Roslund PTO Minutes
February 1, 2018
Meeting Started 7:02 p.m.
Members Present-Richelle Stapleton, Crystal Meyers, Shannon Golden, Tami Kozloski, Estera Salters, Tracey Pratt , Kate Miller, Sharon Corby, Valerie Valvano, Megan Maxwell
Tracey gave the Treasurer’s Report. There is Currently $24,239.71 in account. The apparel Sale Profited $853.00, Hoagie Sale (fall) $774.31, Roslund Cart $185.69, Gertrude Hawk (fall) $5,097.52.
Jonathan Sprout was to perform on January 17th. Due to a snow day this was rescheduled for January 30. The kids really enjoyed this. CD’s are still available for purchase. 40% of the proceeds will go toward the PTO.
Lego NinjagoMovie Nightis February 2 and CoCowill be March 9 with Gertrude Hawk Pick up
Gertrude Hawk Flyerswent out on January 31. Orders are due back Thursday February 15. Although there is a typo in the flyer Gertrude Hawk made that was sent home which said Thursday February 19. Estera will be sending a note home on Tuesday with the correct Date. The Candy will be delivered on March 5th and available for pick up March 8th during Hoagie Pick up at Conferences and March9th during Coco Movie Night.
Ice Hockey Night for Roslund will be March 17
Book Fair in the Spring—We are still waiting for finalization form Mrs. Truesdale so the Book Fair Coincides with the Art Show and Ice Cream Social.
Mr. Pratt will be doing a reading/story telling for 3rd and 4th Grade on March 1st.
Dr. Seuss Day-March 2nd—Mrs. Vieczorek is in charge of this again. She will be meeting with Ms. Knoebel. There will be no bounce house this year. FBLA will have some students here to help run games, do dress ups and character commercials for the 3rd and 4th graders.
Read Across America-This is also March 2nd. Mrs. J may do Dr. Seuss related music
Hoagie Sale-There will be a prepaid orders only hoagie sale to be picked up during parent –teacher conferences on March 8th. Delivery of hoagies will be at 4:30 p.m. Pick up 5:00-7:30 p.m. Any hoagie not picked up will be donated to the soup kitchen.
March 16th- The Middle School will be showing the Movie Wonder which is free for the community.
Kindergarten Registration-will take place the week of March 19th at Roslund Elementary. Volunteers will be needed from 8:30-11:00 a.m. all that week.
May 2nd-AR Reward at the Pool for 3rd Grade
May 9th-AR Rewards at the Pool for 4th Grade
Kindergarten Field Trip is scheduled for May 18th at the Discovery Center in Binghamton
First Grade Field Trip-Undecided possibly LazyBrook Park but Richelle will try to encourage them to go to the splash park in Clark Summit
Second Grade Field Trip-Bear Creek-Date has not yet been determined
Third Grade Field Trip is scheduled for May 28th at Orchard Hill
Fourth Grade Trip and date have still not yet been decided
Field Day-June 5th with a raindate of June 6th
Prismatic Magic will be in the afternoon of June 5th
Ice Cream-Will have the Ice Cream Guy here June 6th
Last Day of School-Still June 14th
Meeting Adjourned 7:502 p.m. Next Meeting will be Thursday March 1, 2018 at 7 p.m. in the library.