GIS and Strategic Plan Project - Winter 2006
Instructions for Completing and Updating
Continental Divide National Scenic Trail
GIS Data
February 21, 2006
Table of Contents
Dataset Retrieval and Posting, and Contact Information
Trail and Road Definitions
GIS Specifications
Table 1 – GIS Attribute Data
Section 1 – GIS Data Needs for Existing Trails
Section 2 – GIS Data Needs for Planned Trail with a NEPA Decision
Section 3 – GIS Data Needs for Proposed New Trail Construction with No Existing NEPA
Section 4 – GIS Data Needs for Existing Roads
Table 2 – Project Proposals Spreadsheet Fields
Appendix A – Uses Valid Value Tables
Appendix B – Fields Valid Values Table
Appendix C - CDT Vision and Guiding Principles
Appendix D - Minimum Requirements for CDT Certification
Dataset Retrieval and Posting, and Contact Information
Data to be verified and/or completed is posted at: Use either the posted shapefile or personal geodatabase for this task. A personal geodatabase( with all data for the CDT is also posted for reference; this will help units match lines with neighbors.
Completed and updated GIS Dataset and Project Proposal Strategic Plan Spreadsheetto be posted to:
Please use WinZip to zip the files to make it easier to post and then download the data. Along with the official reply correspondence, send an email memo to Suzanne Johnson with copy to Greg Warren indicating that your data has been posted.
Suzanne Johnson of the USDA Forest Service will be the lead for GIS for this request. If you have GIS questions please feel free to contact her. She can be reached by phone at (801) 625-5766 from the hours of 8:00 am – 4:00 pm MDT or via e-mail at
Trail and Road Definitions
1)Existing Trail – An existing linear route managed for human-powered, stock, or OHV forms of transportation.
2)Planned Trail with NEPA documentation – A planned linear route managed for human-powered, stock, or OHV forms of transportation
3)Proposed Trail – A proposal to plan, design, and build a new linear route that will be managed for human-powered or stock forms of transportation.
4)Roads – A motor vehicle travelway over 50 inches wide, unless classified and managed as a trail.
GIS Specifications
Please edit the personal geodatabase features classes "ROAD" and "TRAIL" or the shapefiles named "ROAD" and "TRAIL" . Other data provided is a copy of your original submission that was edited and then "loaded" into the personal geodatabase feature classes. This dataset is for your reference only and is not to be edited. Units that have ArcInfo 9.0 available should use the personal geodatabase feature classes. The provided personal geodatabase feature classes have an advantage over the shapefiles as field values can be restricted therefore errors in coding are less likely to occur. If you have any questions on editing a personal geodatabase feature class please feel free to call Suzanne Johnson at (801)625-5766. It is important that you do this only if you are running ArcInfo 9.0. Earlier versions of ArcInfo will not be able to access a 9.0 feature class and I doubt that 9.0 will be able to access later versions of the database.
The following information is overall direction for updating and completing the data:
1)No BLANK fields: Coded Values were added to fields during the conversion process to eliminate blank fields for each segment. The returned data should NOT HAVE any of the following codes in them. The Valid Values in the tables for each type of trail or road should be used instead:
- NP or N- was used in “Text” coded domains (i.e. DESIGNED USE)
- “NO DATA PROVIDED” OR “NO DATA” was used in larger text fields (i.e. NEPA DOC)
- 99- was used in Integer fields. (i.e. Managed_use_code)
2)The following fields have had valid value domain ADDITIONS. This is to help eliminate the problem with blanks from the previous request:
- Rights-of-Way and Access-Rights: NN- added to where no right of way is needed
- Motorized Use allowed: NA- used when no motorized use is allowed on a trail. If motorized use is allowed please verify that the use is in accordance with the specifications in the instructions
- Cert_comments: use “NONE” where there are no comments
3)Two New Fields have been added to accommodate changes in domains:
- Managed_use_code will be converted to “Managed_use_code_new” and “Allowed_use” using the new valid values table.
- Prohibited_use will be converted to “Prohibited_use_new” using the new valid values table
4)For TEXT fields with no coded domain (free text such as “CERT_COMMENTS”)
Use the table for each type of trail or road to determine the value to put in the field if there is no other value provided.
- For instance “NONE” should be in the “CERT_COMMENTS” field for all types when no comments are submitted.
- NEPA_DOC will be “NOT APPLICABLE” where no NEPA has been completed for the segment.
5)Roads and Trails data will be submitted separately.
6)If a project is being planned to re-route the CDT in a particular area, the route as it is today must be in the GIS feature class. To indicate a re-route from existing trails or roads, show the project proposal name in the field “Proj_Prop_Name.” Indicate in “Cert_comments” - “Route to be replaced” for the existing roads and trails that will be dropped. If existing roads or trails are to be used to re-route the trail, than the existing roads and trails should show a “Status” = “Existing” and “Cert_Comments” should show “New route for CDT” and the project proposal name should be in "Proj_prop_name" field. Trails to be constructed should show either "PLANNED" or "PROPOSED" for STATUS (See definition of planned and proposed trails) and "Cert_Comments" should show "New Route for CDT" along with the project proposal name in the "Proj_prop_name" field.
7)Please verify all data has been transferred correctly. Forest Service Units will need to do extra checking to be sure that the event transferred correctly to the new line and that attributes that were on the initial “arc” also transferred correctly. In many instances the new “line” had to be split. Please check this carefully.
8)Forest Service Units that used “Shared_system” and submitted roads and trails under the specifications of the “Shared_system” in the INFRA TRAILS module will need to split the ROADS out into the separate ROADS layer and fill in the road specific fields instead.
GIS Development for the CDT
Route Attribute Data
Table 1 – GIS Attribute Data
A CDT segment is defined as a section of the CDT that connects between two logical landscape scale control points for the passage of the Trail, and where the designed use and managed uses do not change along the route. Landscape scale control points can include scenic, natural, historic or cultural features; administrative boundaries; trailheads; mountain passes; and trail junctions. Where a CDT segment crosses back and forth repeatedly between administrative boundaries, one of the administrative units should take the lead with maintaining and submitting CDT data.
The following SECTIONS describe data needs for four CDT situations:
(1) Existing Trail,
(2) Planned Trail with NEPA,
(3) Proposed New Trail Construction with No NEPA, and
(4) Existing Road.
Follow the specific set of instructions for your situation(s).
Section 1 –GIS Data Needs for Existing Trails
Those CDT trails physically on the ground. All attributes found in Table 1 will be filled out based on the existing database standards and have a corresponding GIS feature showing the location on the ground. This category includes trails (see definition of a trail above) that are considered to be part of the CDT by the Unit and have a NEPA document which located it as part of the National Scenic Trail. It also includes trails (EXISTING) that the Unit is proposing to be a part of the National Scenic Trail but the NEPA process has not been completed for it.
1)A GIS line of the location of the trail with the attributes described in Table 1 defined in the Feature Attribute Table.
2)In addition to populating data in Table 1 also complete Table 2 to identify any needed planning, reconstruction, and rights-of-way project costs and timelines for the segment.
3)The following fields are required and the table shows valid values for Existing Trails.
Field Name / Description / Valid ValuesID / Route ID (trail number) / Trail Number as signed on ground
NAME / Trail name (local naming convention, if any) / Name of Trail
ADMIN_ORG / Unit where the segment physically resides or primary unit / USFS Numeric Codes = rrffdd (region, forest, district)
NPS Alpha Codes = 4 character park/unit code
BLM Alpha Codes = state, dist, field office
FWS Numeric Code = 5 number organization code
CERT_COMMENTS / Optional brief comments for this segment of trail. / Comments or
CERT_LINE_OFFICER / Line officer replying to this certification data request. / NO NULL VALUES
DESIGNED_USE / Intended use that controls the desired geometric design / VALID VALUES
For this attribute we are seeking the judgment of the field-level program manager and line officer as to the characteristics and quality of this segment of the CDT. Please refer to Appendix C for the CDT Leadership Council’s “Vision and Guiding Principles” prior to answering the questions. / Is the trail segment managed for hiking and/or horseback riding activities and facilitates the creation of a high-quality CDT from Canada to Mexico? / CODE = YES
JURISDICTION / Legal right to control or regulate use of a trail – FS, BLM, NPS, Private, State / VALID VALUES
LAND_USE_PLAN / The name of the agency planning document that provides management guidance / Land use plan name
MANAGING_ORG / The unit that has the long-term responsibility for the management of the trail or trail segment. / USFS Numeric Codes = rrffdd (region, forest, district)
NPS Alpha Codes = 4 character park/unit code
BLM Alpha Codes = state, dist, field office
FWS Numeric Code = 5 number organization code
Rolled-over data from Spring 2005 data call—do not populate.
MANAGED_USE_CODE_NEW / Valid Values table in Appendix A This will provide for consistency with the FS ATM Infra module. USE MANAGED USE_CODE_NEW FOR THE NEW CODES AND SEE CROSS REFERENCE FROM OLD TO NEW / VALID VALUES
ALLOWED_USE_CODE / Valid Values table in Appendix A. See cross walk from OLD “MANAGED_USE_CODE” / VALID VALUES
Rolled-over data from Spring 2005 data call—do not populate.
PROHIBITED_USE_NEW / Value that represents all prohibited uses
See Valid Value Tables in Appendix A.
For this attribute we are seeking the judgment of the field-level program manager and line officer as to the characteristics and quality of this segment of the CDT. Please refer to Appendices C and D prior to addressing this question. / Does the management plan address the location, protection, and management of the CDT? / CODE = YES
Where motorized use is allowed, it is critical that unit travel plan maps for 1978 be located and made part of the permanent CDT records. / If motorized use is allowed on the CDT segment, are the following conditions met?
Motorized vehicles may only be authorized on a trail segment where:
(1) necessary to meet emergencies,
(2) enable adjacent landowners or land users to have reasonable access to their lands or where there are valid existing rights, and
(3) when the following two conditions are met:
(a) an affirmative determination has been made that the motorized use will not substantially interfere with the nature and purposes of the CDT, and
(b) the motorized use was allowed by administrative regulations before November 10, 1978. / CODE / DESCRIPTION
NA / Motorized use NOT allowed
YES / Motorized use allowed meeting criteria
NO / Motorized use allowed NOT meeting criteria
NEPA_DOC / Name of NEPA document for this CDT location decision. Note that the CDT Comprehensive Plan is not a NEPA document. / NAME OF NEPA DOCUMENT
CODE = “NOT APPLICABLE” if NEPA has not been completed.
NEPA_DOC_DECISION_DATE / Date decision was made for the NEPA_DOC / DATE THE NEPA DECISION WAS SIGNED “06/12/2004”
CODE = “12/31/1900” where NEPA is not complete
NEPA_DOC_LINE_OFFICER / Organization level of NEPA_DOC decision. Use agency codes as described in the interagency data standards / (i.e.) DISTRICT RANGER
CODE = “NOT APPLICABLE” if NEPA has not been completed.
PRIMARY_TRAIL_MAINTAINER / The agency or group having primary maintenance responsibility for the trail. FS specifies “majority of financial responsibility”
Use agency codes, AND INDICATE name of private nonprofit group IN COMMENTS / VALID VALUES
PROJ_PROP_NAME / To match PROJ_PROP_NAME from Table 2. A null value indicates an existing segment where no projects are being proposed. / Use CDTA’s Strategic Plan Project Name where applicable.
RIGHTS_OF_WAY / Rights-of-way, easements, or agreements that exist or are needed along the trail or road segment.
(New value NN for rights-of-way not needed) / VALID VALUES
TRAIL_CLASS / The prescribed scale of development representing the intended design and management standards / VALID VALUES
TRAIL_CONDITION / The physical status of the existing trail or trail segment.
Valid Values-Interagency / VALID VALUES
For this attribute we are seeking the judgment of the field-level program manager and line officer as to the characteristics and quality of this segment of the CDT. CDT markers are to be placed at common access points, at intersections with other trails, and where needed as a reassurance sign. / Is the segment adequately signed as the CDT? / CODE = YES
TRAIL_STATUS / Current physical state of being of the trail segment-existing or planned / CODE = EX ( EXISTING TRAIL)
TYPE_OF_ROUTE / Type of transportation route: Road or Trail / CODE = TRAIL
CREATED_BY / User who created this record / Name
CREATED_DATE / The date the record was created / Date Record Created
REV_DATE / The date the line was created or last updated / DATE
DATA_SOURCE / Feature data source code / VALID VALUES
Section 2 – GIS Data Needs for PlannedTrail with a NEPA Decision
These are trails that are planned for construction as part of the CDT. The trail location for the selected NEPA alternative will be used to show the “planned” location in GIS.
1)A GIS line of the location of the trail with the Table 1 information in the Feature Attribute Table.
2)In addition to populating data in Table 1 also complete Table 2 to identify any construction, and rights-of-way project costs and timelines for the planned segment.
Field Name / Description / Valid ValuesID / Route ID (trail or road number) / Trail Number as signed on ground
NAME / Trail name (local naming convention, if any) / Name of Trail
ADMIN_ORG / Unit where the segment physically resides or primary unit / USFS Numeric Codes = rrffdd (region, forest, district)
NPS Alpha Codes = 4 character park/unit code
BLM Alpha Codes = state, dist, field office
FWS Numeric Code = 5 number organization code
CERT_COMMENTS / Optional brief comments for this segment of trail. / Comments or
CERT_LINE_OFFICER / Line officer replying to this certification data request. / NO NULL VALUES
DESIGNED_USE / Intended use that controls the desired geometric design / VALID VALUES
For this attribute we are seeking the judgment of the field-level program manager and line officer as to the characteristics and quality of this segment of the CDT. Please refer to Appendix C for the CDT Leadership Council’s “Vision and Guiding Principles” prior to answering the questions. / Will the trail segment be managed for hiking and/or horseback riding activities and facilitates the creation of a high-quality CDT from Canada to Mexico? / CODE = YES
JURISDICTION / Legal right to control or regulate use of a trail – FS, BLM, NPS, Private, State / VALID VALUES
LAND_USE_PLAN / The name of the agency planning document that provides management guidance / Land use plan name
MANAGING_ORG / The unit that has the long-term responsibility for the management of the trail or trail segment. / USFS Numeric Codes = rrffdd (region, forest, district)
NPS Alpha Codes = 4 character park/unit code
BLM Alpha Codes = state, dist, field office
FWS Numeric Code = 5 number organization code
Rolled-over data from Spring 2005 data call—do not populate.
MANAGED_USE_CODE_NEW / Valid Values table in Appendix A This will provide for consistency with the FS ATM Infra module. USE MANAGED USE_CODE_NEW FOR THE NEW CODES AND SEE CROSS REFERENCE FROM OLD TO NEW / VALID VALUES
ALLOWED_USE_CODE / Valid Values table in Appendix A. See cross walk from OLD “MANAGED_USE_CODE” / VALID VALUES
Rolled-over data from Spring 2005 data call—do not populate.
PROHIBITED_USE_NEW / Value that represents all prohibited uses
See Valid Value Tables in Appendix A.
For this attribute we are seeking the judgment of the field-level program manager and line officer as to the characteristics and quality of this segment of the CDT. Please refer to Appendices C and D prior to addressing this question. / Does the management plan address the location, protection, and management of the CDT? / CODE = YES
Where motorized use is allowed, it is critical that unit travel plan maps for 1978 be located and made part of the permanent CDT records. / If motorized use is allowed on the CDT segment, are the following conditions met?
Motorized vehicles may only be authorized on a trail segment where:
(1) necessary to meet emergencies,
(2) enable adjacent landowners or land users to have reasonable access to their lands or where there are valid existing rights, and
(3) when the following two conditions are met:
(a)an affirmative determination has been made that the motorized use will not substantially interfere with the nature and purposes of the CDT, and
(b) the motorized use was allowed by administrative regulations before November 10, 1978. / CODE / DESCRIPTION
NA / Motorized use not allowed
NEPA_DOC / Name of NEPA document for this CDT location decision. Note that the CDT Comprehensive Plan is not a NEPA document. / NAME OF NEPA DOCUMENT
NEPA_DOC_LINE_OFFICER / Organization level of NEPA_DOC decision. Use agency codes as described in the interagency data standards / CDNST Specific request
PRIMARY_TRAIL_MAINTAINER / The agency or group having primary maintenance responsibility for the trail. FS specifies “majority of financial responsibility”
Use agency codes, or name of private nonprofit group / VALID VALUES
PROJ_PROP_NAME / To match PROJ_PROP_NAME from Table 2. A null value indicates an existing segment where no projects are being proposed. / Use CDTA’s Strategic Plan Project Name where applicable.
RIGHTS_OF_WAY / Rights-of-way, easements, or agreements that exist or are needed along the trail or road segment.
(See Valid Values – New value NN for rights-of-way not needed) / VALID VALUES
TRAIL_CLASS / The prescribed scale of development representing the intended design and management standards / VALID VALUES
TRAIL_CONDITION / The physical status of the existing trail or trail segment.
Valid Values-Interagency / CODE = X (NOT APPLICABLE)
For this attribute we are seeking the judgment of the field-level program manager and line officer as to the characteristics and quality of this segment of the CDT. CDT markers are to be placed at common access points, at intersections with other trails, and where needed as a reassurance sign. / Will the the segment be adequately signed as the CDT? / CODE = YES
TRAIL_STATUS / Current physical state of being of the trail segment-existing or planned / CODE = PL (PLANNED TRAIL)
TYPE_OF_ROUTE / Type of transportation route: Road or Trail / CODE = TRAIL
CREATED_BY / User who created this record / Name
CREATED_DATE / The date the record was created / Date Record Created
REV_DATE / The date the line was created or last updated / Forest Service Metadata Guide
DATA_SOURCE / Feature data source code / VALID VALUES
Section 3 – GIS Data Needs for Proposed New Trail Construction with No Existing NEPA