Table 1Proposed School-assessed coursework amendments(proposed modifications in red)
Proposed Study Score weightings: 60% examination + 40% School-assessed Coursework
Current (and proposed modifications)wording / ProposedmodificationsUnit / Outcome / Outcome tasks / Marks / Outcome tasks / Marks
3 / 1:Analyse and evaluate evidence from practical investigations related to biochemical processes. / A summary report of a practical activity related to a biochemical process.
A written report of a practical activity on the movement of substances across membranes. / 25
25 /
- an investigation of cellular respiration or photosynthesis
- an investigation of enzyme action
- an investigation of the movement of substances across membranes.
2:Describe and explain the use of the stimulus-response model incoordination and regulation of an organism’sand how components of the humanimmune system respond to antigens at the molecular level and provide immunity. / A summary report of a plant or animal response to chemical and/or physical stimuli.
A summary report of a practical activity related to bacteria response to chemical and/or physical stimuli.
A presentation given orally or in annotated poster form on one aspect of the immune response.
A web page or presentation in multimedia format on one aspect of the immune response. / 25
25 / A report of an investigation or simulation of a selected organism’s response to a specific chemical or physical signal
A presentation that explains how humans acquire immunity through naturally active, passive and artificial means / 25
Current (and proposed modifications) wording / Proposed modifications
Unit / Outcome / Outcome tasks / Marks / Outcome tasks / Marks
4 / 1:Analyse evidence for the molecular basis of heredity, and patterns of inheritance. / A summary report of a practical activity related to a genetic cross using first-hand data.
A summary report of a practical activity on a DNA manipulation technique. / 25
25 /
- an investigation related to a genetic cross
- an investigation using a DNA tool or manipulation technique
- an investigation or simulation related to mitosis and/or meiosis
2:Analyse and evaluate evidence for evolutionary change and evolutionary relationships, and describe mechanisms for change including the effect of human intervention on evolutionary processesthrough selective breeding and applications of biotechnology. / An oral or written report that demonstrates evolutionary relationships using first- or second-hand data.
A response to an issue related to an application of gene technologies using any one or a combination of the following:
• an oral report
• an annotated poster
• a web page
• a multimedia format
• a written report. / 25
25 / An oral or written report that demonstrates evolutionary relationships with a focus on hominin evolution.
A response to an issue related to human intervention in evolutionary processes using any one or a combination of the following:
• an oral report
• an annotated poster
• a web page
• a multimedia format
• a written report. / 25
VCAA, 20 February 20121