
Study center
Experience / -  Internet access that allows to access the database "ISP" in the center
-  Please not that the study participants must have access to a mobile device that is compatible with CardioSecur ACTIVE. Currently these devices are certain Apple devices* however selected Android devices will be available in Q4 2015.
-  Experience in conducting and publishing the results of clinical trials
-  Experience in telemedicine are desired, but not required **
Study design
Study design and conduction / -  GCP & Declaration of Helsinki must be considered, an ethical vote must be obtained
-  First interim results should be available 12 months following the inclusion of the first patient
-  Minimum. 50 patients should be included
Endpoint / -  Endpoints should address the impact of CardioSecur ACTIVE on at least one of the following
-  Individual burden of disease (for example quality of life or other patient reported outcomes) or
-  Financial burden of disease (for example direct or indirect medical cost) or
-  Process management and patient care

* CardioSecur ACTIVE is compatible with the following iOS devices: iPhone: 5 / 5S / 5C / 4 / 4S iPad: iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad 3rd / 4th generation iPod touch: 4th / 5th Generation. It will be available for selected Android devices by the end of 2015.

** PhD students are explicitly encouraged to participate in this call also referring to the expertise of their supervisor.

Application Form

Study Centre
Study Center
Study Responsible
Relevant clinical and scientific experience / - Please provide at least 5 relevant publications. -
Study Design
Primary endpoints
Secondary endpoints
If applicable exploratory endpoints
Expected results regarding the endpoints
for individual / financial burden of disease and / or process management and patient care
Desired amount of devices (max. 10)
Number of patients
Appreciated start of the study (month / year)
Appreciated recruitment period
Observation period
Estimated study time

! Max. four pages!

CardioSecur trials