Research Paper / Literary AnalysisName ______

English 10A, Mrs. LeethDate ______Block ___


You will write a three-page minimum research paper / literary analysis. Before writing the paper, you will adhere to the following steps:

1. Visit the library with the class to learn how to find book and online sources, how to

identify valid sources, and how to cite sources both in your work and on a Works Cited


2. Choose one topic on which to write. Decide on your point of view. Write a thesis statement.

3. Find evidence to support your thesis through research. You must have a minimum of one

book source and two online sources.

4. Create an outline of your supporting points and evidence.

5. Write a rough draft.

6. Edit and revise your rough draft.

7. Write your final copy and submit.

The final copy of this paper counts as TWO test grades. Your outline will count as a quiz grade.


The objective is to respond to one of the following prompts and to use research of Ayn Rand’s perspectives and life as evidence to support your point of view.

1. What is the significance of Rand's use of contrasted pairs in her imagery and her characters? For Rand, which is preferable, the dark and hard or the light and soft?

2. What is Rand's view of women? Does the Golden One fit Rand's view of the individual who knows his or her self-worth?

3. What is “collectivism”? By what laws did the first society abide that are collectivist in nature? What laws in our society are collectivist?

4. How is the idea of equality as used in the Declaration of Independence similar or different from the idea of equality as practiced in the first society in this story?

5. This story is a heroic and inspiring story about the triumph of the individual’s independent spirit. Even though, at the end of the novel, Equality is greatly outnumbered, and modern society lies in ruins, it is a story of liberation and hope – not of despair. Discuss.

6. According to Ayn Rand, the theme of this story is “the meaning of man’s ego.” Explain the ways in which the characters and plot illustrate this theme.

7. To fully control a man, dictators must not only enslave his body, but also destroy his mind. Discuss how the leaders in this story seek to accomplish this tyrannical end.

*** When writing about literature, always use the PRESENT tense verb. ***

*** Do not use personal pronouns, unless referring to the ones used in the book. ***

*** Use only active voice. ***

Rubric for Final Paper:

Introduction…10 points

(organized, informative, interesting, states thesis and main ideas)

Thesis statement…5 points

(states your point and main ideas)

Body…30 points

(topic sentences in each paragraph, relevant evidence, no personal pronouns -- other than

ones from the book)

Conclusion…5 points

(restates ideas in an original way, urges the reader to take action)

Research…30 points

(one book source, two online sources, Works Cited page, cited correctly in text)

Grammar…20 points

(active voice, spelling, grammar, punctuation, agreement, etc)


Library: ______

Topic and thesis statement: ______

Research: ______

Outline: ______

Rough draft: ______

Final copy: ______

*** If you visit the WritingCenter at some point before you submit the final paper, you will receive +5 on the test grade. ***