Pre Algebra Ms. Endicott

Period 2 2017-2018

Rooms #207


DESCRIPTION: Students will develop their skills and knowledge of Mathematics through listening, reading, and performing problem solving. The goal of this course is to gain knowledge in the following areas according to the KSDE Standards for math:

  • Ratio, Proportion, Probability, Percentages
  • Properties of Right Triangles
  • Measurement, Area, Volume
  • Probability
  • Polynomials, Non-Linear Functions
  • Angle Relationships

TEXTBOOK:McDougal Littell’s Geometry

Authors: Larson, Boswell, Kanold, Stiff

The majority of homework is textbook sourced. Students will need textbooks both at home and in the classroom. Textbooks will be provided.

SUPPLIES:Each student will need the following items:

  • One 1.5 inch binder
  • Three-hole punched folder (for your binder)
  • Loose-leaf papers (no spiral notebooks)
  • Dividers
  • Non-graphing calculator (a cheap one is fine. I recommend TI-30X)


NO CELLPHONES ALLOWED IN CLASS. If a parent needs to contact a student, first they must notify the office and in turn, the office will contact the teacher. I will take any phones that I see/hear/touch. If I have to take your phone more than once, there will be academic consequences that will affect your grade.

STUDENTS NEED TO BE ON TIME for class and prepared for the instructional time and activities. This means that students need to have their textbook, pens/pencils, notebooks on hand every day at the start of class. If you forget something and need to get it from your locker, it will count as a tardy. Three tardies will affect your Course Grade negatively. You are becoming adults! It’s time to start taking responsibility.

STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO COMPLETE ALL ASSIGNED WORK. Quality work is required for every assignment. Homework that is subpar or illegible will not be accepted. LATE HOMEWORK IS NOT ACCEPTED. Every student is aware of their extracurricular schedules ahead of time. If you have an excused absence, homework is due the following day by the end of school. If you come talk to me BEFORE SCHOOL about turning in homework late, then allowances can be made. Allowances will not be made after the first bell of the day rings.

PLAGIARIZED WORK WILL RESULT IN A ZERO for that assignment. I encourage group work in math as it can help students who struggle to understand foreign concepts; however, copied work will be dealt with harshly.

STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO BEHAVE APPROPRIATELY. This means that students must adhere to the Dress Code Policy. Girls and boys both must dress modestly and appropriately. Pajamas are inappropriate. Shorts that are shorter than your finger tips are inappropriate. Foul language is inappropriate. Students will treat each other with respect and kindness at all times.

GRADINGTests and quizzes 30% Participation 10%

Homework 40% Final Exam 20%

GRADING SCALE90-100 = A 80-89 = B 70-79 = C 60-69 = D 59 and below = F


Unexcused absencesGrade

9-12 No grade higher than B

13-17 No grade higher than C

18 or moreNo credit granted


You are here to learn PreAlgebra. You will have to work your tail off, especially early on, to get the hang of what is expected and to do well. I require you all to perform at a high level EVERY DAY. You will have homework EVERY DAY.

My task is to give each one of you the tools to be successful in life whether or not you pursue higher education. I will not let you down. Please do not let me down. I am always available for extra help and questions. My planning period is Period 8 2:44-3:40PM where I am fully available to you.


All assignments are due at the beginning of the period when the bell rings. You must write legibly or I will not accept your work. Spiral bound paper will not be accepted. Correct heading is required as follows in the upper right hand corner of your paper or your work will not be accepted:


Class & Period


Assignment Name

At the end of the semester, I will drop your lowest homework and quiz grade.


For missed daily assignments due to an excused absence, you will have one day to make up your work. .I will not pursue you for makeup work, the responsibility is yours. You may also ask a trusted and responsible classmate for makeup work. If your absence is unexcused, I will not accept makeup work.


Late daily assignments and homework will receive. A tardy to class will give you only half credit for your work. Projects and other large presentations or assignments will drop one letter grade per day up to 3 days. I am under no obligation to grant any points for work that arrives to me late, please keep that in mind.


You will have numerous opportunities to accumulate participation specific points throughout the school year. Failure to follow class procedures, arriving tardy or unprepared to class, and other unacceptable behavior will greatly hurt your class participation grade.


-You must be seated and prepared to work once the bell rings

-Bring the required materials to class everyday

-Chewing gum is not allowed at any time

-Food is not allowed in the classroom.

-Electronic devices of any kind are not allowed in the classroom.

-Profanity in any language will not be tolerated

-Respect your teacher and your classmates at all times

-Tardies and absences of any nature will impact your ability to be successful

-Follow all Syracuse High School dress code rules and regulations

As a student in Ms. Endicott’s Math classroom I have read and understand the above policies and agree to follow them.

