AIMS Correlation to the North Carolina

Science Standard Course of Study (2005)

Grade Four

Goal 1: The learner will make observations and conduct investigations to build an understanding of animal behavior and adaptation.

Objective 1-1: The learner will observe and describe how all living and nonliving things affect the life of a particular animal including:

Other animals




Exploring Environments

Design Your Own Shelter – Field Detectives – build a model shelter to provide for needs of animals for food, protection, warmth

Earthworms: Reaction to Light – Critters - Earthworms, light response, average, ratio, percent

Earthworms: Reaction to Moisture – Critters - Earthworms, moisture response, percent

Earthworms: Reaction to Touch – Critters - Earthworms, touch response

Hot Foot, Cold Feet - Critters -Sowbugs, earthworms, mealworms, snails, temperature response, decimals, percent, average, isopod model

Objective 1-2: The learner will observe and record how animals of the same kind differ in some of their characteristics and discuss possible advantages and disadvantages of this variation.

Now You See Them, Now You Don't – Critters - Earthworms, burrowing, elapsed time

Warming Up to Worms – Critters - Earthworms, observation

Bear Feet – Vol.11, No.5 – exploring feet adaptations in polar, brown and black bears that enable them to survive in different environments

Objective 1-3: The learner will observe and discuss how behaviors and body structures help animals survive in a particular habitat.

Exploring Environment (Grade 4 Activities) - Exploring Environments - plant and animal adaptations for life in these environments: river, lakes, ponds, and saltmarsh, valley, prairie, desert, mountains, ocean, polar lands

Table Manners – Critters - Insects, mouthparts, food gathering, eating, volume measurement

Gone Fishing – Critters - Fish camouflage, simulation

Avoiding the Early Bird - Vol. 17, No. 4 - Earthworms, structure and function, defense, protection, protective coloration, predator, prey, animals, critters, invertebrates

Beat the Heat – Vol. 16, No. 1 – desert animal adaptations for retaining water, includes experiment

Bear Feet – Vol.11, No.5 – exploring feet adaptations in polar, brown and black bears that enable them to survive in different environments

Objective 1-4: The learner will explain and discuss how humans and other animals can adapt their behavior to live in changing habitats.

Cool-Ants - Vol. 15, No. 6 - Animal behavior, ants, temperature changes, environments

Mealworm Moments, Part 1 - Vol. 13, No. 4 - Animal Behavior, mealworms, observation

Mealworm Moments, Part 2 - Vol. 13, No. 5 - Animal Behavior, mealworms, observation

Objective 1-5: The learner will recognize that humans can understand themselves better by learning about other animals.

Goal 2: The learner will conduct investigations and use appropriate technology to build an understanding of the composition and uses of rocks and minerals.

Objective 2-1: The learner will describe and evaluate the properties of several minerals.

Colorful Crystal Garden - Glide Into Winter - Growing crystals, minerals, chemical change

Crystal Clear – Vol. 20, No. 3 – observe salt and halite crystals, model crystal structure

Objective 2-2: The learner will recognize that minerals have a definite chemical composition and structure, resulting in specific physical properties including:


Streak color



Major Mohs' Mishap - Vol. 16, No. 10 - Rocks, minerals, properties, identification, hardness, streak test, specific gravity, cleavage and fracture, luster

Objective 2-3: The learner will explain how rocks are composed of minerals.

Sand Scan - Vol. 12, No. 5 - Sand, rocks, minerals, similarities, differences, counting

Objective 2-4: The learner will show that different rocks have different properties.

Objective 2-5: The learner will discuss and communicate the uses of rocks and minerals.

Earth Has What We Need! - Primarily Earth - Earth’s resources, rocks, minerals, conservation, earth

Objective 2-6: The learner will classify rocks and rock-forming minerals using student-made rules.

Rock Groups – Primarily Earth - Rocks, physical properties, attributes, sorting

Rocks and More Rocks – Primarily Earth - Rocks, properties, attributes, Venn, measuring weight

Objective 2-7: The learner will identify and discuss different rocks and minerals in North Carolina including their role in geologic formations and distinguishing geologic regions.

Goal 3: The learner will make observations and conduct investigations to build and understanding of magnetism and electricity.

Objective 3-1: The learner will observe and investigate the pull of magnets on all materials made of iron and the pushes or pulls on other magnets.

A-Maze-ing Magnets – Vol. 14. No. 1 – Magnets, magnetic force at a distance, magnetic attraction

How Close Can You Get – Mostly Magnets – Magnetic interaction, measuring length, magnetism

Magnets Apart – Mostly Magnets – magnetism, magnetic interaction, and distances

Magnetic Tug of War - Mostly Magnets – magnetic poles, measuring distances, and magnetism

Magnetic Games – Vol. 18, No. 1 – magnetic force, push, pull, poles, and gravity

Objective 3-2: The learner will describe and demonstrate how magnetism can be used to generate electricity.

Make an Electromagnet Mostly Magnets – electromagnet construction

Electromagnetic Exploring – Vol. 15. No. 10 – magnetism, electromagnets, electric current, compass, and poles

Objective 3-3: The learner will design and test an electric circuit as a closed pathway including an energy source, energy conductor, and an energy receiver.

Sparky’s Light Kit – Electrical Connections – electric circuits

Put Your name in Lights – Electrical Connections – Electric circuits, and Morse code

Circuit Quiz Boards - Electrical Connections – electric circuits

Objective 3-4: The learner will explain how magnetism is related to electricity.

Electromagnetic Exploring - Vol. 15, No. 10 - Magnetism, electromagnets, electric current, compass, poles

Electromagnets - Electrical Connections – Electromagnets

Make an Electromagnet - Mostly Magnets - Electromagnets, construction

Objective 3-5: The learner will describe and explain the parts of a light bulb.

Fiddling with Filaments - Vol. 17, No. 10 – filaments, Edison, light bulb, electricity

Objective 3-6: The learner will describe and identify materials that are conductors and nonconductors of electricity.

Bridging the Gap – Vol. 9, No. 4 – electric circuits, systems, and conductors

Conductor or Insulator? – Electrical Connections – electrical conductors and insulators

Objective 3-7: The learner will observe and investigate that parallel and series circuits have different characteristics.

Electric Circuits – Electrical Connections – circuits, series, parallel

Tinkering, Toys, & Teaching: Simple Circuits – electricity, circuits, series circuits, parallel circuits

Objective 3-8: The learner will observe and investigate the ability of electric circuits to produce light, heat, sound, and magnetic effects.

Objective 3-9: The learner will recognize lightning as an electrical discharge and show proper safety behavior when lightning occurs.

Lightning - Electrical Connections - Lightning

Nature's Light and Sound Show - Electrical Connections - Speed of light & sound, measurement, thunder, lightning

Static Sensations – Popping with Power (2004 edition) – use sense of sight, feel, and hearing to experience static electricity

Goal 4: The learner will conduct investigations and use appropriate technology to build an understanding of how food provides energy and materials for growth and repair of the body.

Objective 4-1: The learner will explain why organisms require energy to live and grow.

Eating Up Energy – Vol. 20, No. 3 – play a game to learn how food supplies energy for life

Objective 4-2: The learner will show how calories can be used to compare the chemical energy of different foods.

A Nutty Experience - Pieces & Patterns - Calories in shelled nuts, heat energy, measurement, mass, temperature

Objective 4-3: The learner will discuss how foods provide both energy and nutrients for living organisms.

Vitamin Rainbow - Vol. 17, No. 3 - Vitamins, fruits, vegetables, nutrients, servings, Food Guide Pyramid

Objective 4-4: The learner will identify starches and sugars as carbohydrates.

Objective 4-5: The learner will determine that foods are made up of a variety of components.

Cereally Speaking - Vol. 7, No. 5 - Cereal, calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, mass, ratio, percent

What Does A Body Good? - Pieces & Patterns - Nutrients, protein, vitamins, minerals, food labels, RDA, bar graph, balanced diet, calories, percent, circle graph

AIMS Correlation to the North Carolina Science Standard Course of Study (2005) 1

Grade 4