The 44th Annual
Leadership & Diversity
A Civitan Youth Seminar Project
We are making a commitment to a better future by bringing together selected young people into an environment conducive to easy listening, the fruitful discussion of common problems, quiet reflection and enjoyable recreation, thereby creating …
“friendship through understanding”
July 15 – 20, 2013
Hillsdale College – Hillsdale, Michigan
Youth Leadership & Diversity Conference
We offer an opportunity for high school students to experience a leadership program that is truly unique. For one week during the summer, delegates gather on a college campus and become actively involved in a variety of exercises that will enhance their knowledge of who they are and where they fit into the complexities of an ever-changing society.
During both large and small discussion group sessions, delegates have an opportunity to share their views on a wide variety of topics that are of concern to today’s teens. The format is simple: since each of us comes from a slightly different background, our opinions will differ. That’s understandable. We must learn to listen to others, and we must also learn to argue our own point of view without personally attacking others for holding differing beliefs. Over the years, it has been proven that delegates do not change what they think or value. Instead, these sessions tend to solidify the values and opinions held by the delegates. For many, it is the first time that they have been given the opportunity to vocalize how they actually feel about the issues being discussed.
It is through the diversity of the delegation that this conference obtains its strength. We do not look at race, creed, color, sex, or ethnic background when selecting delegates. Rather, we truly embrace the differences that each delegate brings, because it is through those differences that delegates learn about themselves and others in this ever shrinking world of ours. It is those special and unique qualities that each delegate possesses that the conference capitalizes on to prove that every person is of special importance to the world as a whole. To be able to look at a person as a valuable asset to society means to look past the stereotypes that may otherwise blind us to the true worth of the individual.
Throughout the week, delegates are grouped and regrouped during a variety of exercises to demonstrate the value of teamwork. In today’s work force, the ability to function as a member of a team is more important that what a person may do or know individually. It is the belief of this conference that every delegate is a leader, and to become more effective and self-assured, certain qualities may need to be enhanced. Through the deliberate structuring of activities to promote teamwork, each delegate has the opportunity to demonstrate his or her individual skills within a safe and non-threatening environment.
There is no better place for the youth of today to experience a program designed to enrich their lives and develop their leadership capabilities than the Youth Leadership & Diversity Conference. It offers, in one short week, what the average individual might take a lifetime to experience.
2013 Youth Leadership & Diversity Conference
A Civitan Youth Seminar Project
Sponsor: Please complete the following information before giving to applicant:
A tuition fee of $350 (US funds) from the sponsoring organization or club must accompany this application.
Return this application no later than June 1st to: Conference Director PO Box 800 Wayne, MI
Return this application for processing on or before
Representative or Contact Person Phone Number
Sponsoring Club or Organization State or Canadian Province
APPLICANT INFORMATION … Previous delegates are not eligible for this year’s conference
Any questions regarding the Conference or this application should be directed to the representative listed above. All questions and/or blanks on this application must be completed before it will be considered. Return this application to the above representative on or before the designated date. Applications may not be considered after this date. If, after applying, you are unable to attend, please contact the above representative immediately.
Please do not contact Hillsdale College. They have no answers concerning this conference.
Type or neatly print all information requested
Full legal name ______Male Female
First Middle Last (Circle One)
Name to appear on Name Tag ______Birthdate ______
First (No Silly Slang) Last Month/Date/Year
Home Address ______
Number Street City State/Province Postal Code
E-mail Address Name of High School
I will enter the following grade in the fall of this year: 10 11 12 Circle One
Parent’s or Guardian’s Name ______
Parent’s/Guardian’s Phone (Home) ______/______(Work) ______/______
Area Code Number Area Code Number
Parent’s/Guardian’s Cell Phone #1 ______/______#2 ______/______
Area Code Number Area Code Number
Person to contract if parent/guardian is unavailable ______
Relationship ______Phone ______/______
Area Code Number
Please complete the following information so that we will know more about you.
I am a member of the following: # of YrsList any offices held
National Honor SocietyYes No ______
Student CouncilYes No ______
Class OfficerYes No ______
S.A.D.D.Yes No ______
Junior CivitanYes No ______
Church Youth GroupYes No ______
Other ______
I like to participate in the following sports and activities: ______
Name of Medical Insurance Plan ______Policy #______
Name of your physician ______Phone ______/______
Area Code Number
Are you currently under medical care? ______If so, for what? ______
We hereby certify that our son/daughter is currently taking the following medication:
Name ReasonNameReason
He/she is allergic to the following medications: ______
Special health problems: ______
Medical Permission: In the event of you inability to contact us, the parents/guardians, in case of emergency medical attention is expedient for our son/daughter, we hereby approve whatever medical attention is necessary and determined by the Hospital Physician or Conference Medical Staff Personnel.
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Waiver: I (we), the undersigned parent(s)/guardian(s) of this delegate to the Youth Leadership & Diversity Conference, do hereby release and discharge Civitan International and Hillsdale College, as well as their officers, agents, instructors, and employees from any and all claims, demands, suits, action or causes of actions which I (we) may, can, or shall have by reason of any illness, injury, or accident incurred or suffered by my son or daughter while attending this conference.
Dated Signature of Parent/Guardian Signature of Parent/Guardian
Registration is from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Plan on arriving during that time period.
There are no facilities for meals prior to dinner, so have lunch before arriving.
I expect to travel to Hillsdale College, Hillsdale Michigan by one of the following:
(Check one) _____ Charter bus_____ Commercial bus_____ Automobile
If by automobile, is the car to remain on campus during the conference? _____ Yes _____ No
If yes, please complete the following:
Make: ______Year ______Color ______License # ______
Further details will be mailed to each applicant on or about June 15th,
providing this application is received by the Conference Director in time.
It goes without saying…but let’s mention it anyway. Delegates will be expected to keep their rooms neat at all times. There is to be no illegal drugs, tobacco products, or alcohol on campus. Males are not allowed in areas of the dorm restricted to females, and visa versa. No delegate may leave the grounds of the campus. Theft or vandalism is not an acceptable trail for any delegate. Any delegate acting in an irresponsible manner may, at the discretion of the Director, be withdrawn from the Conference. Parent or guardian would then be required to arrange for immediate transportation home. Each delegate will be held responsible for any damage to, or loss of, property caused by that person.
Signature of ApplicantSignature of Parent/Guardian
2013 Youth Leadership & Diversity Conference
A Civitan Youth Seminar Project
Ron Kulas, Director 734-673-1947
PO Box 800 Wayne, MI 48184
Conference Delegate,
Congratulations on being chosen to represent your school and community at the 2013 Youth Leadership & Diversity Conference. We plan to see you on Monday, July 15th, at Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan. A great week is in store for you. Make a commitment to participate in all of the activities. It will provide you with an experience you will always remember. Registration is between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m.
Enclosed, you will find a list of the rules that will be in affect during the week, other valuable information that will make your visit with us more enjoyable, and a schedule of the week at a glance. I am sure that this will be one of the best weeks of your summer.
In order to keep the cost down for your sponsor, there is a $25 materials fee that is to be paid once you arrive. This is to cover the cost of your souvenir T-shirt, a notebook, a listing of all delegates attending (along with addresses, phone numbers, and email address), and photographs of the entire delegation as well as the group sent by your sponsor. Since these items are given to you personally, it is felt that you should be responsible to cover their cost.
Your registration fee has already been paid by your sponsor and cannot be refunded should you cancel. If there is an emergency and you need to cancel, please contact your sponsor immediately so that a replacement may be found to replace you.
Departure time is at approximately 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 20th.
If you or your parents should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the phone number below.
Ron Kulas
Ron Kulas, Director
(H) 734-729-2579
(C) 734-673-1947
Comments from former delegates of YLDC
This is what previous delegates had to say about their week at the Youth Leadership & Diversity Conference. Just thought you’d like to know how much it changed their lives and how much they appreciated the experience.
Mohamed Sarraj
I’ve started to see the positive side to practically everything. I look at a group of people with varying talents and I no longer see the “smart” and the “stupid,” I see what I just described, people with varying talents. I no longer see the “able” and the “disabled,” I see people I can learn from, and I see potential friends. I no longer see “gay” and “straight” or “black” and “white.” I see humans and I see diversity amongst them. Since leaving Hillsdale I’ve been volunteering in a class for students with anxiety and depression related issues, and I believe that I have been very accepting and open with them. In contrast, I have changed significantly from the closed-mindedness and aversion to those who were different that I had before YLDC.
YLDC has also taught me the wonders of positivity. I was always a firm fatalist by philosophy, and theoretically, this encouraged me to look on the bright side of things, to not regret, to do away with useless negative emotions. But it was only when I was enveloped in the atmosphere of warmth and kindness that is YLDC that I truly saw how life can be bright. I realized that despite everyone’s problems, when we put our minds to positivity, we could all be happy, and it needn’t be just for a week. That is another lesson that I have been practicing to this day, with the class, with family, friends, and myself especially.
Hands down the greatest group of people I've met.
Meghana Maggiiee PramodMy YLDC family ♥
I miss you all :(
It's like I have this pit in my stomach because I didn't get my 10 hugs today and I barely went bananas :/
I honestly had the best week of my life :)
It was the most amazing feeling and I realized that I made friends for life ♥
Love you all ♥ Going to miss each and everyone of you :)
I’m kinda afraid to pull out my warm fuzzy book in case I forgot to have someone write in it, or I get super SUPER sad because one of the entries deserves a hug and then I would be looking around and realize that THERE AIN'T NOBODY TO HUG!!! I miss you guys already :( ♥♥
Laughing just isn’t the same when no one understands what your laughing at... because it all happened at YLDC :cLaura Marie
I want all of you guys to know that you are beautiful/handsome in every way possible, and don’t let ANYONE tell you any different!
I Hope that you guys had a life changing week, take what you have learned and use it!
Stay in touch with everyone, too.
Love and Hugs - Laura M. Hunter. ♥
I’m going to miss all of you guys. I have never connected with so many people at a camp. It’s like were all a family. Remember to stay Strong. Oh, and thanks guys for the warm fuzzies, they really touched my heart. Do forget to get your 10 hugz.
Erin WilliamsGahh, I'm going to end up having hug withdrawals. I'm not sure if strangers would take too well to it if I was all like, "BUT I HAVEN'T HAD MY TEN HUGS TODAY. YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND." I'm missing everyone like crazy. :c
Kelly Jo FalgrenDear YLDC folks :)
I miss you so much...I already want to have a reunion. So what do you say, mass sleepover over in Minnesota at my house? Cause I’m going bananas without you guys, and not in a good way.
I am so thankful for all of you. I had an amazing dream last night that took me back to YLDC. I got to see all your faces and gosh did it make me wish that I was still there. I love you all. :)
Claire Colella
I just got home and am missing you all sooooooooooooo much! This was such an amazing experience and I will never forget it! I want to keep in touch, add my number ********.
DaVonn IDoughboy HardingStill trying to hold in tears, I miss you all so much!
Curtis BellGoodbye everyone, just know that I miss you all.
Bella Chou
Being a part of YLDC has helped me become more confident. I am the quiet, shy girl who doesn’t say much for fear of being wrong or sounding stupid. At the end of the week, I felt surer of myself and was able to step out of my comfort zone. I feel as if I have grown as a person; I hope to become a better leader in and give back to my school and community.
Ryan KnoxWho misses camp??
That's me !
Who wishes they could back and do it again??
That's me !
Who misses their friends??
That's me !
"And before I knew it,
It was time to go back to the real world-
A world where hugs don’t solve everything,
And people are rarely moved to tears
At the misfortunes of the world.
So now here we all are,
Back to our separate lives.
But I know for a fact, that none of us,
Will ever forget that one week-
The things we shared, the friends we made,
And most important-
The kindness that existed all around us."
YLDC helped me realize that I want to change/make the world a better place in every possible way that I can.
"If you want to change your life, change your mind."This quote made me think about all of you guys. You all helped me change my mind.
Kelsey Wright
I went and saw the new movie "The Help" tonight. If you have not seen it or read the book, you need to! It is amazing and really emphasizes Power Of One and Be The Change. You are all amazing people and I know our world is going to improve greatly because of all of you! Hugs!
Brandi Louise DonaldHappy Thanksgiving to all my American friends! :) Miss you all so much ♥
Bri Lovenlife Denise
Wow! YLDC 2011 was the first place in my WHOLE LIFE, where I can go and truly be myself, not try to fit in or be something I’m not! The place will always have a big spot in my heart! #EXPERIENCE = LIFECHANGING!
Wow,its such a good feeling to know that no matter what is going on in ur life and no matter how far apart we are we cn turn to each other for comfort and love!! Love u always!
Just read my warm fuzzies. I want to hug everyone again!! XOXOXO, LOVE YALL
Kylie Thomas RudisillThank you guys so much. I know you may not think that you've done anything, plus it's been nearly a year since we last saw each other, but thank you. You all really changed my life for the better. I now have been stepping up a lot in my Jr. Civitan club and I'm more confident in myself. :) I miss you more than you know!!!!
I was asked today how many people were in my family and my immediate response was about 80... They asked me how I could have 80 family members that I loved and knew and I tried to explain, but they didn't understand. Family is people who love and understand you, and I got that from you guys. Thank you. :) Love you ALL!
That week changed the way that I look at people and different experiences. The friends that I made there I know that I will never forget. I don’t know how I can thank you and your staff enough. After this week, seeing how much the staff worked to help us learn more about ourselves and each other, I really feel the urge to help other teens like me. Thank you again for the amazing experience.
Jennifer Donald
I attended YLDC 2011. It was the best experience ever. I had so much fun and learned a lot. I would like to thank you and your staff for the opportunity to attend. I made so many new friends that are great. If you need new staff for 2012 I hope you would consider me for the opportunity to be on staff. I would like to help all the delegates for 2012 have the best week ever, like I did. I belong to the London Junior Civitan Club. We help the London-Middlesex Civitan Club with different events throughout the year, such as Stuff The Bus where we stuff the bus with non-perishable food items, etc. Thank you again for the great time!
2013 Youth Leadership & Diversity Conference
A Civitan Youth Seminar Project
Ron Kulas, Director 734-673-1947