MATH 1720
Fall, 2010 n
Section 002 MWF 10:20 – 11:15 am KOM 221
INSTRUCTOR: Carla J. Adamson
OFFICE HOURS: MWF 12:00 – 2:30 pm;
TR 8:00 – 9:30 am; 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
other times by appointment.
VOICE MAIL/FAX: 898-2398 / 898 – 5422 (put to my attention)
ADDRESS: Carla J. Adamson
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
P.O. Box 34/Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
********************************************************************** I. COURSE PURPOSE
To explore Trigonometric functions of the acute and general angle, circular function, graphs of trigonometric and inverse functions, identities, solutions of right and general triangles, and equations. This class and 1710 are NOT replacements for 1730. You must still take 1730 to get into Calculus.
Required TEXT: Trigonometry, 9th edition, Lial, Horsnby, & Schneider
You will also need access to My MathLab. To access this website, go to and follow the directions. You will use this website to practice problems and submit homework. You have two options:
- Buy access to the website for $75 and get access to the ebook for free (nothing to trade back at the end of the semester).
2. Buy access to the website for $75 and buy the book used (over $100).
Calculator: A TI-83 or TI-84 Plus graphing calculator is required for this course ($60 - $120).
Other Materials:
1. Extra batteries, pencils, stapler, etc…
In order to accomplish the objectives of this course, the learner isrequired to
a. Attend class lectures.
b. Participate in class activities.
c. Read and study class assignments.
d. Solve assigned problem sets.
e. Write tests and quizzes.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course the student will have
· Developed mathematical reasoning and algebraic problem solving skills.
· Enhanced their facility with the language of mathematics and their ability to communicate mathematical ideas.
· Applied modeling skills and function concepts in applied problem situations.
· Use trigonometric functions to solve problems and equations.
· Graph trigonometric functions by hand and using calculator.
· Proven identities involving trigonometric functions
Attendance: Students must attend and actively participate in all scheduled classes. You are responsible for signing the attendance sheet at every class meeting. University sanctioned activities and extraordinary personal issues are considered excused absences.
Assignments: 1. Students must satisfactorily complete and submit all assignments on time.
2. If absent, then you are responsible for looking on my website or contacting a classmate for the assignment prior to the next scheduled class session.
3. You will be held responsible at the next class session for material covered while you were absent.
4. As the Instructor, I reserve the right not to grade or to lower the grade of any assignment submitted after the established due date. Additionally, I reserve the right to lower the course grade of any student who (1) submits an incomplete course assignment; (2) inappropriately conducts an assignment; and/or (3) omits a required assignment. Promptly completing homework is a crucial part of a successful experience in this class.
5. Homework: All homework will be submitted through My Math Lab. You can access the website by going to You must submit all homework by the due date and time. No exceptions will be made. You will also submit you scratch work, so be neat as you do your homework.
Exams: Students must complete examinations and quizzes at the time scheduled. If you notify me 3 days in advance by email that you will miss an exam or quiz, you can take the exam or quiz BEFORE the scheduled time. Missing an exam or a quiz will yield a “zero” for that exam or quiz. Exams will be short answer and questions will come from homework and material covered in class. Your final exam is a comprehensive, multiple choice exam. If you miss an exam due to personal issues, you need to email me before the exam or quiz to make arrangements to make up the exam or quiz that you have missed. You must bring a note from a doctor stating that you were medically unable to come to class in order to make up an exam or quiz.
Provided the above course requirements are met, course grades will be based upon the following allocation:
Quizzes: 10, 120 15%
Homework: coursecompass 80 10%
Tests: 4, 400 50%
Final exam: 200 25%
Total: 800 100%
Grading Scale: 90 – 100% A
80 – 89% B
70 – 79% C
60 – 69% D
0 – 59 % F
Please note the following dates and information:
· Last day to drop without a grade: September 10th
· Last day to drop with a “W”: October 15th
No grade of W will be assigned after the official drop date except in situations involving extreme extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control. In particular, a W will not be granted merely because the student is failing. Students should be aware that missing the official drop date and thereby receiving an F can have ramifications on financial aid.
· A grade of “I” will be given only in accordance with University policy.
· If you have a disability that may require assistance or accommodation, or you have questions related to any accommodations for testing, note takers, readers, etc., please speak with me as soon as possible. Students may also contact the Office of Disabled Students Services at (898-2783) with questions about such services.
· Turn off cell phones, ipods, etc…
· Math Tutoring Lab: Tutoring in KOM 204 is available as a free service to MTSU students. Tutoring is conducted by Graduate Teaching Assistants(GTA’s), work study aids, and a faculty coordinator. The Lab is closed on weekends and MTSU scheduled holidays. Days and times for tutoring specific topics are posted on the bulletin board outside room KOM 204
· Final Exam
o Monday, Dec 13th 9:30 – 11:30 am KOM 221
Do you have a lottery scholarship?
To retain Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship eligibility, you must earn a cumulative TELS GPA of 2.75 after 24 and 48 attempted hours and a cumulative TELS GPA of 3.0 thereafter. You may qualify with a 2.75 cumulative GPA after 72 attempted hours (and subsequent semesters), if you are enrolled full-time and maintain a semester GPA of at least 3.0. A grade of C, D, F, or I in this class may negatively impact TELS eligibility. Dropping a class after 14 days may also impact eligibility; if you withdraw from this class and it results in an enrollment status of less than full time, you may lose eligibility for your lottery scholarship. Lottery recipients are eligible to receive the scholarship for a maximum of five years from the date of initial enrollment, or until a bachelor degree is earned. For additional Lottery rules, please refer to your Lottery Statement of Understanding form, review lottery requirements on the web at, or contact the Financial Aid Office at 898-2830.