Syllabus Checklist
A syllabus is the instructor's contract with a student. It is the document which can determine the outcome of a dispute between the instructor and the student. Careful writing is essential for a syllabus that will stand the test of an institutional or legal dispute. This checklist is designed to assist facultymembers in developing a syllabus that will stand up in such disputes. Most legal disputes between students and Harper are about students’ grades and the criteria stated in the syllabus.
General Course Information
Credit hours (total, plus breakdown of lecure/lab/clinical hours)
Classdates; meetingtimes; location
Modality (online,blended,face-to-face)
If blended, whatwill beonline andwhaton-ground
Additional locations if applicable (lab, studio, etc.)
Withdrawal dates
NameContact information:phone,email,preferredmethodforcommunication
Office location
Office hours
Course description, including prerequisite requirements and IAI designation if applicable(provided by department/catalog) / Course overviewCourse outcomes, stated in measurable terms, as listed in Curricunet / Educational/technology proficienciesexpected
Other requirementsofthedepartment/college
Required and recommended textbooks, eBooks, and/or materials / Teaching method: lecture, discussion, group work, etc.Hardware, software or internet services required / Instructional materials available in Blackboard; online
Grading scale / *Assignment details: description of assignments and grading scaleMissed assessment policy / *Detail of how assignments align with course outcomes
Final Exam Date / *Explanation of how student work will be assessed and what feedback to expect
*Course evaluation information listed (WHEN APPLICABLE)
*Writing and style requirements
Course surveys (SOIs)
Attendance requirements (If Applicable) / What students can expect from the faculty memberAcademic Dishonesty policy / Student Expectations
• Course conduct
• Use of Technology
• Statement of Understanding
• Use of technology in class (cell phones, lap tops, etc.)
Course conduct: in class, online, privacy of course discussions, respect for others’ views
Student Code of Conduct Statement
Statement of Understanding
StudentSupportResources and Required Statements
Students with Disabilities and Academic Accommodations / Sexual Misconduct/Title IX/HEATEqual Opportunity Statement / Helpdesk
Writing Center
Student Success Services
Library resources
Military and Veteran Students
Weekly schedule of readings and assignments / *Weekly topics and goals*Assignment and test due dates
*Designates best practices that are often required for IAI panel approvals.