DRAFT 14 December 2006
1.Why WMO and NMHSs are Critical Components in Disaster Risk Management (Motivation)
2.WMO Strategic Plan and Expected Results
3.Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 andRole of WMO and NMHSs in the Implementation of HFA
3.1.Prioritisation of HFA Actions Based on WMO and NMHSs Roles and Mandates
3.2.Mapping of WMO and NMHSs Contributions on HFA Priorities for Action
4.Strategic Goals of WMO DPM Programme
5.Mapping of Capabilities, Gaps and Needs (global and regional requirements)
5.1.Results of Country-level and Regional-level Surveys
5.2.Synthesis of Gaps and Needs: Seven Identified DPM Gap Areas
6.WMO DPM-Related Projects
6.1.WMO DPM Project Compendium
6.2.Synthesis of WMO Projects on the Basis of the Seven DPM Gap Area and Alignment with the WMO DPM Five Strategic Thrusts
7.Strengthening of Partnerships
7.1.ISDR System
7.2.International Level
7.3.Regional Level
8.Strengthening of crosscutting coordination
8.1.Mechanisms and Databases for enhancing crosscutting coordination
10.Future Considerations
10.1.Strategic planning of RAs
10.2.Opportunities for WMO and NMHS s in linking climate and disaster risk management
11.Challenges Related to Governance, Organizational, Operational and Progress Monitoring Aspects of WMO DPM Crosscutting Projects
11.1.WMO Governance and Organizational Mechanisms to Facilitate Crosscutting Coordination Among TCs, RAs, Programme Departments (Horizontal and Vertical)
11.2.Roles And Responsibilities of EC, TCs, RAs, Programmes, PTC, etc
11.3.Criteria For Crosscutting Project Prioritisation And Implementation within WMO Network (TCs, RAs, Programmes) and with Partners
11.4.Optimization of WMO Resources Through Joint Planning, and Extra-Budgetary Fundraising
11.5.Mechanisms for Progress Monitoring and Reporting
Why WMO and NMHSs are Critical Components in Disaster Risk Management (Motivation)
- Review of results of disaster losses using global disaster databases (CRED)
- Globally
- Developing countries
- Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
- Six WMO Regions
WMO Strategic Plan and Expected Results
Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 and Role of WMO and NMHSs in the Implementation of HFA
Prioritisation of HFA Actions Based on WMO and NMHSs Roles and Mandates
Mapping of WMO and NMHSs Contributions on HFA Priorities for Action
The analysis table "Mapping of HFA Key Activities in Alignment with WMO and NMHSs’ Roles and Mandates" is provided as annex.
Strategic Goals of WMO DPM Programme
SG1Improving systems for monitoring, data management, forecasting and warnings of weather-, climate- and water-related hazards, and telecommunications
SG2Strengthening capacities for hazard databases, analysis and mapping in support of risk assessment, sectoral planning and warning systems
SG3Strengthening capacities for all components of early detection and warning systems and provision of meteorological services in support of pre- and post-disaster relief operations
SG4Enhancing knowledge, education, training and information sharing for better integration of NMHSs products and services
SG5Strengthening organizational capacities, partnerships and enabling mechanisms vertically and horizontally at all levels
Capacity development and training are integral components of all above-mentioned strategic goals
Mapping of Capabilities, Gaps and Needs (global and regional requirements)
Results of Country-level and Regional-level Surveys
Synthesis of Gaps and Needs: Seven Identified DPM Gap Areas
GA1Mainstreaming NMHS and their technical capacities in the national disaster risk management and development planning and legislation
GA2Capacities for hazard monitoring, maintenance of standardized databases, and methodologies for hazard analysis in support of risk management applications
GA3Capacities for end-to-end operational hazard early detection and warnings supported by strong governance, organizational and operational capacities
GA4Capacities for provision of meteorological services in support of pre- and post-disaster emergency response and relief operations
GA5Partnerships among NMHSs and other key national agencies for a more coordinated approach to DRM
GA6Educational and training programmes of NMHSs and their key stakeholders in DRM such as authorities, emergency response operators and media
GA7Public outreach programmes and materials
WMO DPM-Related Projects
WMO DPM Project Compendium
Synthesis of WMO Projects on the Basis of the Seven DPM Gap Area and Alignment with the WMO DPM Five Strategic Thrusts
Strengthening of Partnerships
ISDR System
International Level
Regional Level
Strengthening of crosscutting coordination
Mechanisms and Databases for enhancing crosscutting coordination
Link to WMO initiative for extra budgetary fundraising
Future Considerations
Strategic planning of RAs
Opportunities for WMO and NMHS s in linking climate and disaster risk management
Challenges Related to Governance, Organizational, Operational and Progress Monitoring Aspects of WMO DPM Crosscutting Projects
WMO Governance and Organizational Mechanisms to Facilitate Crosscutting Coordination Among TCs, RAs, Programme Departments (Horizontal and Vertical)
Roles And Responsibilities of EC, TCs, RAs, Programmes, PTC, etc
Criteria For Crosscutting Project Prioritisation and Implementation within WMO Network (TCs, RAs, Programmes) and with Partners
Optimization of WMO Resources Through Joint Planning, and Extra-Budgetary Fundraising
Mechanisms for Progress Monitoring and Reporting