical Program affirms the belief that each person is made in the image and likeness of God and endeavors to bring the Gospel message to all its students. The Program does not tolerate discrimination of age, race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, (except as it affects one’s status as a practicing Catholic) or disability of any individual. The Catechetical Program does reserve the right to act on the basis of its religious principles including the admission to service of volunteers and other like activities relating to their supervision.


Admissions: Open to all registered families of Sacred Heart Parish.

Special Religious Education: All children have the right to religious instruction/ sacramental preparation. Therefore, in “one-on-one”, small group, mainstreaming, or “At Home” programming we try to provide for children with special needs. Parents should meet with the Coordinator to plan.

New Registrations: Registration for the Religious Instruction must be done IN PERSON and with the consent of the Parent/Guardian:

  1. Register at the “Pre-Registration” held in early March or early September, or by appointment
  2. Bring a copy of each child’s Baptismal Certificate. (If a child needs to be baptized, parents must meet with Coordinator.)
  3. Bring records of previous Religion Education programs attended.
  4. Complete and submit the Medical Emergency Form for each child. Verify contact person and phone number you give.
  5. Sign the Parent Handbook Verification Form. This signature will also be used to verify any future signed messages.

Re-Registration: Each child must be registered by a parent/guardian annually during the March Pre-Registration weeks. Information is mailed regarding dates/procedures. A $20 non-refundable re-registration deposit fee per child” is charged at Registration each year. Mail-in re-registration is available for those who have paid the current fees. (Information regarding mail-in registration re-registration will be mailed to you in early February.)

Custodial Rights of Parents: At the time of registration, please inform the Coordinator between about any important personal or educational needs of your child and the rights of the non-custodial parent regarding child’s religious education, etc. If any changes occur during the year, please notify the Coordinator.

Current Classes: Classes are closed by the end of September. Late transfer, or other special situations are arranged by the Coordinator and those involved. We try our best to accommodate families’ needs. Students are expected to attend Religious Education classes from Grades 1 through 8. Any child who drops out of the Religious Education Program upon re-entering program will be required to complete the grade(s) curriculum missed. Placement of the student is determined by the Coordinator after meeting with the parent.

Attendance/Absentee Policy: Your child’s regular attendance at Religious Education classes is very important. These classes should take priority over other programs and activities. Absences may result in a student’s repeating the grade. A conference between the Coordinator and the parents regarding this matter will be called.


  1. Please have the children on time and prepared with books and homework, etc.
  2. Absences: The parent/guardian must call the RE Office at 914-946-7242 ext. 4 on the day of the absence. Child’s safety, yearly promotions, and missed assignments, sacramental preparation requirements are our concerns for the student. Make-up sessions related to absences will be scheduled and repeated tardiness will be scheduled.
  3. Tardiness is a real problem for safety check and class participation. Latecomers must sign in at the Religious Education office.

Communications with the Coordinator, Catechists, Parents/ Guardians: On-going communication is essential for the Religious Education Program to effectively serve its families her at Sacred Heart. Please feel welcome to call with questions, concerns, suggestions, volunteer offer or even a “Thank You”. If a problem arises, please call the Coordinator within 1-2 weeks of concern. Do not let a situation build up unaddressed when early attention might result in a good, positive, peaceful learning experience for all.

Contacting the Catechist: Parents will not be allowed in the classroom to talk to the catechist during class time. Either send a note with your child to the catechist indicating your desire to speak with him/her, giving your phone number and best time to be reached, or, call the Coordinator to set up an appointment. (The catechist’s phone number is not given out unless the catechist gives permission.)

Program Information

Weekly Class Schedule: The calendar is provided separately each September.


Grade 1-8:9:15 – 10:30 AM

Safety Notice: (at the Wilson St. school entrance)

Please see posted safety notices located on Wilson St. entrance of school.

Snow/Emergency Cancellations: Sunday Classes or Events

  1. IRIS Alert-email and phone call will be sent
  2. Check for information.

Arrival: Please arrive promptly at 9:10 AM so that classes can begin on time.

  1. Drop your child only at the Orange Safety Cones or in the gymnasium
  2. Do not back up traffic on Wilson St. (Park in adjacent school yard)
  3. Child must be brought directly to Wilson St. door, not dropped off/picked up at the Church or Lawton Ave if late.

Dismissal: Students are dismissed in the front hall to the care of the parent. If someone other than the parent is to pick up the child, this must be given in writing to the Coordinator prior to the session in question.

Pick-Up: Promptly at 10:30 AM

  1. Park in the school yard and come into the front hall to pick your child. They are not allowed to leave alone.
  2. Please be on time to pick up your child. Do not have your child have to call you after class to pick him/her up.

Student Supervision: All students are supervised when they are in the building. There is to be no “hanging around” before/after classes. Non-students or non-authorized adults are not permitted on the grounds or in the building during the Religious Education sessions (except in the Front Lobby or the Office)

Early Dismissal: This should be rarely done. The parent must report to the Coordinator’s office prior to the class session and present the request in writing. This request must include:

  1. The name of the person picking up the child;
  2. The designated date and time;
  3. The reason for the early departure;
  4. The signature of the parent.

Family Handbook: Each family will receive a copy of this handbook for on-going reference. Calendar and Fee inserts will be given in September. After reading the entire Family Handbook, the parents/guardians are to sign the Handbook Verification Form (provided by the Coordinator) indicating that they and their children agree to follow the policies and procedures specified in this book.

Program Fees: Registration and special program fees are charged to help toward the costs of books, AV and activity materials, banners, certificates, receptions, staff salaries, etc. The balance of the budget is subsidized by Parish funds.

Current Fee Amount: See annual Calendar/Fee inserts,

  1. Registration Fee(s) due: March 1 of current year
  2. Sacrament Preparation Fee: per child (Grades 2 & 8)
    Due one month prior to date of sacrament

Payment: Full or monthly partial payments by cash or check
Check payable to: Sacred Heart Religious Education

Grade Level Curriculum

Each Grade Level Program is of a cyclic system: Prayer, Scripture, Morality, Church, and Sacraments are covered each year, but with a developing and different focus per grade level.

Grade 1: To develop an awareness of God the Creator, who gives us life and grace and promises us eternal life through Jesus.
Prayers: Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary

Grade 2: Jesus nourishes us, and strengthens God’s life, grace within us. Children will be prepared to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Bible stories include: The Lost Sheep, The Last Supper, The Prodigal Son, The Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes.

Prayers: Act of Contrition, Our Father, Simple Mass Responses

Grade 3: Jesus continues his life and work through the Church. The children will learn about the prayer, worship. Gospel works of justice and peace of the Catholic Church, especially as it is lived on the parish level.

Prayers: Glory Be, Grace at Meals, Our Father, Spontaneous Prayer, Act of Contrition, Apostles Creed

Grade 4: As God’s people, we are called to live as Jesus did, choosing a life of love, obedience to God, and service to others. Students will learn how to form their consciences based on the Ten Commandments, the Two Great Commandments, the Beatitudes, the Covenant of God. 4th Graders will receive a Bible (to be used throughout Grades 4-8).

Prayers: Review of Grades 1-3, Corporal Works of Mercy, the Sanctus

Grade 5: Through the Sacraments, the Church celebrates Christ’s saving action in our lives.

Prayers: Gloria, Sorrowful Mysteries, Act of Faith, Stations of the Cross (during Lent)

Grade 6: God’s saving actions are found throughout history. The Bible, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, records God’s plan of salvation for us. Through “hands-on use of the Bible”, students learn how God’s salvation continues to work in our “history” today.

Prayers: Glorious Mysteries, Magnificat, Psalms

Grade 7: As Pre-Candidates for Confirmation, 7th graders will study Jesus’ life through the Gospels, Prayer, Church History, and lives of the Saints and Confirmation Preparation Activities.

Prayers: Works of Mercy, Sacraments, Parts of the Mass

Grade 8: As Candidates for Confirmation, 8th Graders will learn about the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in their lives and participate in Confirmation preparation activities. Topics include: Pentecost, Confirmation Meaning and Rite, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Responses of the Liturgy, Prayer and Morality, Christian Values of Morality.

Instructional Guidelines

Home Activity: Students are encouraged to “live what they have learned” from each week’s lesson.

Testing: The objective of testing is to monitor student’s comprehension of the lessons taught. Tests are simple, brief and based on the lessons and are given orally or in written form.

Report Cards/Progress Reports: Religious formation of a child takes place in the home, in church, and in the class setting. Report cards for the Religious Education Program reflect class performances only. They are issued twice yearly to indicate the student’s progress.

The areas of evaluation are / The marking code is: / Attendance
Achievement / E – Excellent / Presence
Class Participation / G – Good / Absence
Assignments / S – Satisfactory / Tardiness
Effort / I – Needs Improvement
Behavior, etc. / (needs parental attention)

Promotion: Students who satisfactorily complete the year’s study and work are promoted to the next grade. Those who do not complete the work or do not attend the required number of classes may be required to repeat the grade, or do make-up work during the summer. This is at the discretion of the Coordinator.

Textbooks: Each student receives a textbook at the beginning of the year. If a textbook is lost, stolen, or damaged, a new one must be purchased.


Student Behavior: An important part of Religious Education is to lead children to put the Gospel values of peace and justice into practice. Therefore:

  1. Self-respect and respect of others is expected. Disrespect, prejudice, violence of speech and action is not tolerated.
  2. Any child causing damage to parish or school property will be required to pay for repairs/replacement.

The following types of conduct are inappropriate and unacceptable:

  1. Fighting or intimidating fellow students
  2. Defiance of staff
  3. Use of profanity
  4. Refusal to prepare assignments or to participate in class
  5. Possession of dangerous objects
  6. Possession or use of illegal drugs or tobacco
  7. Possession of use of a controlled substance
  8. Damage to property
  9. Leaving the building premises during class without permissions
  10. Habitual tardiness & absenteeism
  11. Cheating
  12. Throwing snowballs or other objects
  13. Eating in class (except on occasions determined by the Catechist)

N.B. Students will be held responsible for their conduct. If a student’s behavior threatens the safety of one’s self or another’s, he/she may be subject to suspension, or if warranted, removal from the program. This is at the discretion of the Coordinator and the approval of the Pastor.


Academic warning: If a student is not working to one’s potential, a notice will be mailed to the parents, advising them of the situation. It should be seriously regarded, signed and returned to the Coordinator.

Behavioral warning: When a student consistently fails to follow the safety and classroom rules, a notice will be mailed to the parents, advising them the need for a Coordinator/Parent/Student conference to resolve the difficulty. Sacred Heart Religious Education Program reserves the right to remove a student from the group session:

  1. If it is believed that the student would benefit significantly from an individual or smaller group situation.
  2. If the student’s behavior is seriously inhibiting the learning of others in the group.
  3. If temporary removal is used as a disciplinary measure for serious and persistent disruptive behavior.

Sacramental Preparation

Introduction: Receiving Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, we say “”Yes” to God’s freely given love, and are initiated in the Catholic Christian faith community. As we continue to participate in the sacramental life of the Church, we deepen and grow in our faith in our local parish community, and as part of the universal Church. The Coordinator, working with the Parish Staff, Sacred Heart School Principal, Catechists, Parents and Parishioners, provides special activities, retreats, and sacramental celebrations to prepare our parish children to receive First Penance, First Eucharist and Confirmation.

Baptism: For an unbaptized, 5 years or older:

  1. Child attends 1 year of Religious instruction and weekly Mass.
  2. The Coordinator with the parents set up a meeting with a Parish Priest to examine readiness of child and set date of Baptism.

First Penance & First Eucharist: (Grade 2)

  1. Child must regularly attend 2 years of Religious Education (no more than 5 absences per year, unless serious illness, etc.)
  2. Parents and children are required to attend planned retreats or events.
  3. The child’s baptismal certificate is required at Registration or Grade 1, First Penance and First Eucharist are received in the 2nd year of preparation. All children, after completing preparation, receive those sacraments as part of the parish community.

Confirmation: (Grade 8)

  1. A 2-year Parish Program (Gr. 7 & 8 for all Parish youth)
  2. Pre-Candidates (Gr. 7) Religious Instruction: Part I Service Meeting, Saints Project, Sponsor selection, Weekly Mass
  3. Candidates (Gr. 8) Religious Instruction, Retreat, Meetings, Part II Service, Interviews, Weekly Mass, Practices

Sacramental Preparation: Older Children & Adults

  1. Older Children: Parent/Child meets with the Coordinator to plan the 2 year preparation. Child will continue in regular Religious Education classes.
  2. HS & Adults: Call the Rectory (949-0028) to speak with one of the priests regarding the RCIA process.


Medical Emergency Procedures:

  1. In case of accident or illness:
    If a relatively minor accident occurs, while the student is attending the catechetical program, the following steps are taken:
  2. The catechist reports the accident immediately to the Coordinator;
  3. If bleeding is involved, the procedures outlined under “Bloodborne Pathogens” are followed;
  4. The Coordinator notifies the parent, if the parent cannot be reached, the Coordinator follows your instructions on the “Student Accident Form”.
  5. In case of serious accidents or illness:
  6. The catechist reports the accident immediately to the Coordinator;
  7. The Coordinator will call 911 or the local police/emergency rescue squad immediately;
  8. The Coordinator notifies the parent. If a parent cannot be reached, the Director follows the instructions on the “Student Medical Emergency Form”.
  9. Emergency Evacuation of the Entire Building
  10. With Fire & Police Department assistance, we have developed a plan for the safe evacuation of all persons from our building;
  11. Everyone will exit onto Wilson St. Students will be led onto Lawton Ave, then north on Central Avenue to Jane St. They will remain with their catechists.
  12. A Team person will direct you to your child(ren)’s line. Parents must sign the catechist’s class attendance for each child that you are taking home with you.
  13. In the event that your child needs to be taken to the hospital, we will provide the EMS with child’s medical emergency form you signed.
  14. No one is return to the school for any reason. Items left in class will be returned at the next class session.
  15. When we are sure EVERYONE is out and at the evacuation site, the Pastor or the Coordinator will make a brief statement to the media. We ask that you do not give out information to the press until you have heard what actually took place.
  16. By the next day, we intend to mail a written statement to each family regarding the event. There will be a message on our answering phone (if it is still functioning)
  17. ADAPP counselors will be available, if necessary.

Child Abuse Reporting: As required, the Archdiocese of New York State guidelines in regard to reporting Child Abuse are followed.